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Messages - Regret

Ideas / Re: Beauty related Traits
March 03, 2015, 07:25:05 AM
This is an excellent idea!

It might take some time to implement though.
Using beauty more often in personality traits has potential.

Has reduced beauty effects, both positive and negative.

What would a reversed beauty sensibilty be called?
Ideas / Re: Insulated walls/doors
March 01, 2015, 09:19:03 AM
Quote from: Chibiabos on March 01, 2015, 02:40:55 AM
Quote from: Kingmob on February 28, 2015, 08:20:46 AM
You would be surprised how thin and uninsulated the walls of the ISS are ;) Without atmosphere you basically get free insulation, since heat is only radiated away. So maintaining temperature is actually relatively easy as long as you don't need to cool something down.

I'm afraid you misunderstand things, in that you seem to think the near vacuum of space is as cold as it gets and, therefore, nowhere in the universe would cool an object down faster than in space; this is very much not true.  An object will lose temperature much more quickly in Antarctica with the wind blowing than it will in space, because atmosphere can and will actually carry away heat -- actually draw it out of an object.  Wind chill is not merely some quirk of sensation, it really is a thing -- if you have two hot objects, put them in otherwise identical environments in terms of air temperature and pressure, but one is in an environment with significant wind, the object in the high wind environment will cool down faster than an object in a room at equally cool temperature but the air is not moving, because in the latter the air around the object will heat up gradually and as it does so the temperature difference between the air and the object will decrease and thus the object's rate of cooling will decrease over time, whereas in a high wind environment, the air does not stay around to gradually warm because the wind pushes the heated air away and constantly refreshes the heating air around the hot object with unheated air, so the object's rate of cooling will not slow down over time and, effectively, it will cool down -- equalize with the air temperature -- more quickly.
I think you quoted the wrong person...
Quote from: b0rsuk on February 28, 2015, 08:16:31 AM
Are there plans for more realistic animal behavior ?

It bothers me greatly that animals in this simulation game act lobotomized. I have some ideas how to improve the situation:

* make most animals stay away from humans. In particular, they should avoid man-made constructions. I once locked a squirrel in a bedroom. It had plenty of time to flee, it just didn't care. And the walls have been constructed around it.
* hunting should be about stalking animals, not DPS. Once you shoot an animal - and miss - the animal QUICKLY runs away a fair distance. To compensate, HP of most animals would be greatly reduced. Other animals would be startled by gunfire.
* If you implement the above idea, it will be possible to add traps. As it is, they would be pointless.
* certain animals should be attracted to your farms, and eat your crops
* stronger, more confident animals like bears would try to break into your food stockpiles. If you leave food lying outside, rats and other pests will arrive.
those are some good ideas!

Quote from: CodyRex123 on February 27, 2015, 02:44:59 PM
Yea, have a stockpile set to critical priority in the room of animals and you could have pets, though i don't think you can have baby animals yet..
So the herd thing isn't gonna work for long.
It's fun roleplaying though.
Quote from: CodyRex123 on February 26, 2015, 10:14:08 PM
Alright, Yes, if animals get to your food storage, they will eat it, THEY will eat all of your food as long as there is 2 of them.... Which is always fun...
Thanks, I love those little details in games!
I know animals starve if kept in a small enclosure, this could be a cool way to feed them without the need to introduce new mechanics. That way animals can be kept in a small area, and even split the herd with some quick and smart wall building. Then use hunting to slaughter the singled out animals. The only thing missing are harvesting them (milking/shearing) and a way to capture them that does not require building and destroying wall after wall.
General Discussion / Re: Introduce Yourself!
February 26, 2015, 06:51:13 PM
Hi I am Regret.

I can't remember how I found RimWorld but I've always liked strategy games. I'm not sure how to classify RimWorld other than that,
Survival-sim? Anyway, I like it.

My favourite games are Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri, Borderlands, Jagged Alliance, X-COM, Prison Architect, and a million others. I'm kinda addicted. I even still play The Horde.

Most embarrassing gaming related moment? Attacking the pacifist duck-people in King Of Dragon Pass, getting my ass kicked by them while angering their friends the Minotaurs who kill my scouting group (including my leader) and soon came to raid my village. I rage-quit  :-[. (don't like losing to Donald Duck.)

I like biology, chemistry, and physics. Also philosophy.
My life-long dream is to go to Mars.
Ideas / Ecology, foodwebs and animal/plant interactions
February 26, 2015, 06:30:50 PM
This game has great potential for greater ecological interaction, already grass seeds are popping up everywhere, plants spawn, and grow and animals migrate. Please make the plants and animals interact more. Expanding on this theme could give a very interesting and immersive game.
(Source for general concepts.)
I think I have seen animals eat from my food stores, but I'm not entirely sure. Does this happen? If so: awesome, make it happen more often.

I Like the Alpha-Beavers event, they have a clear effect on the environment. I would like to see more events like that.
- Wolves that feed on herbivores like deer and muffalo, who avoid humans and other predators but will fight if attacked. They will leave the area if they run out of deer to eat but while leaving would attack humans. What? they are hungry and wolves deserve to eat too!
- Bears that feed on berries, who ignore humans but will fight if attacked. They could wander into your town, especially if your picked berries are not behind doors.
- Wolverines that are attracted to and eat dead bodies (both animal and human) and meat lying around. Very negative responses to seeing some animal eat a friend would be realistic. Wolverines are known to be very aggressive so that could create some interesting stories. Honey-badgers are a good alternative. Or Hyenas.
- Bees and honey that visit flowers and of course: research-able beekeeping gear to prevent injury while harvesting honey. Bears would be attracted to this causing further trouble.
- Seed eaters like mice or ants (in-game that would be anthills). Do the squirrels eat the grass seeds? I'm going to start a game ignoring my humans just to look at the animal/plant interactions.
- Ents, or similar sentient trees that are indistinguishable from regular trees when standing still. Don't let them move a lot, just enough to make players distrustful of trees. If someone tries to cut them down they get REALLY angry.
- A tribe of gorillas that decide to make their home near you, make them act like besieging pirates except they don't build mortars or sandbags but instead build nests.
- Nocturnal animals, for example hermit crabs (that would be a hilarious and terrifying infestation!) or some cat-like animal that hunts squirrels and mice, I like ocelots.
- Speaking of nocturnal animals I like: Sloths! Harmless, slow moving, surprisingly low meat content. I know, they won't really add much interactivity but I just like sloths.

What do you think?
Mods / Re: Did you guys know this ?
September 21, 2014, 08:39:29 AM
That could be used for a Dr Jekyll/Mr Hyde-ish psychotic behaviour right? Or maybe werewolves.