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Messages - SlimeCrusher

Outdated / [A12] Weapon Effects[v1.2.0]
November 14, 2015, 03:47:55 PM
Weapon Effects
Formerly known as "Rocket Effects"
Tired of those old spring-launched rockets with no residue smoke? Need a way to make firearms look nicer when shot? Don't know where that mortar shell came from? Don't worry, Weapon Effects will fix all that.
Adds new awesome effects to most weapons, like smoke trails for rockets and mortars, case-dropping firearms and sparking charge projectiles.

Doesn't modify any stats
Full Preview:
-Doomsday rocket launcher:

-Triple rocket launcher:

Spent cartridge drops:

-[NEW!] Molotov Cocktails:

-[NEW!] Charge projectiles:

-[NEW!] Mortar trails:

To install:
.Simply download the mod, unzip it and drag it to your Rimworld/Mods folder. Make sure the folder setup is "Rimworld/Mods/Weapon Effects/Defs,Sounds,etc" and not "Mods/Weapon Effects/Weapon Effects".
.Then, boot up Rimworld and activate the mod via "Mods" menu.
.You don't need to make a new colony to use this mod.

THIS MOD IS INCOMPATIBLE WITH: Mods that modify pretty much any projectile code. They will load and work, but you'll get a console error (probably) and you won't see any cool effects
v1.0: Initial Release.

v1.1: Added new casing drop effects on firearms
Changed name from "Rocket Effects" to "Weapon Effects".

v1.2.0: Added another digit to update number
Casings now despawn slower
Casings are now spawned at pawn's location (instead of 1 tick after firing)
Added new effects for charge projectiles
Added new effects for mortar shells
Added a new "secondary" sound effect to mortar shells wich plays JUST before impact
Added new "firetrail" effect for molotov cocktails
"Optimized" a bit of code (aka removed 1 class)

You just found the last message i'm making on the forums, hooray! You win a cookie. Bye fellow stranger. Don't worry, i'll come back when tynan does, i've gotten sick of modding. And no, i'm not going to update this again, too hard to code C# alone.
To do/Plans for future:
-Add some kind of effect for charge weapons.  Done! (v1.2.0)
-Make this somewhat usable via XML for easier making of new effects. (for compatibility patches mainly)

-Make compatibility patches!
-Add a trail to mortars that spawns even when you aren't looking Done! (v1.2.0)

If you want to suggest a feature, do it, i need as many ideas as i can!  ;D
Licence and Credits:

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

The mod "Turret Collection" by eatKenny was used as an inspiration for this mod, i used a bit of code from it as a base for developing the rocket effects(modified a lot of it), wich then evolved into casing drops (wich i made my own code!). Thanks to him ;D
Rocket sounds are heavily edited Battlefield 1942 rocket sounds (i like old games).
1- It's just a random event, wich means that it happens for no reason. All you can do about it is either not connect your batteries to the main power source or just don't use batteries at all and rely on geothermal power at night. So don't eat your colonists on lavish meals because they don't know how to install power conduits.  ;D

2- There's quite a few reasons they aren't eating, i suppose it's allowed areas or something to do with that. So i'll just give you a solution to the "squirrels, boomrats, etc eating your animal's food" problem, wich is to make a barn, put all your pet sleeping spots (or whatever you use) inside there along with a 1x1 stockpile (seems to work best) that only accepts hay and is INSIDE the barn, not outside, that way, outside critters won't eat your food, while your animals, that can open doors, will eat it.
Help / Re: Help - New Meal Type
November 05, 2015, 08:26:13 PM
Missing "MealBase" parent.
Don't panic, just add this on your "Items_CannedFood":
  <ThingDef Name="MealBase" Abstract="True">
    <description>"Meal lacks desc."</description>

I haven't tested it but it should work. Remember to keep the parents on each on your xml files, they are necessary to make it work :P
Outdated / Re: [A12] Manual Turrets (v1.0.0)
November 04, 2015, 08:55:11 PM
Should work now, that was weird :P
I'm going to see if i can think of any other type of weapon to add to the mod that is vaguely original (aka. no M134 replica), maybe some kind of railgun or something.
About the combat-realism patch, it was harder than i thought it would, so i let that on-hold for a while (wich became a bit too long). Some day.
General Discussion / Re: How to make them put out fires?
November 03, 2015, 05:33:41 PM
Colonists will only put out fires if it's on the home zone. If it's not, it's simply ignored. So make sure you have a big-enough home zone that covers the whole fire and they'll put it out, but remember to remove it later if you need to.
General Discussion / Re: Remember me?
November 02, 2015, 08:05:12 PM
I've been here since... February of 2014 or something like that. (another account with the same name)
I sort of remember you, had a little tour through your posts, i remember seeing them but never paid attention to your name really. So it's a 50-50 for me. Welcome back, btw ;D
Help / Re: PlaceWorker Issue
November 01, 2015, 02:00:52 PM
You can try checking the code behind ship cryptosleep caskets, as you must place them adjacent to a ship beam, or maybe the hopper's placeworker. Any of those 2 should be a good start.
No idea really. I'm used to my friends playing really well-known games (CoD and such), so i doubt it.
I guess i should introduce them to the game somehow :p
Outdated / Re: [A12] Specific Firearm Names
October 27, 2015, 08:23:46 PM
Yes i know they are (atleast some of them). But most are so widely known that the trademark isn't really used anymore.
I'm not saying that they were renamed for no reason, as it's better to just avoid trouble and make every weapon a generic class. If you still think i should "avoid trouble with trademarks" and such, i can just rename every weapon to a fictional name and reupload it, no big deal, this was just made for nostalgia purporses :)
Still, "Lee-Enfield" x1000000 is better than "Survival Rifle", just sayin'
Outdated / Re: [A12] Specific Firearm Names
October 27, 2015, 06:57:16 PM
Yup, was missing it too, and the M16 as well. Actually i was expecting this "mod" to be created shortly after the genericalization of weapon names (Alpha 9), i was wrong, i guess.
Help / Re: Apparel texture that isn't covered by head
October 24, 2015, 01:59:34 PM
Will check it out, thanks!
Is it ok if i use some of the code? I'm going to modify most of it for my purporses, but still i want to make sure before i do anything  :P
(Yes, the XML-only guy is digging into C#)
Help / Apparel texture that isn't covered by head
October 24, 2015, 12:27:05 PM
Well, i'll make a bit more sense of that title.
I'm making a handheld modern shield, you know, those rectangle ones that cover the whole body. The problem is that ingame, the shield should be at the front of pawns, but the texture is behind the head, wich looks weird. In case that didn't make any sense, here's a screenshot (click to be bigger):

I also found out that jackets and such also cover the shield, as you can see...

Anyone knows if there's a way to make this work?
General Discussion / Re: New Toolbar sucks.
October 23, 2015, 01:05:39 PM
Or just use WASD to move the camera, while pressing shift if you want to go faster. Easy as that.
General Discussion / Re: Lazy ass colonists
October 21, 2015, 06:00:46 PM
There was a joy activity that used "lewd", it was "Having private time". It got removed from the game though.
General Discussion / Re: Lazy ass colonists
October 20, 2015, 12:31:39 PM
You can also build more joy sources. Horseshoes pins are great starters. Then, once you have more resources, you can build chess tables (Those tables no one ever seems to use, seriously, i've never seen a colonist play chess) and pool tables. They're a great way to fill up the joy meter quickly, since praying, cloudwatching and such take a long time to do so.