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Messages - Cala13er

Quote from: Azuchisamurai on January 22, 2015, 04:47:21 PM
hey cna i ask you for some help? im trying to make a mod that adds a recipe to the cooking stove to cook xerigium and cloth into medicine i got the recipe and the thingsdef sorted and far as i know it shouldnt need a workgiverdef but i can initiate the job and the colonists wont do it as if i did have a work giver def problem but i dont know how to do a workgiver for just a recipe

Shove this in the help forum mate. Haven't modded rimworld for AGESSs. And have forgotten most of the xml part. So can't help you until I re-teach myself everything.
Quote from: ItchyFlea on January 21, 2015, 08:39:12 PM
You've currently got a 100% positive vote for yes, so it looks like IRim will be making an Alpha 9 appearance, something I look forward to as I liked IRim.

Not sure about an Alpha 9, wouldn't want to start then have to update my stuff during the progress. Most likely alpha 10? As soon as the first dev-build comes out :) Not sure. Will think more about it after I finish work.
Quote from: StorymasterQ on January 21, 2015, 07:34:23 PM
Also, did you know that Shinzy is now an adjective? If you would be so nice to bring back IR, you could also be one. Say, something of 'high-Cala13er'.

"performing awesomely despite laziness" Hmmmm now that sounds 50% familiar. (Second half) ;)
Quote from: Shinzy on January 21, 2015, 07:34:59 AM
if you'd have fun with updaterating it then you oughta!
and with your Cala13er2.0 skills you've acquired you might even come up with something fabulous

The 2.0 bit made me laugh a little harder than it should of ;)
Okay, will start progress soon :). And I really wish people would state why they put "No". Otherwise it means nothing but arrogance and trolling.
Quote from: elStrages on January 21, 2015, 06:25:32 AM
Although you can never have enough choices for mods I believe that most of the things in your mod have been covered by other mods now. I'm on my phone right now so can't link in right now

Honestly, I could only find mods which have 1 or 2 things that are in my mod. You could probably get loads of the mods together and have most of what industrial rim has. But they wouldn't work together, Imagine if industrial craft 2 wasn't a mod and instead you had to get 10 different mods to cover it, it would be extremely annoying and not as good in game. Soooo, I think it's a go ahead for the mod.

Also, Mrofa has made some extremely nice textures along with Nackblad who is my other texture artist all for industrial rim. So i have to put them to use :P
Hey guys, So I've been gone since alpha 5 and most people know me from how big Industrial Rim got in alpha 2 and 3. I'm just wondering If I should bother bringing the mod back slowly? Since I lost everything, I would have to start again. Or is there a mod that now covers what Industrial Rim did? I'm not sure. Vote in the poll.

I've been gone for ages, but I've been learning C# and Lua coding and now know a LOT more than I use to which will allow me to make it smoother and better than before. And know this would not start till next alpha.

For those who haven't heard of Industrial Rim, find it here
Quote from: ItchyFlea on October 24, 2014, 12:15:12 AM
Sorry for the lack of updates. My free time no longer exists. :-\
I'll still try to get something done this weekend.

To those who have been playing the dev builds: What are your thoughts on how this is developing?

Me, loving it so far :)
Oh the weather thing doesn't work. I'll take another go at it in the morning. Could be the weather def names have been changed :P
Also if you want any extra help, just let us know.
Quickly mixed up a dll that should hopefully work. It's untested, if it doesn't work please let me know. By PM Preferably as I rarely ever go through the mods forum. Works all the time apart from when it's raining. Although I haven't made it turn of in all rainy weathers (It will only turn of in normal rain. Not foggy rain or storm. I will change this when I know the dll works :P

I've added the dll as an attachment.

Here's how to use it.
1. Put in your mods assemblies folder.
2. Go to your bonfires/campfire/fireplace def
3. Change compClass to "<compClass>CompGlowerX</compClass>"
4. Remove all of this, seeing as you're not using power.
5. And whala! It should work. Test by turning on god mod, then placing your fireplace/bonfire/campfire into game and turning on the rainy weather event. And let me know the results.

[attachment deleted by admin: too old]
My laptop runs Rimworld perfectly when I actually use it, with hardly and frame rate drops.

Intel Pentium - Dual Core 2.4GHz
Intel HD 3000 Graphics
I asked the same thing a while ago, and I got an email that someone had replied but the topic disappeared. So never saw the answer :/
Quote from: ItchyFlea on October 03, 2014, 04:29:58 PM
This appears to completely remove the game's default ores, but they would take about a minute to re-add to the game, so no harm done. :)
I also know of at least one other modder who would definitely like this.

That me by any chance?
Due to a bug during testing for Tynan, my mod was deleted by the game. So I have therefore lost all progress towards updating IR for Alpha 7, I am stopping development of this mod.