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Messages - top_hat_tomato

Quote from: brcruchairman on October 14, 2016, 09:01:50 PM
Bravo, sir. Bravo. *salutes* I really appreciate you gathering and defining precise data (e.g., temperature and tick pairs, temperature curves, all for various configurations.) The only thing I might like would be pictures of the setup, though upon careful examination of (read: actually clicking on the link to) your data, the verbal descriptions were clear enough for replication.

*applauds* Well done, sir. You rock. :)
What do you mean by pictures of the setup? I believe that they're part of the image provided (the embedded one with the graph and formulas) or is that not loading for you? ( )
Quote from: O Negative on October 14, 2016, 08:08:33 PM
If you don't mind me asking,

What method did you use for data collection?
What about equation derivation?
I see numbers and graphs that I want to believe, but I can't readily do so unless I understand exactly how they were obtained. Silly-skeptical-ol' me ;) Lol
For data collection I used many debug 'god' powers. Use cold snap until temperature is -270 (as that is the minimum in rimworld). Next I used the 'build roof' tool. Then the 'push heat 1000' which made every room immediatly 2000c (the upper temperature limit). Then I used the tick counter in another debug menu to capture time. The reason that the tick numbers are not equidistant is because I am unable to use programs such as cheat engine to slow down the game.

For your second statement:
I used exponential decay as the parent function (y) = (initial) * (rate)^x . I used that function because it allows me to have a horizontal asymptotic and it seemed the most logical step because Δtemp would have less of a change over time (for more definite reasoning, go to and ctrl + f (search) for Heat transfer on that page, it states

"  If an object at one temperature is exposed to a medium of another temperature, the temperature difference between the object and the medium follows exponential decay (in the limit of slow processes; equivalent to "good" heat conduction inside the object, so that its temperature remains relatively uniform through its volume). "

(also, the data follows a curve that is backing this inference up)

If you do find any errors, please do tell. I actually want to have this be as accurate as possible.
So... A few months ago I read a short post describing the efficient ways to make walls in Rimworld with information like 'corners don't matter' and '2 thick walls are the best' so I decided to make this post to re-evaluate the information.

Preface - All measurements were taken with an external temperature of -270 c , wall material is irrelevant, and each room started at 2000 c at the same time.

(Graph is Temp (in c) by Time (in-game ticks)
Conclusion : Corners do not in fact matter, doors impact insulation greatly, and double walls do indeed help quite a bit.

Tests were done with a constructed roof. Having a mountain overhead seems to be more effective, but needs to be tested more.

Data :

Quote from: Razzoriel on October 08, 2016, 06:20:07 PM
I have a minigun. If I draft a colonist and shoot someone at point blank, a lot of the shots hit. The minigun states that there is a 2.4 miss radius, which I assumed that anything below that radius will make it so they instantly miss all shots.

Can someone explain this to me?

That's not correct in what the forced missed radius is.

It's the parameter that affects the angle of bullet spray. In layman's terms (and to my knowlege) It runs something along the lines of

"If the shot misses, the bullets will miss the target by no more than x meters/units ."

It has no effect on accuracy (unless you're shooting at a crowd of people or have the parameter set to 0 ).

You know how mortars often miss their target by quite a distance? Mess around with the parameter on mortars to help yourself understand.
Real nice mod, I'm thoroughly enjoying it. Though I've found some minor bugs that could make your mod just a bit better.

When a colonist ship lands, they have no 'oxygen saturation' or the need for a lack of CO2. Because of this, they don't ever need a space suit if the temperature is within reasonable bounds. I also can't happen to add the oxygen saturation hediff because they'll immediately die because it sets it to 0 automatically.
Off-Topic / How to get gud at writing music (?)
August 28, 2016, 01:33:17 PM
I'm an intermediate pianist with moderate experience on reed organs,pipe organs,a bit of guitar, and accordions. I've written around 10 or so songs at this point but I can NEVER write a good ending to a piece. Here's my latest piece : ( ). Does anyone know of a good way to end this piece? Actually, any music-related help would be appreciated at all. I'd really love to become a more rounded writer.
Ideas / Re: Let's add a history to Rimworld!
August 14, 2016, 10:05:20 PM
Vernor Vinge's "A fire apon the deep" universe VERY closely fits rimworld's lore as detailed ( ). There's only one minor difference. FTL travel is possible, but only far away from the galactic center (opposite of "'Towards the galactic core, stars are closer together and travel is easier." )
I've never had it happen, probably because I had 8 incendiary mortars and only 3 routes (through mountains) to my base, so I just light the small passes on fire as quickly as possible (and have IED (s) and rubble piled up behind there in case I don't do it in time.). 

I think it would be a great idea to have enemy pawns extinguish fires in their path or try to dig through the walls to avoid fire.
Heh... MAI & Mai 3 are getting married soon. Wonder how this mod will change if human reproduction is implemented. I'd think that you'd just force a condition a body part to prevent it though.
Help / Preventing audio from being stolen.
August 05, 2016, 07:35:37 AM
I'm considering releasing a mod that adds more music to Rimworld, but I would like the files to be like the ones in the core game - or to say, hidden/inaccessible.
I believe that it would be beneficial to the community if there was some value that would be difficult to find that could show if the development mode had been used. An example of how it could be tried to be hidden is to use the seed as a base, though I don't know how it could be assigned to the save without being fairly obvious.
Thankyou for your time.
July 31, 2016, 11:05:38 PM
Wow... I was never expecting this to be a thing. Now they just need to figure out how to make the many others happy.
I just changed the game's defs myself. I deleted every instance of <breakdownable> (fairly certain that's what it's called.) If you want me to, I could instruct you further as how to remove the feature.
I tried to disable the brawler and now half of my colonists are brawlers...
I'm looking for the location to where steam downloads rimworld mods to. Currently I'm having issues with the workshop items being stuck as 'downloading...' even after re-starting the game 3 times.

Not sure if this is in the correct category (I didn't know whether to put it here, under Mods/help or under support).
Thank you for your time in advance.