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So, with the medieval shields mod, I've hit on a slightly annoying snag. My crafter only seems to want to make wooden bucklers, but if I block wood in the hopes he'll use steel, he won't make bucklers because that's a key ingredient.

Any suggestions?
Quote from: spoonshortage on May 23, 2016, 09:44:06 AM

hmm as far as I remember, all I did was include the new animals in the Recipes_Surgery.xml everytime there was a list of /small/medium/large/ animals, I just added a line for the new ones for example at the end of
<!-- Small -->
I added <li>Cat</li> and so on.. <li>Cougar</li> for medium and both <li>GrizzlyBear</li> <li>PolarBear</li> for large..there's a few such lists in the file, so make sure to scroll all the way down and add them every time.
If that's too complicated for you I'll try to attach my altered xml file, it goes in mods/LT_ADogSaid/Defs/RecipeDefs
you have to restart the game after did work for me with a current save so no need to start a new colony!  :)

ps: obviously all credit for the .xml file goes to Latta..all I did was add a few lines, which I'm sure he will do himself as soon as he finds the time to do so.

Thank you very much for the absolute-from-basics explanation. Doubly so for the .xml. You are good people.
Quote from: teqwolf on April 29, 2016, 08:01:07 AM
Missing Turret Head.

Only using PrepareCarefully and More Vanilla Turrets mod.

Sorry that I can't provide more info at this time. Just wanted to get this graphical issue documented, but I will be tinkering around Sunday and Monday to figure out why the turret also seems unresponsive to raiders.

Other bug to be tested, my screen goes red and my nameplates are the only thing left to display on a blurred red screen when more than one turret is on my screen at a time.

Output_Log quotes as such REPEATEDLY:

Exception drawing MilitaryTurretGun327129: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

  at RimWorld.Building_TurretGun.Draw () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

  at Verse.DynamicDrawManager.DrawDynamicThings () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56)

PS: Thanks for the mod. Love it. Personal favorite is putting shredders around a mech pod. >:D

Same issue with the turret head. Using Rimsenal, Epoe and "A Dog Said...", so unlikely to be PrepareCarefully causing it. And I'm using the version posted in this thread. Also worth noting is that it was possible to build the turrets before researching them, and researching them did not fix the issue.
Quote from: Coenmcj on April 20, 2016, 04:53:27 AM
Polar, Grizzlies and cougars? Sounds like the new critters aren't in ADS's table
It seems that way. Looking at other posts in the thread, it seems to be possible to edit files to add those animals to the list of pawns that can use those items, but I have no idea how, and don't want to fuck it up.

Also not 100% sure of the full list of new vanilla animals.
My current colony has given me a few good moments already, and it's only coming up to it's 3rd year.

For starters, for the first couple of seasons my colony was, by pure chance, entirely female. Then, a man shows up. It's a 65 year old asthmatic gay man. It took nearly 2 years for another male colonist to join, and they are still the only men in what is now an 11 person colony. But that pales in comparison to the combination of events that we've gone through.

First we had what can only be described as some sort of apocalypse, with a combination Toxic Fallout (lasted nearly half the first year), Eclipse (lasted at least 2-3 days) and Dry Thunderstorm all at once, followed by a Mechanoid raid whilst the fallout continued. Had to snipe them from doorways for 2 days till we finally got them all. Just as my colony is starting to go a little stir crazy from being cooped up for so long, a manhunter pack arrived. A manhunting pack of... Elephants...

I cackle, thinking that they will shortly go the same way every other animal on the map has gone, and die off soon enough. And then the fallout ends. Leaving me with jobs in desperate need of doing outside, and a bunch of angry elephants waiting outside the door. Elephants are hard to kill...

As I tidy up the blood and corpses we have a trade caravan. Thank fuck, we need supplies. And oh look, another one. Wait, aren't your two factions enemies? The trade caravans then proceeded to have a pitched battle outside my base, with me happily picking up the loot dropped by both sides. One particular greatbow got looted from the fight, sold to a group of travellers who had also picked now to say hello, then sold to the surviving trade caravan after they rampaged over the travelling group.

Then we had the typical day to day things that make Rimworld great over summer. People having mental breaks and stripping in the freezer, casual prisoner abuse, injured baby pet cougars. You know, the usual.

Then, around early autumn, the sky darkens. It's a volcanic winter. I start prepping, shearing the muffalo and stockpiling food. Fall turns to winter, and then a cold snap happens. I'm in a temperate forest. It's supposed to average maybe 5C over winter. It's -30C outside... Luckily my main hunter is wearing a muffalo wool parka, and is accompanied by a polar bear and a grizzly bear, both weathering the cold easily. That's when the pack arrives. Wargs. About 20 of them. They tear up the turrets as my colonists bar the doors. Having survived one apocalypse, Cassandra has switched tack is is going old school. Winter without end, great wolves outside. This is Fimbulwinter. This is Ragnarok. My own warg is the only animal both trained to haul and tough enough to go out there, the labrador being too weak to deal with the occasional nips and scratches from the maddened pack, and he brings in the corpses as my other pet predators (bears, cougars) hunt the wargs for their own food.

The long winter drags on, and as a cold spring breaks, the pack has been reduced from 20 to 3. We venture back outside, though it's still too cold to plant crops, and set to work cleaning the INSANE amount of blood that has been tracked around the base by bleeding wargs. As the weather warms up, and the long volcanic freeze ends, we get out next big suprise. Another manhunter pack. This time it's boomalopes... *sigh*

And then another. More Elephants. At this point, I wonder if I have somehow recreated Boatmurded. The land is that same wasted landscape from repeated forest fires, the art in my colony is getting creepier each time, and I have apparently angered the elephants.

Nothing great since then, another typical summer. Short circuits, more raids, strange ship parts crashing /right/ when I did need more steel. Combination hits of blight, then malaria, when my herbal meds have nearly run out...

Though things are looking up for the colony. Our latest recruit has an interesting background. A spoilt child, having had a life of safety, education and art, then kidnapped and used as a test dummy for several years. She now has great melee, pretty good shooting, and a lingering fondness for artistic things. My colony has been joined by River Tam...

Tl;dr: Colony of predator taming amazons, Two flavours of apocalypse, strong Boatmurdered vibes, and River fucking Tam.
Ideas / Re: Your Cheapest Ideas
April 11, 2016, 12:46:33 PM
Not sure if anyone has suggested this yet, but with the ability to MAKE armour now, why not add the ability to melt it down/deconstruct it as well? If you can do it to a gun, surely you can do it to a metal helmet.
Quote from: Boboid on April 11, 2016, 11:15:02 AM
Currently none of the prosthetic legs fit Polar/Grizzly bears.

I can't quite express how sad it makes me that I can't make Robo-Bears.
Or the Cougars. Which is sad because I have a baby missing a leg after a raid...
Trinket shall continue to be a tripod for now...

Also, is there currently any way to make the parts?
I feel like I am missing something simple, but the download link doesn't seem to be working for me. Tab just sits there loading and doesn't get anywhere.