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Messages - Telkir

I've updated the Dropbox download link with a single-file tweak - it struck me that after Shinzy adjusted the scrap metal wall graphic of T-MiscStuff for me a couple of weeks back, I then promptly forgot to actually include it... ::)

To save you downloading 10MB just for that file, you can download this WallScrap.png and use it to overwrite:


Steam Workshop users will get the fix automatically.
Old versions are archived on the Nexus. :) You want v1.13.2.

EDIT: This one should do it.
Quote from: cuproPanda on May 26, 2017, 03:48:31 PM
Just a heads up on the patching, its slow if not done this way:

Yep, I appreciate the headsup, but I'm already using this method (I was tuned in to the Discord as this was being discovered / talked about). Feel free to download it and check for yourself :P
T's Mods 1.17.1 - 26th May 2017

* Updated to and balanced for Alpha 17
* Revised all mods to use A17 patching - no more Core redefs!
* ADD: MoreFloors - carpets, wooden floors, and straw flooring are now all flammable as in vanilla
* ADD: MoreFloors - German translation, thanks to Candacis
* TWEAK: MoreFloors - rough stone paving given new A17 "road" tag
* TWEAK: MoreFloors - adjust stone flooring required materials and work to build
* TWEAK: MoreBeds - beds without a specific colour will now tint just like vanilla beds do
* TWEAK: MoreBeds - integrated compatibility with Anonemous2's More Furniture
* TWEAK: ExpandedCrops - carrots and tomatoes growth time and harvest yield doubled
* TWEAK: ExpandedCrops - lettuce harvest yield and stack size doubled
* TWEAK: ExpandedCrops - model T cupboard is now simply "kitchen cupboard" and boosts both vanilla stoves
* TWEAK: ExpandedCrops - no more model T stove; new recipes are patched into both vanilla stoves
* FIX: MoreFloors - work around vanilla save hash collision gold ore <-> marble/sandstone chequer frame
* FIX: MoreFloors - straw flooring can now be built on

Thanks to the new XML patching of RimWorld A17, TMods no longer redefines any Core XML definitions and should be as compatible with other mods as they're ever likely to get. Huzzah! If you notice something that needs fixing or have a compatibility request, let me know as always.

One thing will be including support for medicaddons again - I'll get to this over the weekend, but for now I just wanted to release what I've done in time for the weekend.


EDIT: The scrap metal walls in MiscStuff are being drawn incorrectly because the graphic isn't yet updated to the new A17 format, but in the scale of things I didn't want to delay the release just for that. A fix will come Soon (tm) :)
Just to update that Shinzy's link was super useful and fixed the problem with some workaround C#:

namespace RWModLoadedChecker
    class PatchOperationCheckForMoreFurniture : PatchOperation
        protected override bool ApplyWorker(XmlDocument xml)
            return ModsConfig.ActiveModsInLoadOrder.Any(mod => mod.Name == "More Furniture (A17)");

Then using <li Class="RWModLoadedChecker.PatchOperationCheckForMoreFurniture"></li> as the first operation, all works as expected.

Hopefully in the future this can be checked so the pure XML way works as expected, but meanwhile I'm happy :) Thanks to everyone who chimed in here and on Discord!
Yes, I know :)

I'm asking in both places to maximise the chance of finding what's happening a little quicker.
No dice, though I should have mentioned I did try that already. :( Here's what I've tested:

* Remove <success>Invert</success> - gives no errors regardless of whether More Furniture is loaded or not, but when it is loaded, the patch isn't applied.

* Change "Invert" to "Never" - same as above.

* Remove <success>Always</success> - problem as originally described; patch applies regardless of whether More Furniture is loaded or not.

* Remove both <success>Always</success> and <success>Invert</success> - "Patch operation Verse.PatchOperationSequence failed", regardless of whether More Furniture is loaded or not.

I know some of these things are against logic but I'm just throwing stuff at the walls and seeing what sticks. So far nothing is. :D
I'm trying to use a patch operation sequence to check whether a def from another mod is found, then apply an Add patch to XML within my own mod if it is. Should be pretty simple, but I'm having trouble. Here's the patch:

<Operation Class="PatchOperationSequence">
    <li Class="PatchOperationTest">
      <xpath>/Buildings/ThingDef[defName = "Anon2Dresser"]</xpath>
    <li Class="PatchOperationAdd">
      <xpath>/Defs/ThingDef[@Name = "BedBase" or @Name = "DoubleBedBase" or @Name = "RoyalBedBase"]/comps/li[@Class = "CompProperties_AffectedByFacilities"]/linkableFacilities</xpath>

The mod containing Anon2Dresser is More Furniture, whose def in question is here:

I'm trying to apply the patch to the abstract defs that my added beds inherit from, as shown here:

Problem as it stands is that with the patch as above, the patch isn't being applied when More Furniture is loaded. No errors are showing up in the console log.

Can anyone suggest what I'm doing wrong here?

EDIT: spdskatr on Discord has patiently explained that Shinzy is right, and I didn't need a <success>Invert</success> immediately after the PatchOperationTest xpath, so I've permanently removed it. However, now the patch seems not apply under any circumstance. See below for a small C# workaround.
Just a quick note to say that both flavours of my MoreBeds mod will include integrated More Furniture compatibility. Yay for patches!  ;D
Thanks Candacis, that translation absolutely should and will be included!

With the public test of Alpha 17 now available, the official release isn't that far off, so I just wanted to let folks know that there's some chance I may not be very prompt in getting TMods updated this time around. After tomorrow I'll be recovering from some hospital treatment (nothing serious - likely to be back home the same day - but still a general anaesthetic job).

Chances are all this will make no difference, but if the delay seems to drag on, anyone who feels like it is welcome to make the A17 update in my place. :)
Bugs / Re: [A16] Wrong art subject date
April 04, 2017, 05:03:44 AM
Well, my bad - I did have some mods enabled in this game, but only my own TMods. I just can't see any of those touching on systems that would cause this particular bug. But regardless, I accept this might invalidate the report. :)
Bugs / [A16] Wrong art subject date
April 03, 2017, 05:33:12 PM
My colony had to deal with a siege late in its first winter. A few days later, in the spring of the new year, I noticed one of my colonists create this piece of art:

It looks like the date has somehow gotten confused by the new year.

...or is it maybe some kind of prophecy? The colonist who created it had the "psychiatric patient" backstory, so maybe the voices in his head are whispering eldritch truths to him...  :o
Sorry for the necro. In the bug thread I posted ages ago, Zhentar and Tynan explained that the system causing this is "working as intended".

But that said, this quirk is still happening in A16 even after the refactoring Tynan says has been done. It's a minor thing and one I'll simply fix on my side for A17, but I wanted to mention it here just in case this anyone thought this behaviour had been purged from the code. :P

(And, before anyone asks, yes I thought I'd already put my fix into the A16 MoreFloors version, but apparently that one character slipped through the net  ::) )
@alsoandanswer - I know I'm going to sound cranky but given how easy sulusdacor's own instructions are for adding compatibility to other mods, sometimes a "please" goes a long way if you aren't willing to do the work yourself. ;)

Choose what to download based on the version of MoreBeds you use. Unzip into your mods folder and overwrite any existing files.

MoreBeds compatibility patches for medicaddons




Not sure why the existing Dropbox links broke but I've created new ones - should be fixed for anyone who needs 'em.