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Messages - Nomsayinbrah

I just got here, but I just wanted to say I think you're a very toxic person lightzy. A lot of posts I see from you, you bash anyone that has a different opinion than you and you start insulting them.
Not a very good way to treat people!

(Anyway, I'm sorry for this off-topic, but I just had to say this)
Oops - responded to another thread like this.

But I'd love this!! Movement buff, but aim penalty? And this can be reduced through higher skills like shooting or handling?

Really good suggestion, would love to see this in game
Ideas / Re: Riding Animals
January 04, 2017, 06:23:32 AM
Woww, you're make me drool... This would be so awesome..

Big movement buff, but aim penalty --> and this would reduce with higher shooting/handling skill?

Not sure how hard it is to implement, but goddamn it would be cool as heck
Ideas / Re: Hydration
January 04, 2017, 05:11:17 AM
Very nice idea indeed, would love this! - but one question: How would people that land themselves in the desert get water?
General Discussion / Re: Curious option...
January 04, 2017, 04:50:28 AM
Quote from: Xav on January 01, 2017, 10:11:23 PM
I was reading another thread and an interesting idea came to me...

The idea of permitting the player to choose whether to accept/reject the "wanderer joins" event has been brought up before.

However, if you could make this choice, and you chose to reject him/her then he/she would then start setting up shop and building their own base somewhere on your map...perhaps in the opposite corner of the map, or maybe right outside your home zone, etc...

Could make for an interesting game mechanic and story building.

Just an idea.  Happy new year everyone!

Really love this idea! Would love to see this implemented one day

I can only imagine how hard it must be to make the AI for it though. (To get them not to starve etc)
But would be pretty amazing