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Messages - Rocket_Raccoon

Take your time, sounds like a good plan :)

Quick question, I can only craft the british ghillie hood, not the suit itself.
Though I can spawn it via dev mode.
Mod is very low in my mod list, does it need to be high up?
Or is the ghillie suit currently uncraftable?

€: for the non-steam version
Awesome, will test it out later.
As a side note, since I used your carry weight on normal shell items, which trouble(s) could occur?
€: boonie hats, ghillies, berets etc in full version?
Haha Chicken, motorbike again :p

As a side note, the beta version of the british looks awesome.
Bravely held the line against insurgent fighters in a field in helmand province and clearing the hayfields now
Maaaybe that here:
QuoteMadman, you're back again. It's been a year already. When will your thirst of hacking the carrying capacity ever end?

Btw, maybe add carrying capacity for the smock?
And some colt weather cap like the fleece lined mvp cap in mtp and a boonie/field cap? :p
Haha, awesome stuff.
You had me there for a second or two :D
I´m also for separate benches.
What errors did you get?
Also, do you plan on making the various army uniforms available separate from factions mod?
British army soldiers looking awesome!
Maybe they could also sport a pcs smock for that long range ops and for winter? :p
I once heard smocks are a thing in the british armed forces...  ;D
Chicken, you misunderstood me there. I was stating the same like nylem. Taking it easy and not starting so much that you can only possible fail to finnish and thus be dragged down by it . Refering to even more countries(while I´d very much like to see french and canadian armed forces, the more the better)
British soldier looking sharp!
No new work, us armed forces and british forces are still missing and that greatly.
Welcome back.
Quickly tried out gloves&boots, liked it so far.
Do you plan on adding cold weather boots/gloves? That would be pretty cool.
Like Valenki and mittens
Also, will all  rimmu nation weapons be craftable in the future?
So, tried it out for the first time I think although I downloaded it a good time ago.
At first, everything went fine, the mining shaft had the buttons to go up and down. However, after a day or so ingame time, the buttons are gone. I build a second mine shaft and that one has the up/down buttons again.
Anyone else had that problem?
Oh, and is it normal that traders arrive on my mining map? Trading spot was on my regular map.
Tried removing hospitality, errors were still up. Tried removing soft warm beds- problem solved. Noted for  the future. Great help!
So, I either wait for swb to update and can´t play until then or use an older version of hospitality mod.
Thanks alot for the reply! So something I can fix? Sounds like I´d have to wait for the modder to update soft warm beds. Does removing the soft warm beds mod fixes the error?
Interesting what little things can cause trouble.
Hey there, maybe someone here can help me.

Since a few days rimworld throws me walls of red error text after loading.
When loading my previously fine working saved game the screens turns after a few moments of loading activity grey and stays that way until I forefull exit the game.
When trying to create a new world  it stops at world creation and goes right back to seed name etc.
Last time it worked/loaded  fine was on the 10th of june.
Since then, children, school&learning, expanded woodworking for vegetable garden and expanded woodworking, quick stockpile creation, 1.0 version of medical IV, Forsakens,
Alien vs Predator, XND Survival Tools, vanilla furniture expanded, Dead can serve and
RIMMSqol have updated, so i guess it has to be one of these mods that causes these problems.

Thanks alot in advance for help :/

Needs more low trolling.