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Messages - nils

Video / Re: Recording w/o Audio?
August 28, 2014, 07:19:21 AM
If you can't or don't want to talk, your only option is to add captions (pretty much all video editing programs should be able to add them. Don't use YouTube captions, they are terribly fiddly and some users disable them). It probably works best for short videos that do not need a lot of explanation or narrative, a full LP style series might be too tedious with only captions.

That said, I do agree that headsets are incredibly cheap and you should probably try to find a way to pay for one if you want to do videos. I can't recommend anything in that range, but cheap ones should sell for under 10 bucks. I use a slightly older MS LiveChat headset at work for video conferencing and normal calls, it's not super-awesome but the voice quality should suffice. The current version sells for $20 on Amazon.

Ideas / Masses and masses of rocks
August 28, 2014, 06:58:51 AM
I know you can cut them into bricks, but what else do we do with all these rocks? I end up having huge dumping stockpiles and nothing to do with the rocks. Worse, these stockpiles have to be far away since they provide too much cover to enemies otherwise.

One thing that would really help seems to be adding a rock wall that transmits power (easily modded in, so not hard to implement). I'd build a lot more out of rocks if I didn't have to draw wires everywhere.

Maybe we could also use them to fill in mud and water tiles. Use them as a foundation, sort of.

Finally, I'd actually be OK with having a pulverizer that just lets me get rid of them.

Ideas / Re: New Power Source
August 28, 2014, 06:49:06 AM
OP means fission, not fusion. But yeah. I agree that the power system needs a bit of love. On the other hand I wouldn't want there to be too many choices because restrictions are what makes the (or any) game a game.

The "power gen of choice" should probably depend on terrain. Desert may have bonus to solar gen, and no rain that could affect them negatively. Coastal might be good for wind power. Mountainous for water wheels etc.

If we want to be detailed, there should probably also be a good old wood burning steam engine. I swear it feels like those trees grow faster than I can use them.

Bugs / Re: [W|0.6.532] AI feeding priority
August 28, 2014, 06:41:49 AM
Good idea for a workaround (disabling doctoring).

I don't know how the AI is handled internally, but if the pawn is at a point where he might take any sort of damage from starvation then self-preservation should kick in. If we want this to be very complex, the NPC could make the decision based on damage/injury to the patient, and how long it would take to get food etc.

Also, you can already manually prioritize caring for a patient, so if the pawn decided to eat first you can override it and this way it would actually work out alright.

Bugs / [W|0.6.532] Crematorium is "crafting"
August 24, 2014, 07:58:36 PM
Incinerating people is seemingly tagged as crafting. I feel it should be hauling (burying someone in a grave is).

Also, right-clicking on a corpse should give two options "haul to incinerator" and "bury in a nice grave", depending on what is available of course. Right now you need to right-click on the crematorium and the character will grab the nearest corpse to do so.

Bugs / [W|0.6.532] AI feeding priority
August 24, 2014, 07:56:14 PM
I just had a bit of a situation (super-long psychic probe driving people insane and a huge pirate attack). Several people were wounded, some prisoners too. One of my few survivors is a really nice guy, because he decided it's a good idea to feed everybody else even though he was "starving".

I feel like he should just take 30sec and feed himself then help others - he won't do the colony any good dead or insane. ESPECIALLY in such an emergency situation.

Possible alternate solution: Give me the option to prioritize eating like you can prioritize other jobs.
Bugs / Re: [W|0.6.532] Unseen Psychic Probe on map
August 24, 2014, 07:47:28 PM
Quote from: Tynan on August 14, 2014, 08:00:55 PM
It's not a bug, there is a psychic drone that happens with no ship. I'll likely cut it though.

Please do - or at least seriously nerf them. I've had four in my current game, and they last very long. If you get one and a huge pirate attack, well... it's very hard to impossible to recover as you go into a psychosis downspiral of doom. And without a possible counter, it's just not any fun.

That said, perhaps a possible alternative is something like tying the affected to their beds for the duration. You end up having to feed them as if they were sick, so there's a severe workforce penalty, and risk of injury as you capture them, but anything is better than the current implementation.
Bugs / [W|0.6.532] Some minor worldgen stuff
August 14, 2014, 12:55:56 AM
Love the new worlds. A few minor things:

1) World map isn't an entire planet. I *guess* this is by design, though I can't say why this would be. I noticed this because the continents do not "align" E/W border of the map and sure enough the map seems to always be about 0E to 100E. If it will stay like this, randomly generate a southern hemisphere map now and then.

2) Size either has no effect or increases the resolution instead of the area size (going by lat/long). The former, if simply a case of "Not implemented yet" is fine of course (though then why have the button?). The later is counter-intuitive though I do realize, of course, that a bigger planet simply has more surface area. Then again I would expect the map to cover the entire planet though. No biggie, just weird.

3) In-Game worldmap doesn't seem to render - it has the colony location marker but is otherwise black.

4) Selector for colony location should give you a box matching the map size you will generate so that you can easier pick, say, a coastline on the side of your map.

Bugs / Re: Visitors can go through doors
August 14, 2014, 12:40:43 AM
They didn't take my food but they WERE watching my colonists sleep in the communal bedroom that they had just built. Very creepy. :)
Ideas / Re: Ocean suggestions
August 14, 2014, 12:38:19 AM
Agreed, fishing seems like a no-brainer now that we have water. Fishing rods could be a manufacturable item, or one you trade for (locals would be an excellent source, you know, to teach a man to fish as they say).

And the very first thing I did when I spawned on a map with lakes was to check if any sort of bridge had been added.

Finally, if we get really fancy some day... Trenches/moats.
General Discussion / Re: RimWorld change log
August 08, 2014, 03:26:29 PM
Quote from: muffins on August 08, 2014, 11:50:11 AM
QuoteYou can produce shirts, pants, and cowboy hats from cloth or leather.
Leather underwear? Kinky.

One word: Zardoz.