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Messages - Sky_walker

Quote from: Tynan on October 04, 2013, 10:00:47 PM
Very unlikely.
You just made me VERY happy!  ;D
Ideas / Re: Got an idea for future modules?
October 04, 2013, 05:19:27 PM
Ok, you're right.
What I meant to say is that it'd be a shame if RW would turn into an RPG from Colony Sim by focusing too much on micro-management stuff and too little on macro scale. There are dozens if not hundreds of sci-fi RPGs out there, hardly any need for yet another.
Ideas / Re: Got an idea for future modules?
October 04, 2013, 05:04:25 PM
WhackyRavenLand - you basically asked for an RPG.
It's different genre. ;)
Please, focus on a core of being colony sim instead of drifting away.
BTW: Character creation is already in as far as I seen in the vids. ;)

What I'd love though are things like advanced infection modelling allowing people to experience an epidemic in your base and handling it differently (eg. quarantine zones, vaccine development, experimentation with drugs and herbs to cure disease itself, or just it's symptoms, various medical equipments and skills leading to different outcomes and resource management, perhaps some crazy twists from time to time, like a disease that turns people into psychopaths, or one that makes them go towards the sun... forever... or one that makes them thirsty... thirsty till they explode of drinking water ;) ).

It'd be great to have a simulation on how environment affects people and colony - for example a fight for water should be one of major topics with drilling wells, creating water deposits, managing contamination, sending your colonists to look for a new sources, creating irrigation systems, and how it's more difficult on desert than anywhere else. How lush green terrain means constant fight with bushes and a need to clean your farms regularly. How invasive animals attack plantations, even more so when these are mono-cultural, and how inventing a herbicides can lead to contamination of water or food. Simulate how different plants can scare off critters or animals from destroying crops, and how plants in glass houses require man-made pollination - which means more maintenance work during some parts of the season. etc. etc.

Also more advance modeling of social relations would be IMHO very beneficial to the gameplay, especially when it comes to people creating small groups, fights for leadership, different leadership models (eg. democratic, authoritarian, council of elders), couples, people living through the loss of second half, perhaps even managing of child birth and slowly growing new members of the colony this way - "breeding" people with each other to get desired types (eg. a child of medic and scientist could give medical researcher, while a child of medic and woodcutter would give a surgeon ;P ), etc. etc.
Ideas / Re: Got an idea for an incident?
October 04, 2013, 01:39:54 PM
1. Micrometeorite rain - whole map gets covered by micrometeorite rain. Every un-armored structure will be damaged (eg. crops, solar panels). All of the living creatures (and characters) left on open air have  1% chance of death in first 5 seconds, 5% for next 5 seconds, and 10% for any further second of the rain.
This should be very, very rare event (eg. chance should be low enough not to see it even once during a game) with no warnings before it starts.

2. Sand storm - Breaks all of the ventilation systems unless it's turned off. It will kill all of the characters if they're left for more than 30 seconds on a storm. Slight chance to damage some of the crops. Minimum 1 minute warning before the storm.

3. Famine and Drought - crops lower their vegetation by 75% for X period of time. Natural water deposits lower the output - by 90% on surface and 30% underground. Player got an option to use drinking water for crops - creating an interesting dilemma of balancing water and food needs for the population.

4. Heat wave - kills 60% of crops and adds Hyperthermia modifier for anyone staying more than 50 seconds outdoors. If someone remains outdoors during Heat wave  for more than 3 minutes he will die.

Hyperthermia got a random chance every X seconds of causing a person to faint for 2 minutes.  Another effect of Hyperthermia is that person is unable to perform any complicated actions - basically he should be limited to opening doors and moving around.

4. Limnic eruption - got a small chance to occur in any larger lake. It's a massive CO2 release causing every living creature or human within range of a lake to get Hypercapnia modifier and eventually die unless gets into the oxygen tank or an indoor area with regulated atmosphere. It will cause a drop of skills and a 10% chance of fainting every 20 seconds. If someone remains in the area of a lake for more than 3 minutes - he will die.
Unlike Heat wave event this can be handled by providing oxygen bottles to the colonists. It also doesn't affect vegetation.

5. Geomagnetic storm - breaks all of the radio / remote communications. Causes all of the animals to behave irrationally (eg. randomly change directions, stop herd behavior, resist to human orders). Finally - if you can make it - simulate Aurora by green and green-blue lights moving around the game map? It might look bit strange, but... aurora is strange after all :D

6. Spying scandal - colonist with highest computer knowledge skill gets accused of spying. If he has high social skills - he can remain in the group, but for X days there are struggles between him and other members with high social skill as well as all of the members of opposite sex (this can be modeled by occasional fights or guy demolishing room of the "opponents", etc.). If he has low social skills - he gets exiled from the group.

7. Cannibalism - an event where one of the colonists (preferably: strong male) kills another member and eats parts of his body, than either hides it or cleans all traces leading to him. Got a 20% chance of being exposed and 80% of remaining hidden (should be modified by skills).
- If exposed he got 50% chances of exile or being killed by other colonists - should be affected by his social skills.
- If not exposed than he gets Prion Disease - which is hidden unless member goes through intense medical tests. Prion Disease cannot be cured, but can be used to force colonist into exile.
After X days he will strike again killing another colonist and eating his meat. Cycle repeats until 3rd time when he gets one of two diseases:
- Creutzfeldtâ€"Jakob Disease - causing memory loss (reduces one random skill to 0) than psychosis (where he will start running around activating / deactivating everything he can reach) and eventually death. Colonists should have random but very low chance of getting CJD from eating herd animals meat. There should be no cure, or it should be very difficult to obtain.
- Fatal Familial Insomnia - split into 2 stages: psychosis (as above), and dementia, where skills will slowly decrease until all are 0 and colonist dies. During dementia phase he cannot perform any advanced actions (basically he will walk around doing nothing). Again: No cure or very difficult to get.

8. Light critters - inspired by Stargate episode - you encounter lone light critter. He will follow colonist around for a while. Critter got an ability to phase through the doors. If critter finds some sweet food during its trip following colonist - it will consume it and escape.
Returning back 3 days later with few more critters which will follow random colonists. If any finds sweet food than all of them will go to it, consume any sweet food around and run away.
They'll return back 3 more days later, only now in a swarm of 10-15 and start moving around the colony. Same scenario - if any of them finds sweet food they all will come, eat it, and escape. This time not returning till next year, same month, same day.
There should be an option to allow shooting the critters. They cannot be killed, but if any is shot - all of them will run away for 6 days, and return in large group attacking all of the colonists until one of them is dead (they should do small damage per tick, and assign themselves to random colonists damaging them over time till one drops).
One of the alien devices found in a game should be able to capture a critter and use it as a lamp with a gentle animation of critter moving inside.

Quote from: TacoStorm on September 19, 2013, 07:20:24 PM
- WORM ATTACKS! Everybody likes the worms from dune. Games should have more of those.
I fully support that!  ;D

But things like time travel or zombies (we really need that even here?) or space marine drops (?! Wat?) are slight overkill IMHO.

In general though I think that it'd be great if there would be a choice of events that might not occur even if you play over 8 hours session. This way game will have a greater re-playability, which is definitely an important factor and something that can make it stand out.