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Messages - Kubouch

General Discussion / Re: How do you deal with addicts?
August 12, 2017, 05:36:13 PM
mrofa's Clutter adds truly lockable doors. I haven't tested myself, yet.
Outdated / Re: [A17] Universal Fermenter (2017-07-17)
August 06, 2017, 06:09:05 AM
Quote from: gustavoghe on August 02, 2017, 10:15:16 PM
Hi, please crete mor things like this. Thank you verymuch

Thanks for the support. Unfortunately, I have to finish some other stuff and don't have time for modding now.
Help / Re: PlaceWorkers question/help
August 01, 2017, 09:06:41 AM
Great you figured it out. I actually never did any xpaths so I couldn't help with that.

Case sensitivity comes from the underlying C# code. The XML files are basically exposed C# classes and you're setting parameters of the classes. "ThingClass" is a name of a class while "thingClass" is the class's instance. One need to be careful here :-).
Help / Re: PlaceWorkers question/help
August 01, 2017, 07:46:01 AM
You added a machining cabinet building but you also need to tell the workshops to recognize it. Every building you want to be influenced by your cabinet needs to have this:

      <li Class="CompProperties_AffectedByFacilities">

Most of the production buildings already have ToolCabinet there so you just add MachineCabinet.

I haven't done this before but I think this is the problem.
Quote from: Mday on July 30, 2017, 09:22:03 AM
How to grab the neurotrainer item stash real quick.
This only works if the site is guarded by turret. You gona need drop pods to make it work.
1) load a fast moving pawn and assault rifle + about 75 chemfuel into a drop pod (in most case 75 is more than enough).
2) drop by edge, kill the enemy pawn real quick. Your assault rifle can out range enemy turret. Enemy usually consists of 1~2 pawn, may not even have guns. (If you drop in more pawns, the site will be guarded by more enemy with better guns)
3) Claim all building and turret. Make sure you grab your reward.
4) Deconstruct some of the turret, solar generator and battery. Use the resulting material to build a drop pod launcher and a drop pod.
5) Refuel and load the drop pod, then get out of there.

It only cost 80 steel and 1 component to build a drop pod. If on your way back you fill in the drop pod with component and steel ,you can recover the initial building cost. This make the trip's real cost somewhere close to 150 chemfuel.

You forgot to include 100 boars.

Quote from: Modo44 on July 30, 2017, 05:15:44 AM
If you make a growing zone, then forbid sowing on it, pawns will harvest whatever grows naturally on it. This is a quick way to harvest only 100% grown trees, fruit, etc. around your base. Be careful not to go overboard, especially early on.

This is priceless! I'm always constantly pausing to search for 100% grown trees/berries and manually designating them to be harvested.
Quote from: notfood on July 30, 2017, 01:19:26 AM
Sounds nice. I want to update. What isn't ready?

We've been using it for all the alcohols, compost and now in the jerky drying process.

I added a possibility for weather (sunshine, rain, snow, wind) to influence a fermenting speed (while respecting roofs). The weather influences only the production speed (according to how you set it in XML). It does not cause it to spoil. There are some edge cases, though, which need to be tracked down. The inspector string causes some problems and the progress bar does not show the amount of ingredients correctly.
Help / Re: ThingComp not ticking
July 29, 2017, 08:43:38 PM
<tickerType>Rare</tickerType> invokes CompTickRare() every 250 ticks.
<tickerType>Normal</tickerType> invokes CompTick() every 1 tick.

The base.CompTick() / base.CompTickRare() seem to be necessary when you have some comps communicating with each other. It sort of ensures that all the CompTicks get executed when you have more comps set up in your XML. I'm not sure how exactly it works. The base.CompTick(Rare) points to a virtual method. This method is executed by Verse.ThingWithComps.Tick()/TickRare() so it seems that the ticks should be ran even without the base stuff. I was dealing with this just a while ago, ended up adding the base.CompTicks in order to make it work.
Never made pemmican but I used to make a dried jerky by drying a salted and peppered beef in a fruit drier. Delicious! I also experimented with some spices and marinades but ended up using just the salt and pepper (garlic was probably the best from the experiments). Beef is probably the best meat for drying although I tasted some pork one somebody made and it was ok. I should try the full pemmican recipe sometime, it looks good!
Outdated / Re: [A17][Mod Updater] ModSync Ninja
July 29, 2017, 06:50:42 AM
This looks good, I'll try it out when I have some more time. Keep it up! I think this needs to be around for some time so people start noticing it.

Plus yay for the GitHub support (pity that I use GitLab)! :-D
Help / Re: Stealth coding?
July 29, 2017, 06:38:37 AM
Maybe not to ignore completely but add some chance to ignore. Complete ignore would be so OP. Definitely a cool idea, especially if it can be coded easily, as RawCode pointed out!
I fixed the Tick problem so the Fermenter now behaves the same on either Normal or Rare tick.

Also made it compatible with CompRefuelable, CompPowerTrader and CompFlickable. If it is not fueled/powered on/flicked on, the production is stopped. Simple as that. You need to be a bit careful when setting the other comps as you can easily come up with some nonsense. For example CompRefuelable accepts only Normal tick, not Rare. Also some comps add lines in the bottom-left building description which can cause overflow since my mod (as the vanilla fermenting barrel) already adds a plenty of text.

All of these were pretty much one-liners. Very simple. It is amazing how everything is so connected within the game code :-D. Release is not ready yet but you can test it out on the development branch. Not much time to work on this due to my thesis deadline coming.

PS: If you uninstall the fermenter building and place is somewhere else, the contents will stay inside!

Quote from: Dark_Inquisitor on July 17, 2017, 08:26:07 PM
This mod is amazing. When you'll add a possibility to require power to progress fermentation you'll be able to make literally everything... Just imagine that!

Definitely. For the next release I plan to go through vanilla comps and see how compatible they are with my mod and possibly make them work together. Power component together with Refueable are definitely on my list. This would allow a lot more possibilities: electric ovens, smoking pits, automatic human meat crushers... well, stuff like that :-D.
Outdated / Re: [A17] Universal Fermenter
July 16, 2017, 06:01:39 PM
New version (a17.5.0)!

  • Custom building class is no more required. All the functionality is handled by the Comp class.
  • Some changes to the inspector string (building info in the bottom-left box).

    Universal Fermenter (a17.5.0)

From now on, the class Kubouch.Building_UniversalFermenter doesn't exist anymore and all the functionality is achieved solely by adding the Kubouch.CompProperties_UniversalFermenter. Otherwise the syntax is unchanged. This change allows for adding the Universal Fermenter functionality to any building class (or at least should - haven't tested that properly yet).

Another change is the inspector string. I shrank the lines to max. 5 lines. There is still one line left for other building/comp classes to fill.

Now I need to run through some compatibility checks and see how it blends with other vanilla building/comp classes and some mods. Right now, for example, it is necessary to use the Rare ticker which probably screws up the Refuelable comp compatibility. I need fix the mod to work with both Normal and Rare ticker types (seems easy).

Outdated / Re: [A17] Universal Fermenter
July 16, 2017, 07:03:12 AM
Update (a17.4.2)!

  • Summary listing added ingredients now trims out vowels in case it is too long.
  • Using a static class instead of [StaticConstructorOnStartup] + a new Utils class (these changes are not noticeable in-game).

    Universal Fermenter (a17.4.2)

Just popped out a new update while working on a new version and drinking coffee on my backyard. No need to change anything in your XML.


EDIT: I had a missing file in a17.4.1. Fixed the derp in a17.4.2.