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Messages - Rokiyo

Wow, I just realised how badly I mangled that sentence... Guess that's what I get for posting from my phone.

Is there a way to produce slightly more verbose log output?
FYI I believe the thingDef for the nutrient paste dispenser also has that extra space there.

And yeah... Very intriguing that you get your type not found error BEFORE your file loads.
I haven't had a chance to get a .NET environment up and running yet, nor have worked with .NET yet, so apologies in advance if my attempts to play "spot the difference" aren't helpful.

That being said, it doesn't look like the Tynan's classes that extend Building are declaring their own namespaces or constructors.

Have you tried the following?
using System;
public class Building_CementMill : Building
Mods / Re: [REQUEST] Tools
February 27, 2014, 09:09:19 AM
Seeing as Tynan gave us instructions on how to run custom code as a mod, I kinda took that as permission to take a peek under the hood.

It seems mining works by applying a special damage type to the to the thing being mined. If I'm understanding things correctly, the more "mining" damage you do to the mineral (as opposed to "bullet" or "flame" damage), the more metal you get out of it.

Also, the only reason it takes longer to mine metal than it does rock is because the metal nodes have a lot more HP.

In theory, we could create a new gun or grenade via the XML ThingDefs and give it projectiles with a damage type of "Mining". You can force a colonist to attack things by drafting it and then clicking on their equipped weapon... So in theory, if that colonist happens to be holding a weapon that does mining damage... It should work the same as normal mining.
General Discussion / Re: First Impressions
February 27, 2014, 06:07:40 AM
Oh, and a couple of tips for your next game:
Look in the Zones menu, and create some Growing Zones. Your colonists will plant potatoes there (by default, you can click on the zone to change what they'll plant there), and will eat them when they get hungry.

Once you're producing raw food, that's where the nutrient paste dispenser comes in: Put a hopper next to a powered paste dispenser, and your colonists will put potatoes in and get meals out.

I believe the list of names in the options relate to various named colonists that were created for the Kickstarter backers. You can pretty safely ignore that option while you get on your feet.

Last but not least, if your colonists aren't building something, it's generally because they're either too busy (sleeping/mining/etc), or you've run out of metal. Mine the orange speckled rocks to get more metal.
General Discussion / Re: First Impressions
February 27, 2014, 06:01:39 AM
This certainly wasn't boring to me! When I'm developing software, I find these sorts of first impressions invaluable: It's pretty much impossible to pretend you don't know how your own product works and see it through the eyes of a first time user.

These comments in particular really stand out to me:
  • I entered some names but they weren't used.
  • It took about ten minutes to realize I had to hit 'F' to make things unforbidden.
  • I have no idea how to feed my colonists.
  • The lowlight was the frustration of do-nothing right clicks (had to hit F)
They speak to what you personally find intuitive, and how you expected the game to react to certain input. This is feedback that could be used to make the game more intuitive, or to to improve upon the topics the ingame tutorial system can cover.

Also, I think these are both great ideas:
  • I swear the planet on the title screen was rotating.
  • ...started to wonder if I would have colonists who intrinsically hated each other.
I agree with this one. Being able to instruct a recruited colonist to put out a fire or repair/build something would be helpful.

I think this is one of those situations where providing the option to micromanage can lead to rewarding gameplay.
Help / Re: TUTORIAL - Modding Guide
February 27, 2014, 01:50:03 AM
Is it possible to modify or remove existing things? (As opposed to adding only)

E.g. changing what resources are required to build metal walls
General Discussion / Re: Dead Bodies??
February 26, 2014, 09:17:00 PM
I think the available options change depending on whether or not the colonist is recruited and what faction the pawn belongs to.
General Discussion / Re: Z-Index. Will it ever happen?
February 26, 2014, 07:49:45 PM
Oh man, both of those together would make for some awesome gameplay. I can just see myself digging into an enemy's base from the underside, only to dig straight into a cave that has been rigged to collapse, instantly crushing my raiding party...
Youtube is a pretty big one for me: I found out about this game by watching a Let's Play on the GamersDissent channel (

I imagine he'll cover Alpha 2 whether you ask him to or not, but it may still be worth reaching out to Youtubers in general if you're wanting a bit more attention.
Good to know, cheers.
Here's me trying to load a save game created in Alpha 1...

... And here's what happens as soon as I click Load.

Starting new games works fine, so it's probably just a versioning issue. Still, looked cool enough to share. :)
General Discussion / Re: It's getting cloooooser
February 26, 2014, 11:03:06 AM
Gotta say, really excited about this new version. Pity it's 2am and I have work in the morning! :P

Will the new rock walls naturally deteriorate over time like the metal walls currently do? I'm hoping they don't, as that would allow us to fill in caves and old rooms without needing to worry about one tile in the middle eventually needing a repair job.

EDIT: My Sendowl email JUST came through. Downloading new version now!
General Discussion / Re: It's getting cloooooser
February 26, 2014, 09:47:12 AM
Quote from: OobleckTheGreen on February 26, 2014, 09:44:26 AM
Stupid question perhaps, but where do I find this changelog? I looked around the site but didn't see anything labeled in an obvious way.

It's hosted over on Google Docs:

There is also some useful info here: (a teeny tiny little link to the change log can also be found at the bottom of this page under References). :)