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Messages - Sens

Stories / Re: Battle with the Mechs
January 11, 2016, 01:40:11 PM
The Centipedes however, couldnt keep up with scythers speed and their army got split, now we had the upper hand...

The Scythers came in charging at us fiercly, but one by one they fell beneath our superior firepower. As the last one of them was finished we quickly fixed what we could, before the night dropped in.

As everyone was already heavily tired and Centipedes were still far away, i figured its best we go and rest a bit.

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Stories / Re: Battle with the Mechs
January 11, 2016, 01:04:38 PM
Those turrets never stood a chance...

In just one hour the Mechs already destroyed most of them and the inner wall was barely holding, I had to open up the doors now or all we fought for so long would have been lost. The secret passageways through the mountain we built years ago provided me cover for the first part and I came to the doors easily, but next part was harder, didnt think much and went for it, as soon as i opened up the gates, scythers rushed at me, had severe luck to not get hit by them and quickly ran back through the secret passage...

Lucky for us the plan worked! As soon as Mechs were finished with the last turret there, they decided to abandon crushing our inner wall and come around straight through our main entrance.

We had no time to waste, the superb speed of Scythers suprised us, we could barely flick the switches on the other side and get in place to defend the entrance as the first one was already around and on our doorsteps...

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Stories / Battle with the Mechs
January 11, 2016, 12:36:39 PM
More than a decade passed since our first encounter with the Mechs, but no matter how many we destroyed and burned down, they just kept sending more and more, alot of us gave their lives for the survival of the colony, but sadly, there was no peace in sight...

Sept 5, 5514 (03:00 am)

Scorching through the sky they dropped deep inside our walls, at first we thought its over, but as so many times before, we picked up guns and put our brains together to come up with proper defensive plan.

Althou there were some defenses in place nearby, we knew those wont last long, our only chance was trying to get the Mechs on the other side of our colony, where we could stand a chance, but to do that, someone would have to run around and open the gates, risking his life for us, at same time the inner wall would have to hold them back long enough so they would change their plan and try to go in through our main entrance. Was a far shot, but what else could we do?

Seeing too many good people die in last years, I decided to take the risk and open the doors myself, figured the turrets, althou too weak to do much harm to them, might give me just enough time to get it done. Ordered the rest to keep fixing the inner walls and abandon all other tasks in the meanwhile...

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Stories / Re: Your Best Screenshots
January 10, 2016, 10:33:35 PM
A little preview of my colony and the ongoing battle - rough preview, lets say... 20% is done building, with just around 10% of it "polished" so far :)

- plan to make a city (trying to avoid too much simetry, just started out)

- please dont mind the "childish" outskirts, atm they look pretty rough, will change those completly

- was having some troubles with raiders from day 4 to day 5, but i think i got those under control now

- going to make friends with tribals again since they grew way too numerous and stuff got "out of hand" (last two raids). They managed to destroy a large portion of my turrets and completly drained my iron reserves, barely managed to get it under control again)

- stitched together 20+ screenshots. (found some allignment issues, tried to fix/hide those best i could, not entirely sure how it came to those, but is just a little preview of work in progress, once im done building and polishing everything i will upload the 14+ mb png (or even larger)

Uploaded the JPG version - 2mb
(i think host site downgraded it even further)

work in progress at Day 5:
(June, 5514)
General Discussion / Re: How do you handle siege ?
January 08, 2016, 06:05:06 PM
Sniper works perfectly well in vanilla / core too, before someone comes and says its due to mods, but dont expect to throw a sniper rifle on someone unskilled and then think it will work out, has to hit 9/10 shots (to call him a sniper  :D ), needs most bionical upgrades, including legs, to be fast enough to respond quickly. Just starting out and going to snipe siegers is not such a good idea, but in time you get 15+ ranged and can upgrade to all bionics u need and afterwards u will see how easy it is and forget those "random hit" counter mortar tactics all together, 2nd best tactic imo is going in at night with melee shielded guys as that can work out just as good (i do that at beggining of new colony, when people arent trained enough yet and there are no bionics yet)

-doomsday launchers and 3x launchers are total waste money if used like that or in anyway in general, rather spend that on good rifles and armor or food etc...
General Discussion / Re: Rate other people's colonies!
January 08, 2016, 03:58:44 PM
I dont want to rate any colonies, i think everyone had its own history and took endless hours to be built and that in between all the raids, incidents, troubles the game has to offer, so everything larger imo is a great achievment already. Would seriously love to see more colonies!!! I love to check those pictures and think about the design people made to fend off stuff game throws at you, please more!!! and updates if possible, find myself checking the screenshots before going to sleep for 1h+ :)

Being amazed by the nice overview screenshot of N0xiety's colony, decided to create a complete overview of my map for the day 4 update.

Day 4 update including a raid:

-started war with Tribals again and made friends with Outlanders, best choice i could make at this point of game, at beggining they were destroying all my defenses with their bows, but now they barely scratch them + lots of food for my fellow canibals and more than i can handle human leather for my tailor.

-decided to build a ship and offer people who cant handle the ongoing war a safe passage off this rock, as soon as i set up plans for it, a poison ship droped exactly on the spot, had to deal with that first (was funny, because it droped in same second the plans were done  ;D )

-managed to recruit alot of useful warriors and bought a couple power armors (they detoriate too fast thou, so it kinda drains money away)

-expanding from a simple facility into a smaller town now, plan is to create a city

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General Discussion / Re: Do you save scum?
January 08, 2016, 09:57:19 AM
expected combat realism and up to 500.000 colony worth (im using misc+mai+epoe), i remember up to 500.000 worth it was more or less a 4 guy thing, had 2 snipers, was more of a walkthrough kind of game, then.. remember crafting 140.000 worth vancidium longsword and next raid was severly harder already, noticed their numbers went up heavily just for that 140.000 raise my colony got, now im adding wealth intentionally to have bigger battlefields (dont craft other stuff than art and clothes thou, so it does fluctuate, go to 1.1mio and fall back to 980k etc, guess due to destruction and buying joywires for newcomers, started recruiting people, have 12 now, the makings of a "town" i hope, plan is to create a city eventually if i dont get destroyed in process, but takes super long to recruit good guys. Alot more action now, more fun, as raiders increased in numbers severly, their tactics seem to have changed slightly, getting them to split up when near my base and attack two parts at once, not sure why, maybe those extra turrets away from base.

cool, triple rockets are kinda it, most danger in open ground fighting, i snipe em (obviously :) ) they behave a bit strange often, if they start to aim at you and you are almost behind mountain and run further out of their sight (sieges) they may destroy their own camp (often) otherwise u can place a turret here and there and when they raid, they will ussualy / always drop their loads on those (away from base) turrets.

Some free meat pics hehe (latest was muffalo and wargs manhunter wave, around 140 (wargs) came this time :)

"sorry for off topic"

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General Discussion / Re: Do you save scum?
January 08, 2016, 12:29:01 AM
Quote from: LittleGreenStone on January 07, 2016, 03:00:22 PM

Personally I don't build walls just to deal with ancient ships, I let them come.
I pause the moment I hear the alert, and I save if I it's an attack. I don't particularly care about the details.
Mechanoids dropping in, I deal with them by getting my colonists out of there first. The 4-5 or so seconds before the drop pods pop open should be enough for the colonists to leave the room.
Usually mechanoids don't start blowing up the base, most often that is the consequence of the fight inside.
They melee down some doors and a few equipment, no big deal.

Having 20 turrets inside is suicidal, those things explode you know, and destroy stuff. Not a good idea, it only increases the attackers' numbers and your losses.

Also, you could try keeping your colony's wealth low(er).

Unleash the sacrificial animal army to force them in melee combat (have you seen ~50 boars take on ~20 mechanoids?) in the meanwhile throw in a few EMP nades, then move in with your colonists. Forget exploding and fiery things, use regular firearms, and for those stunned, melee is even better.

Late game I'm the one doing the slaughtering when they drop in.  :P

So what is your colony worth then? How many people and what mods? You have stun grenades on you at all times? So many boars would eat alot food :)

Mechs dont fire incendaries?

20 mechs deployed in your base would be like 2 mio colony worth i guess :)

If they are not deployed next to you, then this is easier (doesnt cost you much - pic)

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General Discussion / Re: Do you save scum?
January 07, 2016, 09:29:17 AM
No, no, not that ship part drop :)   (psy, poison ships are not hard, you can prepare for that in safe and proceed when ready)

im talking about the insta attack drop in your base, no ship parts, just kinda deploy next to you, happens to me now and then: some mechs drop right next to my workbenches, next to bionical guys, althou i could deal with that, eventually alot of stuff i build would be burned, destroyed and would take me too long to rebuild it again, especially if they come equipped to burn down everything to ground, rebuilding after that ussualy takes all time up to next raid or even longer otherwise, pain in the ass raid, seriously, there is no way you can counter that without losing a huge portion of base (later on, im almost at day 4 now, with 1 mio+ colony wealth, which isnt your ussual type of raid, they come in great numbers, just sending all colonist against that (10+) will get you all killed. If 30+ raiders cant do much vs 5-10 mechs why do you think you can? This type of raid skips all your defenses and lands right next to you (even if you have 20 turrets inside that room, no way u can kill them, the only way is using walls, corridors from other rooms as defensive points, but again, your base is kinda wiped away in the process.

"attached image is the latest poison ship: what comes out of poison ship on my map by now and no matter their numbers or how close to base, i can build a wall even if its 2 tiles away from base, just wall em out, before triggering! ofc, and then trigger and snipe em, now.. the raid im talking about is different, lets say 3rd of that drops inside your base right next to you, no triggering there, just immediate chaos and slaughter, you have no time at all, while this on pic, this is easy with 4+ snipers, takes a couple of days, no loading, noone gets hurt"

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General Discussion / Re: Rate other people's colonies!
January 06, 2016, 07:04:52 PM
Decided to continue and see where the road ends :)

Left a poison ship on outskirts (triggered), the mechs fought well, they stoped 4 raids before going down, wealth went up severly and raids got hard again, started expanding (4x thermo now) had to adapt a bit:

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Depends how you see slaves, it is slave work yes, my image of a slave is some sort of "servant" without free will, guess you see them as slaves from old egyptian movies then, chained with free will, i would call those prisoners instead, you are right thou by the general definition :).
Outdated / Re: [A12] Marijuana (v1.1) - Blaze it!
January 05, 2016, 09:49:19 AM

When i was showing the game to my friend, the first thing he asked is... can you grow cannabis, hehehe

Smoke for 18 years now, this is cool, i cant imagine myself being on a far off planet without a seed of some good skunk in my stash, would definitely be a game / life changer. :) (perma mod for me)

General Discussion / Re: Rate other people's colonies!
January 04, 2016, 07:10:01 PM
The Glitterworlds sounded so cool i had to make a colony based on that :)

Played with Misc + Mai + Epoe here.

All walls are Granite.

Most of defenses are triggered on switch (red lights turn on where they are triggered, there are endless amounts of turrets nearby)

Left some turrets running 24/7 for that "squirell" that goes nuts.

Thrumbo female is late stage pregnant (took em, rly long to finally mate)

Power is more than sufficient (there are 2 geothermals connected not seen on picture)

There is another outer wall stretching all around map. Raiders only come from right side, where most of chunks are and some sandbags. Kinda only use one switch / area of turrets. Placed them all around anyway. Some inside base too, jail has one too, makes stuff easier.

Have spare full package of batteries, but never needed them, power never went out, no eclipse or vulcanic winter ever bothered me.

Most of the place inside is extremely beautiful, impressive, even hospital gives a +2 mood boost.

There are lots of small chickens running around for looks only, canibals for life anyway :)

Have 5 artilleries but never rly used them anyway.

115 or so wargs didnt even destroy one turret.

Have shortcuts to capture anyone i want that is running away, not seen, but goes through mountain on right side.

Most of base is under "mountain roof" most is mined away already.

It got severly repetative at this point (raids and all) so i stoped playing the colony :)

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General Discussion / Re: How do you handle siege ?
January 04, 2016, 05:46:29 PM
Quote from: TheWhiz on January 02, 2016, 01:20:37 PM
One thing you can try is to wait until a psychic ship lands and then just equip all your colonists with tin foil hats. They are fairly easy to make and do a great job at minimizing the drone signal.

The key here is to essentially disregard the ship part and just go about your average, every day colony business while the psychic signal increases to max strength. Once at that point, no siege will last long enough to fire at you since all the raiders will just go crazy and kill each other.

This is really cool :)

I do leave some ships and trigger the mechs now and then, but this is new hehe, for fun mostly, to watch em fight the incoming raids, visitors, but must be far enough from my base otherwise my guys get involved in fights too when hunting or hauling.

Left a poison ship for 40 days once (was on a nice location and mechs killed a couple raids on their own + friendlies + visitors, was cool to watch) was during winter time i havent rly noticed its effect, well when winter was over, even 5 years later, there was no vegetation anymore on large portion of the map (kinda sucked) but watching them fight was rly cool.

Once defended a large siege with hauler bot (miscealous + mai mod), attack thrumbo with sniper to put him into manhunt state, then lured thrumbo with hauler bot (has amazing speed) straight to their siege camp, they couldnt handle thrumbo and hauler got away  :)
General Discussion / Re: How do you handle siege ?
January 04, 2016, 05:09:59 PM
Quote from: b0rsuk on December 29, 2015, 01:17:45 PM
Snipers - either with Sniper Rifle, or Survival Rifle, work well. Surprisingly, Survival Rifle dishes out more damage (and is easier to hit) if enemies don't have much range. If a few enemies can match your range, try bringing a decoy colonist with personal shield, helmet, kevlar vest.

+1 to this tactic in most cases one skilled bionical sniper is all you need
(if you have 2+ you will be surprised how fast that siege ends, they will never even fire a shell, often not even finish building everything)

- to avoid loading much, you have to target / kill their 3x rocket launcher guys before they manage to fire (you will notice them come in range of you if you pay attention) + even rockets can be avoided if your guy is fast enough or has mountain he can run behind closeby (the 2nd and 3rd rocket in mountain case).