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Messages - zamnath

Quote from: Umbreon117 on April 09, 2018, 10:29:48 PM
Quote from: zamnath on April 09, 2018, 06:24:58 PM
Yeah, starting a modded game while dev mode is enabled tends to cause all sorts of issues. I'd advise turning dev mode off any time you restart your game client. No problem to turn it back on once the game's loaded, as far as I know.
I...didn't know that was a thing. In both A17 and B18 I have had very nearly all of my games started with Dev mode activated, even during the map creation. I don't remember having that problem once.

Thanks for responding to that problem, because not I can keep that from happening to me.

Interesting. It's been happening to me since before I made this mod. Maybe it only happens if you're using certain types of mods? I was running a heavily modded setup pretty much from day 1, so it could make sense. Either way, never hurts to be careful.

@Arty EPOE is already supported. I'd have to look up RSBE patching, but I could probably do it if there was an interest. A dog said should go without saying. :P I certainly don't mind you're comments regarding the art style. Anything particularly jarring to you? The race's aesthetics, and the aesthetics of the already constructed clothes, aren't liable to change beyond minor adjustments as they fit my personal tastes. (It's odd to say that regarding humanoid spider monsters - hmm...) Everything else, though, is still quite mutable.
Quote from: Saebbi on April 09, 2018, 03:32:37 PM
Quote from: zamnath on April 09, 2018, 02:20:10 PM
    @ Saebbi: Hmm. Looks like you're getting an error in the pawnkind defs to me. Not sure what would cause that, though. I tried out your load order and loaded up alright. A couple things to check:

    • Have you tried redownloading/re-extracting/reinstalling the Widows mod?
  • If you have done both of the above, could you go into a bit more detail regarding when you get the blackscreen? When you select a scenario? Storyteller? Location? Pawns? Start up the actual colony for the first time? Which scenario/storyteller are you selecting, if you are able to select them? Knowing this could help me replicate the issue and resolve it. Sorry you're having issues! ^.^;;

@Umbreon117: They are indeed able to use weapons, including modded ones (at least, all the ones I've tested). Raiders are likely to spawn with mostly vanilla stuff, though. I've used Medieval Times with the mod and think it goes great. Speedy close combat units with an extra attack and warhammers is... fun. Haven't tried Rim of Magic yet, but, if it uses the same basic framework that the Vampires mod uses, it should be compatible with Widows no problem.

@JernFalk: I'll take a look into that mod. Thanks for the heads up!

Yeah, i tried with a fresh install and the issue seems to be starting the game in dev mode.
When i start the game normally and then activate dev mode it works fine, otherwise i get a blackscreen when generating the planet.

Ah, so you got it working? Great! Yeah, starting a modded game while dev mode is enabled tends to cause all sorts of issues. I'd advise turning dev mode off any time you restart your game client. No problem to turn it back on once the game's loaded, as far as I know.

@SunSeeker: To get error logs, enable dev mode (you can do this in the game's options menu) and click the far left text box looking thinger that pops up in the top of your game when you do so. Should show you the errors. Then click on any of the red ones you see that look like they might be the culprit and choose "copy." You should then be able to paste onto a document you can link on here. If you haven't already, try the troubleshoot steps I mentioned earlier to Saebbi.
    @ Saebbi: Hmm. Looks like you're getting an error in the pawnkind defs to me. Not sure what would cause that, though. I tried out your load order and loaded up alright. A couple things to check:

    • Have you tried redownloading/re-extracting/reinstalling the Widows mod?
  • If you have done both of the above, could you go into a bit more detail regarding when you get the blackscreen? When you select a scenario? Storyteller? Location? Pawns? Start up the actual colony for the first time? Which scenario/storyteller are you selecting, if you are able to select them? Knowing this could help me replicate the issue and resolve it. Sorry you're having issues! ^.^;;

@Umbreon117: They are indeed able to use weapons, including modded ones (at least, all the ones I've tested). Raiders are likely to spawn with mostly vanilla stuff, though. I've used Medieval Times with the mod and think it goes great. Speedy close combat units with an extra attack and warhammers is... fun. Haven't tried Rim of Magic yet, but, if it uses the same basic framework that the Vampires mod uses, it should be compatible with Widows no problem.

@JernFalk: I'll take a look into that mod. Thanks for the heads up!
Quote from: Vlad0mi3r on April 08, 2018, 11:47:23 PM
Looking good.

Any chance of adding web type traps. Something to slow enemy's down? Venom to poison?

Those might be possible, but not right away. I'm pretty stuck with doing XML edits for the mod, which means that I'd have to find a way to make vanilla mechanics work for those ideas or get a C# programmer who'd be willing to throw together some fancier stuff for me.

I do like the ideas, though--especially the web trap. I run Jecrell's Arachnophobia mod alongside my Widows mod (link,, if you want to try it out) and having my spidery pets spread trapping webs all over the map for my Widows' colony is thoroughly satisfying.
Quote from: SzQ on April 08, 2018, 10:40:39 PM
Now we need Drow version.

Black Widows actually have elf ears! I still need to work on making them a separate part of the head so that they show up over most hairstyles, but quite a few hairstyles show it off.

I think someone's working on adding elves to the game. Hopefully they add a drow version ^.^
Thanks! I'm glad you like them. I am by no means a professional artist, but I certainly did try.  :)

Wonder woman shields for the spiders would be pretty cool. Hmm.

    Version 2.0

    Steam Link:

    Introducing the Black Widows, a new unique race for Rimworld, now updated for rimworld's release version! A unisex race of half-arachnids with a culture that relies on raiding for race survival, the Black Widows sport a number of defining features:

    • Unique bodies and heads complete with custom armors.
    • Aggressive faction tendencies and close combat focus.
    • Produce their own silk that can be used to either make Black Widow apparel and items or to make beautiful (but unusually flammable) versions of traditional fabric based items.
    • As player controlled pawns, they are powerful but finicky. High psychic sensitivity and low break threshold combined with close combat focus can make them dangerous to be around
    • Widows have a taste for more... refined things. They're all cannibals and they can combine humanoid meat and Widow's Silk to create "beautiful" sculptures.
    • Defenses and weapons are focused on defense-in-depth--slowing and stunning enemies while widow hashashim snipers harry them at mid-range and widow reavers close in on small groups that have been isolated from the pack. Lots of close combat weapons and armors; floors act like webs, slowing enemies while widows zip over them normally; spammable (though less powerful) traps that are beautiful and can be placed throughout the inside of a base; and turret defenses that do almost no damage but will leave enemies almost perpetually staggered.
    • Spider people. Spider people? Spider people!

    New With Update:
    Below is a list of things I've added in with the updated version of this mod.
    • Removed the ability for widows to have the bloodlust or cannibal traits.
    • Altered the widows' unique Brood Mind trait to incorporate elements of the bloodlust trait. You should see the widows actually having a strong chance of starting social fights, now, helping to balance their positive attributes, and they now hunger for sentient flesh to match their other predatory features
    • Tweaked costs and values for the various extant armors and added two new armors, the Black Widow Lingerie Top and Furred Widow Armor. The lingerie significantly improves social ability at the cost of defense and cold insulation. The furred widow armor provides the widows with solid defense and actual ability to survive cold climates, but is locked behind armor crafting and requires significant skill to create (Widows are meant to struggle in cold environments without significant investment).
    • Ears!
    • Widows now have their own unique bodyparts corresponding to their unique physiology. I'm still tinkering with this change, so please let me know if you encounter any issues with widow bodies.

    ***Latest Update [21 March 2019]***

    • Fixed issue with thought spawning when Widows eat humanlike meat.
    • Did some tweaking on Widow armor to hopefully allow for better leg protect.
    • Doubled silk gathering yields and also time between silk gathering incidents to try to make widow silk gathering slightly less disruptive.
    • Fixed issue where corpse flower petals were incorrectly labeled as gravespark fruit in recipes.

    Planned Features:
    What I have for the mod so far is a basic framework and some items. After updating some of the art assets and making sure that what's already created is in good shape, I'd like to expand on the basic elements I have so far. Some things I'm currently working on:

    • Bug fixing.
    • Additional furniture.
    • Find a way to make widows experience a minor mood malus for going without sentient meals for too long.
    • Additional Widow weapons!
    • A Widow-specific mission: a Widow Matron moves into the region, preparing to conquer the Rim, but a defector has tipped the player's colonists off to what's happening. If the player is willing to brave a Widow base, with all its traps and dangers, and battle the Matron at its heart, the defector will join their colony!


    • Zamnath

    Special Thanks:

    • Diana Winters for allowing me to use their dll to enable silk producing.
    • erdelf for creating the race framework that allowed me to produce this mod.
    • gouda quiche, ChJees, and others over at the Rimworld Alien Races discord for answering my many, many questions regarding the alien races framework specifically and xml structure in general.
    • Jamaican Castle for developing the framework enabling Widow floors to slow non-Widow pawns and leave Widows alone.
    • Swept, patron of the Koopy Combo for creating the new (and awesome) preview image.
    • Kubouch for constructing the code allowing for creation of fermentable items (such as memory wine) and Syrchalis for updating it to 1.0.



    How to install:
    - Unzip the contents and place them in your RimWorld/Mods folder.
    - Activate the mod in the mod menu in the game.
    - Mod Order: Humanoid Alien Race Framework -> this mod.

    Known Incompatibilities:

    • Orassans Milk Patch: Some of the verbs used to describe milking activities (Orassans) and silk gathering activities (Widows) will overwrite each other. The actual materials produced and the stats for production will remain the same, though.
    • Prepare Carefully: The prepare carefully framework will let you force non-Widows clothing onto Widows. Don't do this. Swap for clothing that says "widow" on it to avoid turning your Widows into pink squares of doom. If you find your widows turning into said pink squares, try having them take off their gear.
    • Certain mods that change interactions with gatherable animals could mess with Widows silk gathering mechanics. If you encounter difficulties, you can usually get the pawns to gather from themselves by setting silk gathering (under animal handling) to a higher priority.

    Known Bugs:

    • Some hair mods with particularly thin hairstyles won't look quite right on Widow heads due to the race's scaling. Most hair mods work fine, though.
    • The game occasionally generates male Widows, and I unfortunately can't completely stop it from doing so (especially in large raids). I think I've resolved the major errors accompanying its generation, though.
    • Pathing in bases that make heavy use of widow floors can get a bit wonkie, especially for non-widow colonists. It's generally best to use widow floors for widow-specific areas and external defenses. If you find you're having trouble, using Kiame Vivacity's "Path Avoid - 1.0" mod can help significantly.