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Messages - CreepyD

General Discussion / Re: Traps
January 19, 2015, 12:17:59 PM
Sounds awfully like an exploit to me.
Mods / Re: [Request] LV-426 (Alien/(2))
July 08, 2014, 11:48:31 AM
This is definitely a mod I'd like to play :D

Just some thoughts come to mind.
You might also need to add some kind of defenses, maybe beefier turrets like the ones from Aliens.
Nice to go with this would be the requirement to have ventilation for any mountain based bases, which can of course be used by the xeno's too.
I have a similar problem.
I was running my base from a single geothermal station, only using about 300W out of the 3600 it gives.
There was a power conduit overload and a break (nowhere near the station, and other side of the base, nothing was cut off).
But it said it drained all the batteries.. Ok I was never running from them.
However the power output from the geothermal is now 0W the entire time!  I'm just building a 2nd one to see if another will work.
I have also noticed no 'steam' coming through the station - that does usually happen doesn't it?

Saved and loaded the game.. Ouptut immediately shows 3600W and drops like a stone.  It doesn't stop at 0W and keeps going until about -1200W when I run out of battery power and it settles on 0W again.
Definitely appears to be a bug to me.

Built a 2nd one, that worked.  Oddly, I tried turning them both off, it showed -5700W connected rate.
Turned back on, oops neither will come back on and it settles at 0W.
I now have 1 solar panel and that powers a few things at least.
Hope this helps narrow things down.

I demolished and rebuilt one and that worked for me.
Got a solid 1550W connected rate now, even after saving and reloading.
This is all very strange.
Oh I'm using v5 with todays hotfix too, I just noticed you posted about version 4f.
Just playing for a few hours with this mod enabled, it's great!
I had just a single warrior attack first, then 3, then a whole bunch of 8 or so later on.
They came from the wrong side where I had no defenses, so chased me through my base to the other side (killing two prisoners on their way) - then had a lovely fire fight taking them all out with a friendly faction.

Some improvements came to mind..
1. They produce way too much food. Killing the last wave netted me 1900 warrior meat and overfilled my stores.
2. Could they perhaps be a tad large? I mean just so they fit in the squares better maybe shrinking them to Muffalo sized is a gd plan?
3. Any chance of animating them in the future? :D