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Messages - rsdworker

General Discussion / Re: Call for Alpha 5 testers
June 23, 2014, 06:31:10 PM
Quote from: Tynan on June 23, 2014, 06:28:31 PM
Quote from: rsdworker on June 23, 2014, 06:19:55 PM
just asking - private testers are able to get Alpha 5?

Of course... you posted a bug from it earlier today didn't you?
yes that's right - i will pm you
General Discussion / Re: Call for Alpha 5 testers
June 23, 2014, 06:19:55 PM
just asking - private testers are able to get Alpha 5?
Support / Re: CTD within seconds of launching game
June 07, 2014, 10:03:32 PM
which version?
Outdated / Re: The BIG Bang Alpha 3 modpack
April 11, 2014, 08:14:56 AM
EDIT: its solved now - i did clean install and worked
Releases / Re: [MOD] (Alpha 3) PowerSwitch
April 10, 2014, 05:01:46 PM
nice :) i like it a automatic switches
General Discussion / Re: Testers Wanted!!!
April 04, 2014, 02:24:15 PM
i have sent you PM - i am interested testing out
nice - i will comment later when i have looked in it
exellent idea - that would prevent the animals going in graves by default
Ideas / Re: Access zones and doors locks
March 01, 2014, 07:14:12 AM
Quote from: AcDie on March 01, 2014, 04:03:35 AM
PA style?  ???
well simllar but this a different - no max and min and med so that's what i am referring
Ideas / Access zones and doors locks
February 28, 2014, 04:41:51 PM
i had idea for restricting access to areas/rooms - would be defined as zones for outside and inside - but basic settings can also be done via door settings if player wants lock off the one room or more without zone and locks

1: Open - no access limits applied - example shared hallways and rooms - visitors and traders and animals can wander inside or outside - colour: white

2: residents - only allows residents (who permantly live in) colour: green

3: Prisoners - only prisoners can wander freely within this zone without confining to their cell - warden and guards can enter this zone as well and also Maintenance jobs can be done by prisoners - colour - Orange

4: High risk zone - weapons room which restricts to only guards and Maintenance jobs
color - red

5: Job zones - restricts people who have proper job example Cook to work in kitchen  so anyone without proper job assignment can't enter but can be bypassed by adding allow Maintenance jobs and cleaning or hauling in settings
color - Blue

6: No Animals zone - Banishs any animals such boomrats and etc - this would be separate zone from access list - color - striped red

7: construction zone - this probits anyone who not building to try to work within zone - only allows builders in  - striped orange

8: Private rooms - for residents who live in rooms - they can lock doors without letting people in and out - striped Blue


Open - doors are locked open (access allowed in and out)

Closed - doors are closed - people can open them when passing (default)

Locked - locked so people will unlock door when passing through and locks again - see locks

sealed - people can't pass through this door (raiders will try unseal this door if fail they just give up)


No lock - no lock means door is freely open accessible

Locked with bolts = basic door can be bolted locked - only visble on inside side - (raiders will bash from outside side unless if door bolts is facing to raiders means they can just unbolt from wrong side) for one way doors - the bolt locks again after person leaves from entry side to no entry side

Locked with key - only people who have key to access the room (raiders might need find key to unlock if they fail they can just bash through) - can be assigned to person - example person has come to unlock door to let prisoner through to storeroom

Locked with electric keypad - requires power and the person will unlock that door (radiers will hack this door) - if no power - the door will be unlocked unless has extra lock such like bolt or key

Locked with remote control - requires power and is hard to break through door so person who is manning at comms desk or secuirty desk will unlock the door if he sees person entering
(raiders will fail at this door unless they find desk nearby to unlock or they can hack at nearby panel) if no person manning at desk - its will stay locked unless player specifics the desk operation - example unlocked in night and locked in day
if no power - the door will be stay locked or unlocked

One way door - people can leave or enter in one direction - if its locked - you can specific which direction of lock example one side is open - while other side is locked with key - example emergency exit door or one way gate and speific who allowed go in wrong direction - example guards can enter from no entry side (raiders can ignore this and bash through the door)

Door strength

basic wooden door - easily bashed through can have basic lock or bolt (easily burned down)

Basic metal door - can be broken in with crowbar with basic lock or bolt (sightly hard to burn down)

Basic electric doors - has power to open and close - no lock can be fitted in and more slightly hard to bash through and can be forced open if no power resulting door being Locked open

Tough electric doors - has power and has keypad or remote locking fitted in

Tough wooden door - upgrade from basic door to tough - more harder to bash through can have tough lock and can be equipped with keypad and can be upgraded for remote locking

Tough metal door - same as wooden but more choices of locks - more hard to burn down

very very tough metal/wooden door - a very secure door - its very hard to bash through or be burned down can have all locks - this be useful for base entrance door

suggestions or ideas is welcomed
General Discussion / Re: Z-Index. Will it ever happen?
February 27, 2014, 07:39:27 AM
same - if i would fund z levels its would be pretty good because single level gets sometimes hard - example no metals left on ground - you need dig deeper in subsurface levels

also ability to have upper floors as well (possibly research elevator)

elevators would come two types - (small - 4 person elevator) (large - can hold 10 people)

those will come with doors and Machinery (requires power) and Access level - restrict access to people example researchers can access level 2 only

alternatively research hand operated elevators (small - 1 person) (large - can hold 4 people)

or research stairs and ramps - they carry unlimited people
Outdated / Re: [Project] Wood economy
February 26, 2014, 11:41:35 PM
looks nice idea because wood is more quicker to build and trees can regrow back and again and again
Support / Re: question
February 26, 2014, 11:30:43 PM
i thought its was already in it because changelog didn't show Alpha 2 notes as well he needs check that as well
Support / question
February 26, 2014, 10:20:41 PM
i saw change log - Added simple door. Cheaper, but cannot be powered.
but i played in game - the simple door isn't in game so where it?
General Discussion / Re: It's getting cloooooser
February 25, 2014, 08:48:04 PM
sounds exciting