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Messages - Abrexus

Quote from: mathwizi2005 on April 26, 2015, 01:42:32 PM
More like stick to an update a day AT MOST. You do tend to release quite often.

Your post made me realize that pulling back to weekly/monthly updates is exactly the right decision.  I plan to put one out today that addresses a few minor bugs, then after that expect them MUCH less frequent, or someone can take over development if they prefer.
Quote from: Canute on April 26, 2015, 05:38:49 AM
since you update the mod very often it is hard to track if i got the right/latest version.
Can you add some version number to it ?
The best it would be when you rename the mod folder.

There is a version number.  If you look at the file name it's always the date at the end of the name.  0424 was the latest release.  As for the frequent updates, you're probably right.  I think maybe I should take a step back and start updating weekly or monthly instead.
Quote from: Rauminen on April 25, 2015, 03:36:11 PM
Hm, since we're talking building shields, stupid question.... Do they allow for people / turrets to shoot out from under them?
I've only built a couple and they seemed to go down real quick as my guys were shooting out (no damage taken from outside, melee pirate raid). Is there a trick? :)

Actually I am going to take a look at the shields this afternoon.
Quote from: Ninefinger on April 25, 2015, 12:21:34 PM
what do you mean by xpack? cause im hoping you dont go adding all these things to the mod, outdoor lamps cant just be added into this mod, i added an outdoor light and wall light into my overhaul modpack and the glow radius had to be significantly reduced or the lighting effect itself looked square and was buggy when placing conduit the light would spread with the conduit, conveyor belts... pls no, repairing mending items is way to overpowered simply being able to deconstruct them back into a portion of there raw materials is way better, quantum storage... pls no, half the battle in this game is inventory management a better solution is being able to convert destroy extra crappy things back into raw components to be able to be re-crafted or simply be selling shit for next to nothing to simply get rid of it, fuse boxes is a good idea to add since i myself already added them into my modpack. prison improvements is useless until tynan adds back in the cabin fever debuff, less is more. I hope by xpack you mean a separate download or something.

Woah, hold on there hoss...

I applaud that you are putting together your own modpack, and I wish you the best of success.  That's the beauty of what you're can add/remove the things you like/don't like about my mod and make it your own.  I will ask however that you refrain from making snap judgements and decisions for me.  If you followed the previous version of my mod at all, you would know the Xpac is an optional download that adds features I feel may be a good fit, but not  essential to the core mod itself, and it's just that....optional.

As always, I encourage feedback and suggestions, but in the end I reserve the right to make it as I see fit.  Feel free like I said before to take the mod and rework it in any way you're welcome to use my code, textures, whatever you need.

Quote from: Bucketsmith on April 24, 2015, 04:44:37 PM
Taking into account whether or not you would get permission from lending existing work, would it be possible to add

- Turret bases where you have to jerry rig weapons onto it, instead of having prebuilt turrets;
No plans to do this at this time.  I'm weighing options for how/if I want to re-balance combat

- Advanced sunlamps and outdoor lamps (TL ones with square/rectangle 'sphere' of light, anyone?);
No plans to do this at this time.

- Hidden circuits (why circuits would be above ground and susceptible to rain, I don't know...);
I'm not sure how to do this effectively without having a second layer similar to the way prison architect is designed.

- Fuse boxes;
This will be coming in the first Xpac I hope to have out this weekend, along with the solar flare shield and quantum storage.

- Extended powerswitches;
I like these, but have to get permission from the mod developer first.

- Improved prison stuff;
This will be added as soon as the developer updates his mod to alpha 10.

- Conveyor belts;
I like these, but have to get permission from the mod developer first.

- Extended mining (y'know, mining iron/plasteel ore and having to process it first? Much like wood logs vs planks!).
I'm not sure what you're asking for here.  The mod already has you mine steel/plasteel and convert them from ore to bars.

- Repairing/mending of items/apparel/weapons (think someone already suggested this in this thread, but I'm not sure anymore.)
I want to add this as an Xpac, so it's on my list of things to do.

In fact, it would also be cool if we could upgrade work items to better qualities, but that might be a lot of coding work.
If I understand your request we have this in a sense by upgrading to the powered crafting tables which give greater output at a reduced crafting time.
Quote from: Muramas on April 24, 2015, 09:11:25 PM
I know you have cybernetic brain but the use of an AI core is pretty high since the traders seem not to sell it anymore. I would love to be able to heal a brain injury...I had a guy who couldn't do anything and I had to eventually put him in cryo.

I'm going to redo the traders a bit tomorrow and will have a patch out then.  I'll add the AI Core to the Exotic trader and I am going to combine the Agriculture and Bulk Goods traders.
Daily update complete!  Thanks to everyone for pointing out the bugs.  The changes are as follows:

* Added eyes, ears, and noses to the organ vat

* Renamed scar patching to injury, and fixed issue with healing certain types of wounds
* Fixed issue with colonists never stopping to eat or sleep while training
* Fixed issue with Power claw not working as intended
Quote from: Canute on April 24, 2015, 04:54:47 PM
About pratice dummy's,
shouldn't you draft your pawn and then send them to practice at the dummy ?
Currently a pawn on combat mode they just use the dummy for 1 xp and leave it.
But on regular mode the pawn use the dummy forever and even get exhaust or starve to dead.

I've noticed they seem to do this now ever since Alpha 10.  I've also had it happen when mining plasteel...they don't stop to go eat/sleep/etc...
Quote from: Telarin on April 24, 2015, 12:41:07 PM
I have a colonists with an old gunshot wound to the neck. The mod gives me the operation option to "Heal Scar (Neck)". However, doing so has no effect on the injury.

It appears this only affects old gunshot wounds....I am able to heal other wounds just fine.  I've got my thinking cap on and am working on a fix!
*edit*  I think I got it fixed....testing it on a few victims...I mean volunteers  ::)
Quote from: Canute on April 24, 2015, 02:08:31 PM
Powered Arm, and when you try to install it, it show as Power claw at the operation menu.
After you installed it, the pawn isn't able to mellee attack anymore, and can't do range attack without weapon.
Does the damage from the arm add to the weapon ?

Working on a fix for this....thanks for the report!
Quote from: Canute on April 24, 2015, 12:12:28 PM
For some extra traders take a look at
then local traders appear on the map.

Miscellaneous V1.10.2b - Vanilla Enhanced is an excellent addition that works perfect with SC!  I use it myself, and adds the traders.  I may include the link on the front page if Haplo permits.
Quote from: Muramas on April 23, 2015, 02:14:26 PM
I don't know if this is something that you changed but my combat trader is not selling or buying personal shields anymore...they are starting to pile up ;p

They should be available to be bought and sold at the exotic trader...I'll do some testing and see.
Quote from: Muramas on April 23, 2015, 03:05:01 PM
I don't know if this is intended, I have a few torso scars that won't go away no matter how many operations. They seem to stays at 2

I'll test this out....I have healed a number of scars just fine, but I can't say if they were torso scars or not.
Quote from: SadisticNemesis on April 23, 2015, 04:43:27 PM
Something I've noticed tonight. The beds seem to have a pink outline around them? I didn't even noticed this while playing it all day until a few minutes ago, its rather faint but I thought I'd report it regardless.

Pink is in in 2015, or didn't you know?   ;D

Seriously though, I noticed it but it wasn't a high priority fix....once I get the mod to the point where I feel it's "complete" I'll revisit those textures.
Quote from: Savagedingo on April 23, 2015, 06:44:45 PM
So it'd be silly not to choose bulk meals, correct?

Well, the reason I added it was after playing through several times, I found that it was tempting to not even bother with the cookstove.  I could live on jerky and simple salads alone!  This way there is an incentive, and it does require a slightly higher skill level to make them too.