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General Discussion / Re: Do you save scum?
January 04, 2016, 04:12:25 PM
Quote from: Skissor on January 04, 2016, 03:49:42 PM
If you play on Cassandra you'll have a constant stream of raiders. If you play randy the stream of events is not constant, so it can be half a year between a raid or just a week. That's the only difference between the two. Extreme only controls how many raiders you get and how well they are equipped. If you are lucky, you can play Randy and he gives you very few raids that's why I mostly play Cassandra to be sure that my gameplay is constant.

i play cassandra too, tried randy one colony and was super boring (his raids started just like cassandras, first raid 1 guy... :), was actually easier.
General Discussion / Re: Do you save scum?
January 04, 2016, 03:57:56 PM
I do, since the game doesnt prohibit it. I wouldnt mind if i couldnt, actually i am looking forward for another difficulty with loading disabled all together and game autosaves in realtime, but since i can...

So, there actually are guys here who wouldnt load losing their near max bionical sniper due to failed surgery (please...) happens once or twice everytime i play even when skilled doctor is doing surgery)

or who woudnt load when mechs drop in your base later in game on extreme diff. (it can be pretty badass)

or that awkward headshot already mentioned by a low skilled enemy vs your badass sniper? (im mentioning sniper here, since by my experience all u ever needed is one good bionic sniper - he can deal with siegers, sappers, poison and psychic ships, with turret support once siege etc is broken and they attack (rly easy to snipe all mechs without taking any dmg, make sure u dont dmg ship first below 50% since that makes em attack, otherwise they just defend a preset distance from ship which is lower than your snipers, keep distance and snipe, may take two - three days with one guy but works every time, you see when they move towards you and can move away before in range, this is rly easy no loading needed here)

as for some stuff mentioned here, all my able colonists have Doctor (1) always, for surgeries i then make sure the guy who is best does them until later in game when all have 15+ already (doctor skill is super easy to lvl up, you have lots of prisoners u can train on etc, place a turret in jailroom, let em berserk if they wish, stitch em up, let em berserk again...)
Ideas / Re: New event: earthquake
January 04, 2016, 02:06:54 PM
Do like the idea, it could still be managable, i dont know how many tiles a wall has to be away from other to collapse rocks somewhere in between, well in case of earthquake - that distance would get shorter for a small duration of time, giving 20% chance or something to collapse rocks if that new max distance due to earthquake would make one wall too far from other  (if at time of earthquake occuring u position your guys close to walls they would still be safe), so bassicly u could prevent it in ahead by building smaller rooms for example :) ) while it also wouldnt necessarly mean it would collapse everywhere, still based on that % to collapse.

P.S. or even better, 2 tiles away from wall 20% to collapse, 3 tiles away 40% to collapse, 4 tiles away 60% or something, could also base this % on earthquake strenght and drop random strenght, duration equakes, while during earthquake game would collapse stuff several times not just once, like 3+ times, well based on difficulty which could determine strenght, duration + the random range factor (lol, to complicate stuff) :)
would need to code in mutiny, jailbreaking in case of prisoners etc. then also in same update + ways that would occur and ways that would be avoided taking some steps in ahead.

in case of slaves, id say you would need to break em down mentally before they go from pirate mercenaries to your local maids.
Having prisoners work - Mining sounds more than reasonable (have to earn that daily meal anyway), simplified, a script could override all their abilities except "Mining" and they could join your colony as normal colonists who cant move outside jail areas (rough version which prolly can be done in couple hours)(mine inside that jail area and nowhere else), as for cleaning, hauling you would need guards present which wouldnt really be of much use then, or would you let your prisoners run around camp freely (in real)

Babies, saying 18 years ingame till it matures is unreasanable, since age here doesnt rly play much role anyway (age could be removed all together, doubt someone had a colonist die of old age yet so whats the point of age here anyway) i doubt it would bother anyone if they fully mature in 2 years, would still have little kids run around his base for long enough to feel somewhat real.
Ideas / Re: List of Suggestions
January 02, 2016, 06:52:11 AM
Find it strange too that after 200h of gameplay now, all i could get was exceptional sniper rifle :)
I like thrumbos, just for their looks.
(they eat too much, breed too long, took them more than a year to mate)

Like small chickens running around colony, looks neat :)

Like wargs alot (while a dog always dies in battle a warg can be with you for a long time), but the male ones get super annoying with their cryhowls.
Ideas / Re: Your Cheapest Ideas
January 01, 2016, 01:45:57 PM
a little suggestion of fixes and stuff:

- making metal walls less flameble: i can understand they would melt, but burning and spreading fire to adjacent metal (in similar way as wood) seems unlogical, while there could be more troubles with electricity here thou -ligtning storms or discharges could make severe troubles in metal only buildings on open space with no trees around, electrify, kill colonists inside if floors are metal too)

- electric discharges blowing up walls and stuff, seems unlogical (to me at least) i can understand that batteries would blow up, but a cable in a wall blowing up like tnt makes no sense (to me) cables would melt down sooner imo ((i can be wrong here :) just seems strange if you think about it)

- two turret types, the one we have now requiring an artilery shell to be placed + another with lets say shorter range (my guess it was made to explode to balance and prevent player from spamming one too close to other)

- placing artilery shells (explosive charges) on ground and detonating to get terrain chunks on adjacent tiles, to avoid endless "hours" of hauling terrain chunks

- placing artilery shells near mountains to blow up instead mining (to easier heavily chunk areas (way more chunks than placing them on terrain for example), make passageways fast, not necessarly to mine via explosives)

- seperating extreme game mode from others and disabling save game feature, autosave like in DF for example (major lack of challenge and all comes out of ability to save imo, seems well enough balanced, difficult otherwise, but being able to save and load makes stuff super easy, avoidable, actually works heavily against replayability and story mode, since you can try it so long till rng is in your favor instead of making a new colony because the last one couldnt fend off something unpredicted.

- more penalties for canibalism, not in the mood region but in diplomacy region (if visitors notice you are a canibal, no matter the relations with them, they would attack you, but only once they get inside your base, adjacent to kitchen for example, would also make further relations with faction impossible (such a huge penalty to counter the human leather value and easier gameplay due to canibalism)

- berserking, while i can understand someone reaching a point of broken daze, going berserk on their friends seems very unusual to me, on visitors yeah, but people you live with, that doesnt seem very reasonable, wonder where that came from (except DF) in real even those shooters in USA, the sociopaths, dont go kill their own family, unless their own family done really bad things to them. But here stuff can come out of ugly places, wrong food etc... seems unreasonable to go kill your friend cause of that, especially without traits like jelaous etc..., while someone who would really not like something, you couldnt force him to, like someone wouldnt want to be a canibal and would rather starve than go down that way and later go berserk on his friends because he is a good guy who gets a mood loss if he does wrong stuff not a bad guy who doesnt rly care much about anything like a psychopath trait which does exist. :)
Base was already built (like 2x or 3x, changed walls, floors) there was no challenge anymore, i could let my guys sleep and let turrets deal with attackers or send out my superman and he deals with them, got super heavy bored. Done all i could there i guess, had to restart anyway to try out other mods, but cant see myself ever going adv. bionic again now that i know what the result is (too easy  :P)

Took a different aproach now, less focus on base building, more hilarious times ahead. Like: 3 male canibals in desert and a female warg and they decide not to buy a male warg, eat up wanderers that join and stuff like that. Sadly i used pirates this time and now they all wear cuirasses, already looking for next mod hehe, i dont want to craft bionics anymore, like said: takes more away than it offers, find it fun checking incoming attackers for things to harvest, would love to keep just the expanded surgery part, fixing limbs, ears, i think that should be added to core :)
Attached a screenshot:

So bassicly as long as i dont go change my defenses or base they seem to always take this path:

Not seen on screenshot (cant zoom out sufficiently for more overview) is the outer wall.

1. Here they break down my outer wall

X. is where i position my guys

2. is where they fall down one after another.

3. If i dont interrupt they will always go for the door there first, break it down and inside that room

4. Thats what i call their sap point, didnt find other save, there used to be a mountain where they: if left alone got stuck trying to mine diagonaly, removing that diagonal mountain tile and just waiting afterwards.

[attachment deleted due to age]
Noticed another thing, they actually got stuck at sap point cause the digger mined a diagonal stone away and then he stoped so they couldnt proceed forward, were just waiting there at sap point afterwards.
Mods / Re: Old Trading System
December 30, 2015, 04:48:21 PM
I think his problem is being deep inside mountain and he gets items tossed on the outer edge of mountain, had that problem first game i played, now i dont bother going too deep into mountain anymore.
Thank you very much for hauler and cleaner bots, cant play without them anymore ever since. (dont want to be bothered with such things while playing rimworld, imo cleaning and hauling shouldnt take so much time and focus, so this bots come rly handy (even with 4 of them stuff often gets out of hand, especially if you fight tribals), also dont understand how someone is capable of only hauling a piece of clothing, while in real he could carry 5+ at once, same with cleaning, you dont clean for "weeks", stuff is easier in "real" there are tools, machines u can use to speed up cleaning anyway + you dont necessarly make everything dirty, "take of shoes, be carefull etc...)

Traders are super cool too, use to come around every day or two, but i keep getting the bulk trader mostly here.
Wish we could sell everything to any type of traders in core rimworld. (doesnt make sense why they would only take the goods they sell, in "real" they would probably take everything except the goods they sell :) )

Mai seems super cheap for what it offers (a flawless colonist who never gets a mood loss, havent tried the unenchanced version yet since the ai chip is super easy to come around (psychic ships seem frequent enough) only used it once and prolly never again (makes it too easy (like cheating) 500 metal 350 silver is nothing for what you get, thats around price of hauler bot, minus the equipment necessary to create it)

Have trouble with getting all kinds of junk inside my nano deposit as soon as it is placed (but isnt such a big deal) - wish they would come with the "clear all" instead "allow all". Use it in medlab and kitchen only :)

Tried the replicator but find it "useless", replicated my exceptional power armor for 5400 or so metal but got a normal power armor out so never used it again. (dont want to dupe stuff anyway)

I only see an archery range under joy department, not sure what im doing wrong here, is very cool thing thou, always have one placed.

The Quick response buttons are fck... awesome, call all colonist to defend with a press of button, perfect.

The rumors and anomaly doesnt seem anything special, is an addition (expected to go check some randomly generated dungeon and was very dissapointed hehe), often think of not even sending colonists there, the artefacts are kinda same, got an overload once: like 10 neurotrainers, seemed too much goodies hehe.

all in all very cool addition, would rather see something like "Mai" take alot more time and trouble to get, like setting her up part by part, data processing, movement, hearing, etc... which you salvage from mechs.
Ideas / Boss Raid
December 30, 2015, 02:27:03 PM
After winning a couple raids vs a faction (10+), its leader would come to Siege, sap, raid at once, this would be some really heavy type of raid with the leader itself having superb armor, weapon, superb PS (up to 1000%+, not useble by normal colonists, could drop some other legendary goodie thou or something really valuable)

Defending the raid would remove that faction from the game and add another random faction (different type).
The craftable guns are very cool adition to the core game, the time it takes to craft one is super high and doesnt feel like changing the core gameplay in any way, actually often feels like its better to craft other stuff instead, but having an option to do it alone is awesome. Thank you verry much, will be a mod i will keep using permanently :)