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Messages - Sens

Ideas / Re: Your Cheapest Ideas
December 30, 2015, 01:18:24 PM
Can we get another stockpile slider based on item value?

Like... only take items worth 10$+
This is awesome, love this mod, makes crafting so much more interesting, reminds me of Diablo 2 (even colors add, hehe)

Have to point out something:

The infusion are pretty major, heavy and not even close to minor :)
+ stuff like Rare, Epic, Artefact is more than common to get.

Only has one bionic leg :)

Tried out, he can run around 20 tribals in circles and no arrow will ever hit him hehe. Can you tune the stuff down :)
Ideas / Re: Endgame Idea (Lite Version)
December 29, 2015, 10:36:16 AM
I can understand that author is probably tired of seeing same suggestions over and over again, but i doubt players come to forum to copy paste from each other, they play the game and think how to make it even more epic, see what it lacks and suggest to make it better, the more frequent the suggestion, more focus "could" be put on its realization.
Ideas / Re: Endgame Idea (Lite Version)
December 29, 2015, 09:57:09 AM
For the "story" mode it still lacks alot variety, needs much more different raiders (starting with names, that shouldnt be too hard), animals, biomes, incidents etc...

I played DF too (you can do it right there, have golden halls, take care of each one, have waterfalls falling down through ceilings, everything, be carefull not to send weak minded chars to haul bodies (eventually they cant haul all the crap away in time, when raids increase in numbers), yet they will still kill each other, its designed that way to force you to restart and think you havent done it right, althou, you did do it right, imo noone wants that madness where 200 dwarfs win a raid without loses and get all sad about it, cry in their golden halls and kill their best friends, what a story...) the game has more possibilities than DF, sadly im not smart or skilled enough to program a game like this, if i could, i wouldnt go towards a sci fi DF, but would go forward from here, imo the "story" mode is just a way to make same part of game be replayed xyz times instead of going further from here, you could have a story with middlegame endgame also, it doesnt necessarly need to be land on ai homeplanet there could be variety in endings too, the way u played or researched or random. Would make for a greater story or not?

I can understand it would take alot of aditional programing, but space or lets say underwater could also be just another two biomes added if nothing else. Just ideas here, no pushing, the game as it is now is still 10x better than most games i saw in years ;)
Noticed they follow same route everytime as long as base defenses remain same, if i move my guys somewhere between my base and them as soon as raid starts, somewhere along that route (but not directly on it, away from my base and sap point) equiped with charge rifles and lmgs, just in ranged reach of that route, alot of them will get shot down without their group ever attacking me still rushing towards their sap point, occasionaly turning around and running back and again turning around and back towards sap point, which results in flawless victory as they will run away before ever reaching the sap point in most cases after enough are shot down.
(im on open terrain, not even behind cover)
Ideas / Endgame Idea (Lite Version)
December 28, 2015, 06:36:43 PM
Met Rimworld around two weeks ago, havent slept more than 4-5 hours per day ever since, was playing it all the time, went sleeping at 7am - woke up at 11am and continued (lol). Really love the easy learning curve it has, simplified interface for such a game (a dream come true).

I could do without all this "stories" but cant do without a proper "next part" of the game, in my opinion it lacks a middlegame - endgame, spent around 160 hours on two colonies so far, around 80 hours each (challenging and extreme difficulty)

The first 20 hours i ussualy spend building up my base, moving from outside slowly into a mountain, building up everything i need, lvling people, setting up defenses, afterwards comes tailoring, art, crafting for money, getting everyone bionic upgrades etc...

At around 50 hours of gameplay i get to a point where everything is done and somewhere perfected, so i start walling in most of the map, rebuilding my base with new better materials, perfecting defences so no turrets are lost etc...

at around 80 hours of gameplay i am more or less done, control 70+% of the map and base is all glittered up in mixed colored lights (purplish to turkize etc.) the energy is more than sufficient, all defenses are triggered on press of a switch, including red lights all around base where turrets get operational it looks cool and feels good, but at this point i am already bored a bit by repetative raids of guys with same names, once you kill commaro for the 100th time u start to think whats the point. The incidents or events rather then surprising you, become just an annoyance and you can somewhat predict what is about to happen or at least expect it down to a minute :)

What now? I just built my dream base, spent 5+ years ingame, everything works as it should, colonists are happy with 80+ mood, have exceptional+ weapons, masterwork+ clothes, so now i should build a ship and end game? I feel like playing!!! I want to continue :) I dont want to restart and build a new colony from scratch again with new unskilled colonists...

Have checked the frequent suggestions and saw the live on built ship and travel galaxy topic already exists, would love to see that, or at least a space station

(space stations would be easier to program imo as it wouldnt need to move around in realtime, while traveling could be simplified also using a sort of computer and simply "changing the map and going into static mode afterwards)

The game lacks an endgame, i would love to move from this planet away and start playing next part of the game on a galactic scale, build mining outposts, wage wars, meet other alien species, the possibilities are huge.

A lite endgame version could be:

You build a ship, the ai instead of working for you, follows its "protocol" and lands on mechanoid homeplanet.

You land near an ancient "living" mechanoid city on the outskirts. They do not notice you yet, but eventually scouts or patrols notice you, this time it is not about simply surviving, but having a chance to "save the galaxy" and rid it from the mechs, will you be able to crush the base, or will they find and destroy you sooner. Here you meet all kinds of mechs from workers to adv. battledroids. You have to destroy all their factories and the mainframe etc... (lite version)

- would love to see an epic monster enter map instead of raiders from time to time, thumbos look awesome, more stuff like that, can be agressive too (but all in its limits)

- would love to be able to salvage and reconstruct droids, spent a couple of hours when playing for first time trying to do that but the game doesnt offer it yet, saw i can salvage blades from scythers and started to put the ones with functional parts into cryosleep for later usage :)

- the manhunter packs are cool, however, as the difficulty increases, getting raided by 100+ wargs, elephants looks awkward, is ussualy welcome thou, fills up my stocks pretty well

- expanded surgery (being able to fix stuff like missing fingers, scars etc.)

- mystery, history about droids for example, why so hostile
After finishing my first playthrough of vanilla, when i got bored of fending off the guys i killed 120 times before already,
i was looking for mods that would add new interesting stuff to the game, especially in the medical and craft department, so
when i first saw the name expanded prostetics and organ engineering mod i was like THIS EXACTLY!!! so, all happy i went on making next
colony, was expecting simple addon, being able to harvest limbs and stuff, to my surprise i was able to do alot more :)

So around 20 hours deep into the new colony, the guys lvled up sufficiently and i finally managed to setup a proper defense and everything the colony needed to survive (extreme difficulty),

when i first saw the rib upgrades i was like:

i really hope the guy made only one available to upgrade but sadly no, 12 ribs were upgradable and that for ridicoulous low amount of resources, so i decided to "only" upgrade 3, since it already felt like cheating anyway, by now he had all normal bionics on him including the normal bionical spine, joywire,
painstopper, decided not to upgrade to brainpals either, did go and upgraded all to advanced bionics, including adv. power arms
however i didnt change the way i played, so for another 60 hours i havent rly checked his strenght, i simply went perfecting
my colony, better materials, defenses, chunks all around base, shitload of turrets to fend of increasing raid difficulty, then
around 80 hours of playtime spent on colony, one raid of high tech pirates revealed something which was rly sad... i used my
"fully" upgraded guy with adv. power arms to snipe from far or to use charge rifle from behind cover when raided, was fun, now he couldnt do that and instead of loading i decided to check how he could do in melee... so this bounch of 6+ or more high tech pirates landed inside my colony right next to him and he, holding his sniper rifle without any personal shield looked like an
easy target (he had 20 ranged, only 7 melee skill) before they could do anything, 3 were one hitted to death, rest started to flee, i was like what the... was used to core game balance
and didnt expect such strenght, he was faster then the 3 rockets being fired at him, could evade that, could hit before anyone hits him, could.... felt like total cheating, lost all will to continue this colony and went straight to this forum to point it
out, this kind of thing takes all fun away, i checked later, this guy alone could shoot thumbo 2x with sniper rifle and finish
it off in melee (without taking any dmg), he could fend of any wave alone without help of turrets, chunks or terrain, where is the fun in this, it feels like total cheating to me, cant get over it and just continue to play, the mod needs serious balancing, for example:

The masterwork vancidium longsword i was able to craft is worth 140.000 silver, however it "only" does 11 dps while the
20.000 silver worth 2x adv. power arms enable you to do 29 dps! (huh?) while holding your favorite ranged weapon, feels like total cheating, there are no downsides, he has 240% manipulation, 240% speed among other things now.
Looking forward for balanced and fair version of this mod that would add stuff while not taking away crucial things like planning, tactics etc.., there is no need for advanced bionics, no need for 12 upgradable ribs, the normal bionics are already advanced enough, this is total overpowerment, instead of adv. bionics the mod would be better with a bigger variety of upgrades that have huge downsides too, something like scyther blades in core for example, or super costly upgrades that add just a little, like +1% not 30+%.

This is craft your own god kind of thing as it is now :)

The other thing i would like to point out or ask is, what is the usage for synthetic organs etc... i never lost an organ, i thought i had luck first playthrough but now with more than 160h
spent ingame (80h on challenging, 80h on extreme difficulty - around 240 raids together)
i wonder how can you even lose an organ in first place, mine always heal up. Did lose fingers, legs, ears, eyes etc.. but no organs so far. The prostheses trader is unecessary, never traded with him either.

Removed a couple synthetic organs from raiders and never got one (the doctor skills were 15-20). dont know if its
a bug or not.

All in all i had more fun in vanilla, did actually take time to check incoming raiders one by one if someone has any upgrades
i could use for my guys to try and catch him alive. Love the expanded surgery, like... removing ears legs and stuff, find it cool addition to core, there are minor bugs here too, like the victim is missing a few fingers and you harvest his arm and when u put it on your guy the arm is 100% new with all fingers on it for example, but i can get over that, cant get over unbalanced overpowerment the adv. bionics give you, feels too much like cheating and changes the way game is played and seen completly.

I would suggest you to add huge downsides if you add huge strenght, not just making it cost 10x more since that doesnt rly change much in the longrun. (way too cheap imo, by now i have 700 vancidium in stocks, while just making it aside not rly focusing on its production)

Balancing everything with the core way of playing the game is really important. Not needing to think about anything else than
"drop all upgrades on him" takes most of the fun away, makes it too linear and all it takes is time, no other variables here.
Imo bionics should remain uncraftable, tradeble thing, the rest seems fine. Or, craftable if you manage to capture a special
scientiest from raiders who would be able to craft bionics for you but not just a guy on a far away planet mining steel, etc
being everything from superb commando to high tech engineer, elite surgeon and genius in one. Think in terms of adding minor % upgrades, if you plan on keeping everything inside this mod, like adding 1-3% increase instead of 30%+ people would still love to upgrade, its more about making them better not so much making them gods. I would still add adv. bionics even if they would add as little as +1% to their skills and that for same amount of resources as now. The way it is now, its like enabling a cheat :)