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Messages - Penguinmanereikel

Quote from: Pirate333 on July 12, 2017, 07:01:06 AM
Quote from: Arky on July 08, 2017, 10:06:54 AMBecause transport pod is a problem that when you go anywhere , you have to go back on your foot.

Exactly, which makes travelling anoying. My suggestion is similar to the one of mraadx: transport pods just become 2 way (or more) usable, even without skin change. That should not be very complicated but would enrich the game a lot
Why not just transport the means to make a transport pod and launcher with you?
Ideas / Re: New Types of Mechanoids
July 13, 2017, 05:28:25 PM
Quote from: A Friend on July 12, 2017, 08:52:07 AM
Some sketches I made
These look amazing! Especially that flamethrower one and angelic-style one! But I'm not sure how a flame thrower could be properly implemented in Rimworld. There's nothing like a flame thrower animation in the game yet. All fires happen in tile-based bursts, and then just spread.
Also, I see that your designs are either big, sluggish, tanky designs or semi-humanoid designs. While they do look very cool, I feel like there could be more creative variation in base design, as these look very similar to centipedes and slightly like scythers, making it look like there are only two categories of mechanoids. You could do something like a mechanoid designed like a tree or flower or something like that.

Quote from: Harold3456 on July 12, 2017, 12:47:04 AM
maybe non combat robots. Planting robots, who come onto the map and plant local flora for awhile before leaving. You can kill them before they leave for valuable metals and AI cores, but they take a lot of shots and then they won't plant. Like the opposite of an alphabeaver event,

Similarly, maybe a termite-style robot who deconstructs buildings but doesn't harm people. They'll attack in large groups, like the opposite of a man hunter pack since you need to use your people to protect your buildings, not the other wha around.

Interesting idea, but it's not exactly like a reverse Alphabeavers. We have to fight Alphabeavers or we lose all the trees. It's actually quite similar to Thrumbos, where we get a chance to kill something to profit. But Thrumbos are hardy animals that fight back, thereby incentivizing us not to attack it. The planter bots should either give some necessity to fight or incentive to not fight it, perhaps related to the fact it restores trees. If it fought back, however, then it's just a Thrumbo with 1 step less (trading the horn).
But the termite robot idea, now that's pretty creative! It's especialy cool since it even ties with the lore with "mechanites," microscopic robots, existing in this universe. But how exactly do we fight them, though? Also, it would be interesting to have them sometimes attack with mechanoid raids, so that the mechanoids don't only fight us with brute force. They could act like sappers for the mechanoids. They probably shouldn't exist as a standalone event, because then it wouldn't need to be robot termites at all.

Some of you have said that you agree that controlled robots would unbalance the game, but maybe the chance for getting robot colonists would be 1/100 to balance them out.
Quote from: Toast on July 11, 2017, 02:40:42 PM
How are you seeing a 12-year-old kid in the game in the first place? The game doesn't generate pawns below age 14. Are you using mods?
And why is there a 12-year old in a raid?
Quote from: ExoticDirt on January 08, 2017, 09:17:45 PM
Hoping to give Tynan some ideas (and maybe some encouragement  ;) ) for vehicles and other ideas for travel. So far the main things I have seen to do with travel is...

  • Allowing colonists to ride certain animals and thus increasing the speed of the group while travelling. (kinda similar to how an army of horse riders in Mount and Blade work in comparison to an army of footsoldiers)
  • More animals to haul items.. for instance, Thrumbos, Megasloths, Boars, Dogs, Bears, etc.
I've also seen a few ideas for animal based 'vehicles'...

  • Dog sleds. The idea being that dogs that have learnt haul can be used to pull of sled of a maximum of 8-12 large dogs. a sled can hold 2 colonists and about 250kg (or whatever is balanced) of items. Sleds are selected in the form caravan menu and dogs are automatically (and equally) set to each sled, as well as colonists. (another idea on this... prisoner sleds?)
  • Animal powered boats. Stay with me I know it sounds weird, i am not talking about fish. Horse, cattle and ox were used a long time ago to haul large ships across the water (I'll into more in the boat ideas) but this is just a suggestion for using animals to haul medium/small ships across water and make actual boats quite expensive to build (with a limit of a level 12 constructor, boats aren't easy to build) to balance out the use of these animals. (Ships may also require expensive research in comparison to animal based boats)
And finally, actual vehicles, obviously I have seen a lot of ideas here so I will try to keep it short and limit myself to two broad suggestions...

  • Buggies, trucks, trains.. as well as snow based versions of these vehicles; snow buggies (with sleds below) and Snow trucks (that use tracks instead of wheels to traverse the snow). and finally, hover vehicles that can traverse both (as well as water) very fast but are made of plasteel and expensive research and components, use a lot of fuel.
    Lots of people are wondering how vehicles may be stored. simple, just make them multiple blocks big and use "vehicle spots" like party spots.
  • Boats and ships... This idea is a bit more difficult as actually assembling boats would be difficult and how customizable they could be but I feel boats are almost necessary for traversing oceans and hauling large amounts of items with them.
Finally my own few (much smaller) ideas mainly for hauling storage but depend on vehicles.

  • Loading vehicles with crates and using crates for long term storage. So there are mods similar to this but i feel like they are a bit too overpowered using things like baskets and pallets to store significantly more items. but crates have the limitation of having to be closed and opened and once they are opened they are destroyed and must be rebuilt. This would allow putting 50kg worth of items in a single space instead of 75 items. (loaded like a drop-ship is) but must be destroyed to access them.
  • Late game ship can be used to store a lot of items and can be used to travel (at the expense of tons of chemfuel) to any place on the world. I just feel like the ship feels useless, just to finish the game but i don't want to finish the game.

Reading this I realized something.

Ideas / Re: Advanced Bionics, Robotics and Weapons!
July 11, 2017, 02:41:35 PM
I actually made a thread in General Discussion about new types of mechanoids that could be added (it's more like asking what mechanoids other people think should be added to the game). I think being able to reprogram mechanoids is a bit overpowered. And why would a robot from an ancient advanced civilization be powered by what is essentially rocket fuel?
Ideas / Re: New Types of Mechanoids
July 11, 2017, 02:24:34 PM
I have an idea that mechanoids could have an engineer unit that acts like a nurse to repair downed mechanoids, but it would need to search for steel, plasteel and/or components to heal wounds. If it can't find any nearby lying around, then it'll deconstruct the nearest building in range containing that stuff. It only has some melee damage.

I also think that we should robotic colonists, which the lore labels as "Subpersonae" and "Personae," which would be, in some degrees, better than normal colonists, but Subpersonae would be more along the lines of animals or slaves and be limited to what they can do. Both would need to recharge, though, and would be affected by solar flares. Perhaps, instead of having a backstory for Subpersonae, they would have like a "Purpose" which indicates what they're supposed to be used for, and maybe "Modifications" in place of adult backstories. Tynan could even take it a step further and make the descriptions of these sound like advertisements or reading a user manual.

Another, possible type could be infiltrator units, which would disguise themselves as humans. It would work like this: you get a notification saying that a refugee is running away from some mechanoids. If you choose to help this person, they would show to have pretty useful stats on par with most of your colonists. However, when the battle is still ongoing, or when it's over, or maybe some time after it's over (whatever Tynan implements, if he does, but I think after the battle would be best since your guys would all be recovering) the refugee would reveal themselves to be a mechanoid infiltrator and start attacking your people from the inside with your own weapons! This infiltrator would also have the means to keep turrets from seeing them as hostiles! (The whole situation would kind of feel like Terminator.) But to balance this out, inflitrators would only come 5% of the time and any normal human refugees would also have relatively good stats, so you're incetivized to take a risk.
Ideas / New Types of Mechanoids
July 11, 2017, 01:52:25 PM
So far, we only have the Scythers and Centipedes, with Scythers having charge lances and Centipedes having miniguns, charge blasters and inferno cannons. But I feel like that's not enough variation for a race of war machines.

So I'm curious as to what other kinds of mechanoids that the community thinks Tynan should add into the game.

Remember, in the universe of Rimworld, mechanoids are supposed to be "Autonomous intelligent robots built for domestic, industrial or military purposes."
With a mountain base, I can make absolutely insane amounts of money just selling excess blocks. In fact, I don't even need a mountain base to do that. Somehow I keep having enough blocks to make hundreds of silver. Animals also produce WAY more fabric than needed, so there's always enough leather and hide to sell to pay back most things I buy just with that.
Ideas / Re: A18
July 11, 2017, 11:48:46 AM
Quote from: TheMeInTeam on July 10, 2017, 11:04:20 AM
same with the enormous social penalty for ugly pawns (it's too large when compared against other negatives; someone being very ugly should not induce someone to hate or fight more than having someone actually harm you).

Why wouldn't they kill each other over appearance? Real people kill over something as someone being too sassy, so this isn't too much of a stretch.
We can deconstruct structures to recover some material, we can disassemble mechanoids to recover some materials (not that we would want mechanoid corpses anyway) and we can smelt weapons to recover some material. So why not also allow a way to destroy clothing to recover some material instead of burning it? One simple way to do this would be to add a new bill that can be done with tailoring tables saying something like "unravel clothing." Another way would be to add an additional action with clothing labeled "destroy clothing."

So why not add these? It could do away with all the unwanted clothing in a productive way. I can't see it as a way of unbalancing the game since we can collect fallen enemy weapons.
Ideas / Re: A18
June 11, 2017, 11:22:20 PM
Quote from: Limdood on June 05, 2017, 10:32:47 AM
In any order, most of these will take a complete alpha all on their own:

1) redo of the world map.
1a) new biomes and features on the map, for settling, hazards, or flavor.  Ie. things like destroyed cities, fallout zones, desert oases, and more to add new flavor and incentive to settle in or avoid different areas.
1b) faction territory, limited to sections and swathes of the map, able to be influenced by player actions and/or other factions.  In essence, distinct "countries" on the map with individual cities that could be abstractly represented (not Rimciv, but some indication of faction power and stuff)
1c) meaningful map water.  Ship based caravans (ocean and river).  Coastal bases that get to use the coast for defense and production (power, food, dredging)
1d) simulated fossil fuel resources....large multi-map-hex veins of resources that give strategic importance and a feeling of specialization to different base locations (settle on a chemfuel reserve, with deep drillable nearly-unlimited chemfuel, and the game could develop very interestingly)

2. a storyteller and event revamp.
2a) storytellers with distinct, more coherent series of events actually designed to tell a more structured story, with a directed, sequential, but still semi-random series of events (these storytellers would play out a game similarly each time, but not the same)
2b) additional scripted events to help expand the pool of available story events.  Existing similar events being made more distinct from one another (sappers not feeling like just a raid that hits walls, wait and attack not just being a dumber version of immediate attack, etc.)
2c) more direction in the events, period.  Less of a random smattering of dice rolls producing different situations, and more development and possibly motives and execution in raids, berserk animals happenings singly, then in groups, then continuously until X condition is met (stamp out the home, destroy the psychic engine, etc.), crop cycles that help determine what kind of year it will be...blights, cold snaps, and alphabeavers, or late fall heat waves, suddenly richer soil, more sunlight, and symbiotic bacteria (that then spontaneously mutates into a colony wide epidemic, oh no!), diseases and other illnesses that feel more organic.
2d) randy random persists as the "same as right now" complete randomization of events.

3. Fleshing out of the endgame, victory condition options, and post-endgame.
3a) more and more variety of very late game threats and obstacles, along with some reason, story, and/or player input.  Something like mechanoid raids ramping up, but with a source that can be neutralized, or large global event that it leads up to.  Or ways to interact with other factions from an equal, or perhaps even dominant footing, with its own set of prerequisites and risk/reward.
3b) Varied victory condition options, from establishing your colony as a permanent outlander town settlement (complete with certain requirements in time, population, wealth, and faction relations), or even influencing the culture, diplomatic relations, and economy of the WORLD enough that the planet no longer really qualifies as a Rimworld...morphing into maybe a militarized, industrial fortress planet, or the birthplace and new home of a solar-systemwide drug cartel.  I get that "escape" is the original goal of the game, but many different simulation games benefit from the (excuse the copying of the names) ideas of "diplomatic victory, economic victory, conquest victory, scientific victory" and the like.
3c) A way for victory (or certain victories) to allow a game to influence future games or continue.  Perhaps the world you played and won on could be played on again (like the pre-globe separate world generation and ability to play multiple games on the same world).  Not settling on and using your old base (but it could totally be an item cache or pirate base to raid!), but having some meaningful effect on a future game.  Maybe if you develop into a permanent settlement, then in the future, your old colony becomes a new faction (and if #1 was already implemented, with its own other settlements and borders).  An "economic victory" could spawn a game with loads of trade caravans all the time that morphs the game into a much more economic and social game (or the opposite if you settle on the other side of world - economic stagnation).  And so on.  Of course playing on the same world would be completely the player's option, and they could start a new game from scratch on a new world if they chose.

I'm not looking for a tiny feature here or there, I'm interested in the next core content of an entire alpha update, or even multiple alpha updates for any one of these ideas....

I'm interested in more content rather than more features, the features will continue to be fleshed out and refined as time goes on anyways.

I actually have a thread discussing the idea of destroyed cities as a mini biome:
Ideas / Re: A18
June 04, 2017, 02:30:25 AM
Quote from: O Negative on June 04, 2017, 02:13:27 AM
I still hope that one of these updates is going to include a communicable disease system. The current system for getting diseases is weak, and would be made a lot more interesting if sick pawns had a chance to get other pawns sick. One of the biggest early game challenges - when your people are arriving on a new planet - should be building an immune system to the local pathogens. IMHO.

That's my dream update, though.

I'd be happy with improvements to storage, but I don't see them coming anytime soon.

If we ever get a multiplayer update, I'll probably buy one of those ridiculously priced backstory-in-the-game things. I was never expecting a friggin world we could travel around, or the ability to attack other factions. Yet, we got those. Gotta try not to get too hyped on theoreticals :P

Multiplayer? Uh, I don't think Rimworld is that kind of game. Even if Tynan does decide to do anything remotely close to that, he'd probably have to do it in a separate project, not the base game.
Ideas / Re: Urban Biomes
June 04, 2017, 02:26:27 AM
Quote from: IronSquid501 on June 01, 2017, 09:18:03 PM
+1, always thought this was a good idea. Maybe the city wouldn't be all there but some large clusters of buildings has to have survived.

Exactly. Just mostly the empty husks of the former civilization.

Quote from: theapolaustic1 on June 04, 2017, 12:20:46 AM
My thoughts are... This is the perfect sort of situation for a proof of concept mod. If it's really good, maybe tynan will see the value of adding it to the game, but honestly it seems like a lot of time investment for a feature that many people might never see (if you never settle in an "urban" tile and never raid one).

I think it would be a good place for pirate camps to concentrate on. Isn't it epic to imagine pirates having camps in the ruins of a ancient urban city, huddled around the campfire in their jackets and rifles slung around their backs, gorging on the spoils of their raids?

Plus, if Tynan ever considered ancient urban biomes, I'm sure he'd think of ways to balance it. Plus, there would be a good chance to settle there as a pit stop for the travel victory. If there really is no good long-term sustainibility for urban biome bases, then maybe the urban biome maps can be optimized for short-term settlements for travel.

Quote from: Limdood on June 01, 2017, 09:34:06 PM
I often pooh-pooh or shoot down suggestions, but an "urbanization" slider in the world generation would be pretty cool...density of building ruins, maybe radioactive zones (if such things ever get added), tech level of factions (higher = more outlander/pirate, lower = more tribal factions), less arable land.

I would like to see the idea fleshed out and made into a meaningful, large, expansive amount and immersion of content before being added rather than just "more buildings"

An urbanization slider?? How about further than that, when the planet is spawned, the age of the former civilzation is also determined by the seed (takes away control from the player, but I think that it's necessary. We could still at the least have a slider, and the progress of that civilization determines how far people were able to colonize the planet before catastrophe hit, as well as the kind of buildings they had, and the technology they had.

Quote from: Barazen on June 02, 2017, 11:43:09 AM
Also maybe in an urban area it would be better to simply fortify the husks of said buildings? With old vehicles/stands/lamp-posts etc to gather materials from?

Now vehicles and lamp-posts weren't things that I thought of. I completely forgot we even had lamp posts in the game! We could have like different kinds of technology depending on the age of the former civilization!
Ideas / Re: Transport
June 01, 2017, 03:36:11 PM
I know that this game is Sci-Fi, but Hovercraft tech isn't something that can be done on these Rimworlds. They can't even make a flatscreen TV, how can they make a hovercraft? And I know that they can build spaceships, but so did the guys in the Cold War Space Race, and we still had grainy TVs back then.
Billiards tables and horseshoe pins already increase your Shooting skill.

Chess tables also already increase Intellectual skill.