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Messages - wolfyluna

I found that chars got stuck after I tried to relocate a filled with bows weapon-rack to another location, the weapons that were originally on there were through the hauling system unable to be picked up. However if I traded the item as in picking them up for use, thus dropping their other weapon it worked but the now dropped item caused the same issue as the bow originally did. Eventually I was able to manually drop the item somewhere else and empty handed pick up the supposed bugged item but at times characters remained bugging somewhat as if two were trying to go to the same place at the same time but then figuring out that this was not possible, trying again several times and then taking a new route but in between they sort of froze while in a sense shaking every time they sort of attempted to walk.

I enjoy Rimworld quite some however I find not only is Phoebe Friendly is too easy but it lacks certain of the events like the ship part dropping down which drops the item required to make one's own ship. So in that view a variant just slightly more difficult would be good. However even the Chill Callie Classic gets complicated for me too quickly. I am not against the raids, sieges, crops going bad, mad squirels, boomrats and muffelos and all the somewhat less directly harmfull effects but I have quite often that raids and other bad things follow oneother too quickly after the previous one is dealth with. Aside that when I have 5 colonists I do not find it within reason to deal with more then the same amount of raiders/siegers.
So in short a storyteller that has some bad events going on that do not follow up too quickly after one-other (I am not so skilled in the game ^^) and keeps in account how much colonists I have to have raids and sieges in a balanced number.