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Messages - Stahlvormund

Thanks again! Will try!  :D
Maybe someone would be interested in working on this? Can't dive into the whole modding at the moment.
I would perhaps be willing to even commission it if that is a motivation, and if that is even allowed on these forums.
Yeah, I figured :-/
so need to dive in the C#, Assembly and all that stuff if I wanted to have it.
So I guess you don't know where exactly this is determined/coded so I could alter it to pull it from two variables and add the values.  :-\
How does the base game code determine that a material has a variable material it uses to determine it's main properties, f.e. Devilstrand Duster?
Do you know where that code is?

Also, I don't necessarily want it to be a Devilstrand Plasteel Flak Vest by name, but mainly the armor and insulation values of the materials to play into the end product.

Sorry again if I am asking maybe obvious questions, I am very new to this.
Hey gals and guys,

I am pretty much a mod amateur, newbie, but I do like to change some values in the .xmls to adapt the game and its balance to my liking.
I would like to be able to make armor such as Flak Vests, Jackets and Pants be made from two variable items, so Fabric and Metallic.
So far I managed to change it so the Jackets and Pants have Fabric as the variable and Steel as fixed material, and the Vests have Metallic as variable and Cloth as fixed cost with this code instead of their normal ones, and those work with the game. (yes, I removed the component costs)





I tried:


But that resulted in the former being overwritten by the latter for only a 60 ingredient cost instead of 30+60 of two different material classes, so ingame it should show as

Ingredients 30
Ingredients 60

as costs in the craft menu but it ended up showing as

Ingredients 60

Adding a costlist after the costStuffcount argument didn't work either.
I couldn't think of anywhere where I could copy the argument I am looking for either. Is it even possible?

I would be most happy about any help or feedback, even if you explain to me that it is not possible.

Kind regards,

I now am playing a new savegame with RimCuisine (and it's addons and the All Plants, All Biomes patch) disabled and so far it seems that it's all fine. Game hovers around 1.000.000K RAM usage, maybe only slightly increasing the bigger my colony is, but not increasing steadily and rapidly all the time.
So it seems RimCuisine is the culprit; and can see why maybe with all its random new plants showing up; maybe those dont get cleared?

However, RimCuisine is a major mod I would like to have :/ is there a way to fix this situation?
My next suspect now is RimCuisine; which would suck majorly, but that is the mod I have used the most between all three savegames so far and I guess the memory leak comes from assets that build up but are not cleared.

Will try without it now in a new savegame.
First, even on 1.0.2408, the issue persists with both mods active in my long played save.

So, after I now played a new colony/save without Prison Labor but with Psychology, the issue seems to persist too. With a slowly built up colony, the RAM usage was up to 3.600.000K to 3.900.000K already.

I do am afraid that in my other save, without both mods, I see the same trend and am starting to think it might be an issue with RimWorld itself, so Core or the rest?
I did update to 1.0.2408 now and will try my previous savegame were all the problems first occured, with Psychology and Prison Labor active.
Will monitor the process in task manager and see if the memory leak persists.

If it does, will go to my new save that is without Psychology and Prison Labor and will see if it still has a memory leak. Need to build that colony up a bit first to have a good comparison size.

just happened while playing. An exception in Psychology, at the very end of the log.
Could it be related?

Also, I think RimWorld started around 1.100.000K RAM usage when I started it a while ago and is now at 2.700.000K and climbing.

Another exception. At this point now RAM was 5.000.000K and I decided to kill the process (couldn't leave game by normal means anymore).
It seems to be Psychology-related so will try without that mod.
However, when I tried disabling Prison Labor, despite me not having used it ingame, and that it says it's savegame friendly, I get a fatal error when trying to load the save without it for test purposes.

Edit: Removing either mod from my current save makes it unplayable, so could only test in on a new one. Will do that next time and tell here.
I did skim through the Prison Labor topic with search function and nothing about memory leak or RAM bloating.
Okay thanks! I do understand that those error messages and logs apparently don't have anything to do with my RAM going up to 96% usage (I have 8GB RAM installed and RimWorld alone decides to use more and more and at 5.000.000K to 6.000.000K size of Rimworld, my PC starts to be almost unusable) and climbing until I cannot use my PC anymore.
However, that does not mean I continue playing without problems. The original problem I described still is not solved. I provided these logs as an initial suspicion of what it could be, but that now has been cleared up.

What else could it be?

After looking a bit, I should probably say it's more of a gradual memory leak than a sudden bloating.

Here it is again.

When I got HugsLib, it showed for version 1.0 not 1.1 :/
Would look for an older one.
But if this is not important, what is causing the RAM bloating?
Hello everyone,

I stated the details here:

Basically, my RimWorld.exe bloats up to 5.000.000K to 6.000.000K RAM usage and counting, the longer I play, and I think it has to do with my mods, incompapitilies or load order, but I can't wrap my head around what the log means or what load order change I should do.

Can post the .txt of the log as well now here in the attachments.

Kind regards for any help!