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Messages - Zombie_Striker

Help / Re: OnRelationCreated
April 27, 2020, 10:17:41 PM
Thank you. That was exactly what I was looking for.
Help / Re: OnRelationCreated
April 27, 2020, 02:19:49 AM
How would I do any of that? I am just looking for a way to detect when a new Lover relationship is created.
Help / OnRelationCreated
April 26, 2020, 06:39:36 PM
How do I listen for this event? If tried the following, but the console threw an error stating that it could not find the method:

   [HarmonyPatch(typeof(PawnRelationWorker_Lover), "OnRelationCreated")]
   public static class PawnRelationWorker_OnRelationCreated
      public static void Postfix(Pawn firstPawn, Pawn secondPawn)
         //My Code


What am I doing wrong?
Basically, just the title. Since the mod I'm working on makes sure a list of trait is always added to the pawn, if a is already generated with the trait, I want to basically re-roll the trait to something else. How do I make sure that the trait selected does not conflict with any of the traits the pawn already has?
New Update:
- 4/14/2020
   -Fixed Index error for pawns with dull bedrooms.

- 4/13/2020
   - Fixed commonality error
   - Fixed possible error with doing full map search
   - Fixed shared bed with person with multiple partners
   - Removed base-game SharedBed debuff and created new Debuff that supports Polycules!
   - Fixed sharing rooms with poly couples.

Yeah, I know the hookups issue is a bit much, but I'm not entirely sure how to implement a cooldown for that. For now, I'd recommend disabling the hookups or finding a replacement for that feature while I figure out how to fix it.
New Update:

- 3/18/2020
   - Second attempt at fixing bed search for "WantToSleepWithSpouseOrLover".
   - Fixed SharedBed Thought for poly pawns
   - Fixed SharedRoom thought for poly pawns
New Update:

- 3/17/2020
   - Fixed Polyamory Bed Support
   - Fixed pawns inheriting sexuality traits from parents. Their sexuality will be rerolled by default.
   - Formatted Code
Mods / Re: How do I listen for when pawns are born.
March 17, 2020, 03:11:45 PM
To all people who may need it in the future, I found this:
Quote from: LWM on March 17, 2020, 11:32:16 AM
I'm going to point out that if a polyamorous pawn has two spouses, but sleeps with a 3rd person, that may very well be an affair.

But that may be more nuance than is needed quite yet?
True, so lets assume there's good communication in the relationship and that they are forthcoming about any new relationships. Because modeling that would be hell.
New update:

- 3/16/2020
   - Fixed messages for "WantToSleepWithSpouseOrLover" thoughtdef for polyamorous pawns
   - Made Polyamorous a nullifying trait for the Affair event
   - Stopped giving pawns the "CheatedOnMe" if their partner was polyamorous.
Mods / How do I listen for when pawns are born.
March 16, 2020, 10:16:50 PM
I know this isn't a base game thing, so this makes this difficult.

How do I detect when pawns are born? For Rainbeau's Rational Romance (which I am now maintaining a fork of), pawns can inherit the sexualities of their parents. I'm looking for a way to listen for when a pawn is born, loop through their traits, remove all sexuality based traits and properly do an attraction reroll.

Any help would be appreciated.
Quote from: LWM on March 14, 2020, 06:43:28 PM
If it's currently just a flat upgrade for 1.1 and nothing related has changed in the base game, then there are problems when colonists try to go on a date or want to go on a flight but don't have easy access to bed, where they do some global search when they shouldn't?

I'm sure someone will tell you in more detail soon enough  ;D ;D ;D
Do you have any more information on this/ the post that first reported this issue? Do you know at which stage of the date this exact issue occurs? Since I only kinda know how it works, It's hard reading everything to try and figure out where this search is.
Sorry for the long delay.
Quote from: Nomalastor on March 07, 2020, 03:20:03 PM
Hi Zombie_Striker, thank you for your efforts! I just wanted to remind you that some players (me, for example) had a problem with non-dating colonists while using Rainbeau's Rational Romance Mod. Could you perhapse have a look at it?
What exactly is the problem with non-dating colonists? Do you mean they don't date at all, or that there is some other issues with colonists dating?

Also, i now have a mod page. You can download my version here:

The original page can be found here:

    Since Rainbeau Flambe has stopped developing mods for Rimworld, I have decided to update and maintain this project. Besides updating this mod to 1.1, I have added a few features and performance fixes to the project. This includes a change to how many times a pawn can try to hook up with the same pawn, and how likely people can be romanced to genders they are not attracted to.  I have also added a slider for Misogynists and Misandrists for how likely they are to be attracted to the gender they hate, and changed the likelihood that these bigots will successfully romance the other person. (The end result is less breakups from pawns who naturally hated each-other.)



Last update: 12/05/2018

"Rational Romance" overhauls RimWorld's romance system, fixing some problems and adding some new options. Think of it as a "spiritual successor" to SeveralPuffins' popular but sadly abandoned a17 mod, "Romance Diversified."

- Rainbeau Flambe (dburgdorf)

1.1 Steam Workshop Link
1.1 Dropbox Link

What It Does:

(1) Adds Orientations. All pawns will now have a trait indicating their sexual orientation, either asexual, bisexual, gay or straight. (Don't worry; the mod doesn't "waste" a trait slot on this, as orientation traits are assigned only *after* regular trait assignment is complete.)

By default, pawns have a 50% chance to be bisexual, a 20% chance to be gay, a 20% chance to be straight, and a 10% chance to be asexual. I set the percentages this way because biological, sociological and historical evidence strongly suggest that, in the absence of cultural imperatives to the contrary, bisexuality is actually the "default" status for most humans. However, the percentages are all configurable in the mod's "options" menu, so you can set things up however you prefer for your own games. If you're radically heterosexist and don't want any gays in your colony, go right ahead and set the mod to make pawns 100% straight. On the other hand, if you want *all* your colonists to be queer, more power to you! And if you just want to play on a planet full of asexuals, where nobody worries about romantic entanglements at all, well, you can do that, too.

(And yes, I'm aware that I'm using certain terms rather loosely. "Bisexual" isn't the only or even necessarily the best term to describe someone whose romantic interests are not governed by gender or gender presentation, but it's a convenient and widely familiar term that fits the mod's needs. Similarly, while I know that not all asexual individuals are aromantic, the game draws no distinction between romantic and sexual relationships, and so the use of the term "asexual," though not strictly accurate, is convenient. On a related note, sadly, there's really nothing I can do to correct the fact that the game forces pawns to conform to the idea of a gender binary.)

(2) Adds New Traits. The mod adds two new traits, "Faithful" and "Philanderer," which influence how likely a pawn is to cheat.

(3) Adds New Activities. The mod adds long walks as a date option for couples, allowing them to socialize and improve their relationships. It also adds casual hookups as a joy activity for single pawns.

(4) Improves Romantic Behavior in General. Pawns will no longer make romance attempts if they've been recently rebuffed, and won't target pawns for such attempts who are currently in mental break or with whom they already have a romantic relationship. Pawns will neither initiate nor receive romance attempts if they have a high opinion of their current lover. And pawns who are gay or straight will be more likely to rebuff romance attempts by pawns of the "wrong" gender, will be more likely to breakup with partners of the "wrong" gender, and will never accept marriage proposals from pawns of the "wrong" gender. Finally, the impact of the Ugly trait on romantic attraction is lessened for pawns who have that trait themselves.

(5) Makes Culture Matter. There is now a cultural component to pawns' romantic interactions, with female pawns from tribal and imperial backgrounds more forward (more likely to initiate romantic encounters or to propose marriage) than males from those cultures, and male pawns from medieval and urbworld backgrounds more forward than females from those cultures.

(6) Adds Support for Polyamory. Polyamorous pawns prefer relationships involving multiple partners to simple monogamous relationships. You can decide in the mod's "options" menu how likely pawns are to be polyamorous. Like the orientation traits, Polyamorous is an "extra" trait assigned after normal trait assignment is complete, so allowing pawns to be polyamorous won't in any way limit their access to other traits. The default chance for polyamory is 0%, as the system isn't yet fully tested, and even if it all works as intended, it may still complicate colony management in unexpected ways. If you do want to include polyamorous pawns in your games, I strongly encourage you to also use Meltup's "Polyamory Beds" mod, which will allow you to more easily accommodate your pawns' desired sleeping arrangements.

(7) Adjusts Romance-Related Mood Penalties. Penalties and/or stack limits for rebuffs and other romantic failures have been reduced. You should no longer see pawns hitting on someone a few times, getting rejected, and then going on a murder spree as a result.

(8 ) Fixes Some Problems in the Game's Romance-Related Code. Female pawns will now be just as likely as male pawns to initiate romance attempts or to propose marriage. Gay pawns will be no less likely than straight pawns to be parents. And male and female pawns will both now prefer partners near their own age but potentially accept either younger or older partners, unlike in vanilla, where men have a strong preference for younger women and women for older men.


"Rational Romance" can safely be added to a game in progress. (Pawns without orientation traits will be assigned them as they enter into social interactions for which orientation is relevant.) The mod cannot, however, be removed from a game in progress.

This mod is fully compatible with "EdB Prepare Carefully."

This mod is NOT compatible with "Psychology." You may or may not actually notice any problems if you try to use them together, but the mods both alter some of the same vanilla code, and if they're both installed, neither will be operating entirely as intended. For similar reasons, "Rational Romance" isn't likely to be compatible with any other mods altering RimWorld's romance systems, either.


The mod utilizes Pardeike's "Harmony Patch Library." (No additional download is required, as the library is included with the mod.)

Obviously, "Rational Romance" owes a great deal to SeveralPuffins' "Romance Diversified." In particular, the code for the new social activities comes directly from that mod. Other mods from which I borrowed code bits and/or ideas include "Less Stupid Romance Attempt" by Dazz Aephiex (for improvements to romantic behavior), "Grim Reality" by SheiFoxy (for alterations to mood penalties), and "Everyone is Queer" by Suzi (for general problem fixes).

Some of the code related to polyamory is borrowed from Linq/Word-Mule's "Psychology" mod.
Thank you Hjkma. That was the problem.

It seems the code only needed a few tweaks to get it to work on v1.1. If anyone is interested, I've created a github page for the project here: