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Messages - LakeWobegon

No one cares, the base game has mind boggling terrible optimization, hundreds of bugs, inconsistencies and glaring shortcomings ranging from a minor annoyance to game breaking but no one cares. Right now they only care with creating and selling dlcs. Game quality is not even an afterthought so good luck with the ruin algorhythms.
Surgery to the right arm, glitterworld for a combined +220% surgery sucess chance: Death due to a destroyed heart. Keep up the good work Ty.
The AI is just too bloody stupid, unless it improves a military conquest by taking a single city can never be rewarding; it will always be a chore. This is why the new design that forces raiding down the players throath (royalty and ideology) either he/she likes it or not is enfuriating.
"All that matters is that it looks pretty"
As far as I am concerned animals were effectively removed from the game after 1.3. Even the cow which used to be OP was made useless. I guess to realize this Tynan would actually have to play his own game. Good job ruining the game Tynan. Keep it up.
Not wearing armour 24/7 will really hurt with pods to the centre of the base. The last thing you wanna have to worry with is armour and guns. IMO they always need to be ready for battle. My point is that there is a huge opportunity cost already in place so lower times to wear armour might actually place an interesting choice.  I suspect that at least for me, even with lowered times for wearing armour the opportunity cost would probably still be too gr8 and they would wear it all the time.
General Discussion / Incapable of social and comms console
September 17, 2020, 09:54:11 AM
Can we please forbid pawns that canniot do social from using the comms console? What is the point of allowing them to use it to then be presented with  "cannot call anyone" once they get there? Annoy the player really hard?
Yeah I complained about it months ago.

It seems pawns meditate for recreation but the meditation task seems to last too long, so its easy to see pawns with 100% recreation meditating for hours on end. This very annoying behaviour is NOT casused by mods.
General Discussion / Re: Heat Trick on Doors v1.2
September 08, 2020, 09:18:42 AM
Its (partially) fixed but if you keep the cooler(s) on you will achieve pretty much the same results.  On the heat side it was fixed afaik.
Quote from: RawCode on September 05, 2020, 03:22:45 PM
open any public marketplace and check "will buy" section, absurd quests are very real.

any game that feature only "pointy" quests, always provide "good" reward and similar is casual garbage
Its funny to read that since most of Rim World quests seem to target casuals. Over 90% of the missions are so out of wack to the point of anyone trying to play well wont touch them not even with a long pole. As an example in my last run the game asked >90% of my colonists to go raid an enemy; we are talking about almost 40 colonists leaving the colony that was worth 740k with 3 colonists to defend it. The reward was some garbage worth 1k silver.  So I am supposed to risk losing a colony worth 740k for a reward of 1k. Very pro, totally not "casual garbage" to use your words.
Quote from: Mr_Fission on September 03, 2020, 02:08:44 AM
"Okay dude.  Have fun with that" is a conversation ender.  I'm not sure why you're repeating yourself.

I'll be happy to demonstrate the proper handling of a centipede drop when the next one happens in my base, and I've got my base up to that tech level (recently restarted).
I replied because you were implying that I insisted on fighting on 5x5 room when I never said that. FYI raid composition/strenght is independent of tech. You can have 0 techs and get raided by 25 centipedes or can have all the techs and get raided by a dude with a club.  "a proper handling of a centipede drop" spoke like a true pro.
Quote from: Mr_Fission on September 02, 2020, 09:07:52 PM
Okay so let's recap the scenario you've devised:

You refuse to use psycasts.
You insist on fighting in your workshop.
Your workshop is 5x5 or smaller.
Okay dude.  Have fun with that. :)
I am not sure we are playing the same game, maybe you are playing on builder mode or something? I mean you don't mind using psychasts so you are probably not looking for a challenge but I will humour you a bit more.   With raids on top we don't get to choose where the dudes land unless we cheese it really hard (...) .  FYI the only time that its safe (read no one will get instantly killed) to approach something like that is when the centipedes are still inside their pods. My bases are usually designed to be able to intervene and melee whoever pops out of pods in the few seconds it takes for them to get out of the pod.   12 centipedes kill really fast when in melee becasue they do a LOT of blunt damage so the fight needs to end quickly. Friendly fire can kill so the dues with ranged weapons also need to be up close and personal with the centipedes due to the melee dudes. There is no time to waste/worry with who gets hit with EMPs or not becasue there are already a LOT of things tha can go wrong;  having ppl with any of the new stomachs would just add more variables that would eventually get someone killed. All to save food, to be blunt I think its ridiculous.  Good colonists are priceless and everything reasonable must be done to keep them alive because unlike rice they dont grow on hidroponics.
I already told you twice "to each his own" which is to say I "agree to disagree" but you keep trying to force the psychats down my throat.
Quote from: Mr_Fission on September 02, 2020, 08:12:45 PM
The only time you have a forced engagement at less than 5 cells is if you're in an enclosed room that is 5x5 or smaller.  At that point you do indeed have an option - leave the room.  Or engineer larger rooms.

Grenades do not "misfire up to almost 2 cells".  They have exactly 1 square of scatter.  I just tested it.  I took a pawn with bionics that make them pass out upon an emp hit.  Then I aimed multiple EMP grenades exactly 5 squares away from them and threw 20 grenades.  Zero of them hit the pawn.

Also I'm not saying you can't ever engage centipedes in melee.  Just don't put EMP-affected cybernetics in your melee pawns.  Simple.

Broadshield doesn't require EMP.  If you use Skip to pull the Broadshield wearer next to your firing line and shoot at him, his shield deploys to protect you.

Unless I'm missing something obvious.
Apparently you have no experience fighting 12 centipedes that just landed inside the house bypassing all defenses; that is the only way I can understand why I am reading, yet again, that its fine to use stomachs because the pawns will never get hit by the emp. Every single centipede needs to be engaged in melee the moment it comes out of the pods or the dude trying to use emps on them will be blasted. With this in mind it is safe (and a requirement due to friendly fire) for the ppl with ranged guns to be as close as possible to the melee dudes which most of the times means right behind them.
I also stated clearly that "Rimworld of magic" is utterlly boring for me so its as if it did not exist so I need EMPs to counter the broad shield non-sense. Imagine one could have unlimited broad shields which to an extent we can (...) the game would be so fun with 0% chance of dying shooting fish in a barrel every time. I wont even talk about the neuroquake. So incredibly fun, I would totally keep playing it for 5k hours due to the huge challenge. /s

Edit: The principle that I explained applies to the entire game but at a smaller scale and  yeah lets just use frags inside the workshop, that sounds totally reasonable. Oh my.
Quote from: Mr_Fission on September 02, 2020, 07:42:05 PM
Aim 5+ squares away from any pawns = never be hit by your own EMP grenades.

If friendly fire was a reason to not use gear, frags would never get used either.
Grenades misfire up to almost 2 cells and sometimes there is no slack to be 5 cells away; if 12 centipedes drop inside the house they are gonna come out of stun before being killed so they need to be engaged in melee. Anyone engaging 12 centipedes in melee needs to have the pawns really close to them in order to reduce friendly fire.  It is highly likely that before the centipedes are finally dead the EMP will stun  afew of them again. It is highly likely that a big part of the colonists will be hit by the EMP since no one will have the luxury to back up and go in again. What does the stupid stomach do for me to justify the risk of having pawns killed? Saves food and increases productivity a bit; so usefull once the pawns are dead for using it.
Regardless EMP are mandatory since they came up with the "wonderful" broad shield pack. It is mandatory for ar least the ppl that dont like the extremely boring rimworld of magic where having a brain is not a requirement to play it. Like I said before the EMP vulnerability makes the stomachs useless for scrubs like me. Also like I said before to each his/her own.
Yeah my tactics suck, do not listen to the scrub and keep using the stomachs. I dont really care lol. Have a nice day.
Quote from: Mr_Fission on September 01, 2020, 01:34:03 PM
I disagree that the nuke stomach is bad.  In fact, nutrient paste doesn't *replace* the stomach, it actually synergizes with it extremely well.  Better than cooked meals, actually.  Here's my logic:

With cooked meals, pawns can carry one along with them and eat it in the field.  With paste, they have to return to the dispenser to eat.  When you're talking about a pawn working in the field, doing mining, farming, hunting, or whatever, that trip back to get a shot of nutrient paste is a huge loss of productivity time for them.

Nuclear stomachs drastically reduce the amount of downtime that pawns suffer from nutrient paste runs.  If I'm not mistaken, I believe the nuke stomach means you only need to eat once every two days.  And even then, the meal will probably happen right before or after sleep, further mitigating the travel time.

Cooked meals mitigate this benefit somewhat, because pawns can carry them and eat in the field.  But when you consider the work investment in a cooked meal logistics chain, a Paste/Nuke Stomach setup is far, far more efficient.
Except when a mechanoid raidng party lands on top of you and you need to use EMPs in close quarters; then everyone with a nuclear stomach will stop fighting to throw up and die in the process. Instead of throwing up they needed to be killing the mechs but that shinny new stomach did not let them do it. Then its not that hard to have a NPD near the places where they fight; its really easy actually. Its NOT worth the risk to save on food.
For the person suggesting the circadian half cycler if they ever get hit by an EMP its insta knockout, they go to the floor faster than a wimp. Its much better to have a good schedule (in order to always be ready for the raids) than to have an implant that is totally gonna heve them killed/kidnapped. NOT worth the risk in my book. But to each his own I guess.

Edit: I used to like the re processor stomach and circadian half cycler (CHC) until I realised they had a huge vulnerability to EMPs. Ofc I learned it the hard way because the UI said nothing about it. I really don't understand the need for that vulnerability because the implants are expensive, surgeries are risky these days and the CHC affects the consciousness really hard. IMO It is a shame that so many interesting things are in fact balanced out of the game.