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Messages - UlysseG

Quote from: Alenerel on April 14, 2020, 10:52:05 AM
I understand that, the problem is that I dont know how many targets there have to be for it to be more efficient than a rifle. Enemies usually dont stand still packed together, even in a tight killbox.
In a few words, for minigun to work, you need a hallways which direction is the same as minigun bullet trajectory.
That is, if your pawns appear from side into your killbox, you have to make sure they stay in the hallway nontheless. You can easily achive this, but i think that having the entrance in a corner is a design flaw.
Quote from: Krzarb on April 09, 2020, 01:26:04 AM
Quote from: UlysseG on March 30, 2020, 05:34:58 AM
miniguns owner must be where shown in picture cause ucan shoot above shoulder of mate up to 2 tiles. if you place them further behind (where assault rifles are) they ll destroy ur front walls.

Thanks for showing the killbox design you use. Can I ask, do you ever run into friendly fire issues with the centre group of your pawns (The ones positioned 5-6 tiles back)? It looks to me like they could potentially be a cause of friendly fire as they are shooting from more than two tiles away from other pawns.
No, it never happens. Technically I suspect it could happen, but not with my current army. First off you see the barricades between the "wall-column" (1 tile wall), i suspect them + wall are giving cover to front pawns (friendly fire cover i mean).. and for the melee guy in the very front, he never gets hit but friendly fire is probably affected by accuracy (not going to mention the 2 tiles over shoulder). I have high shoot pawn with my worst quality weapon being masterwork. So at 3 tiles my accuracy ends up being very high and since the accuracy formula ressembles : accuracy stat to the power of tile distance, I suspect friendly fire is just not gonna happen.
Quote from: Alenerel on April 09, 2020, 10:40:22 AM
Im using his basic setting (1 opening, then 2 columns, then another 2 columns) and for some reason they dont do friendly fire. The game states that its 2 tiles away, but it seems to be 3-4 tiles away. However the furthest away pawns do miss sometimes in the wall next to the melee guy, for some reason, but never hit him.

In fact, i think I improve his design a bit, instead of having 1 melee guy there, which can be meleed by several guys at once, the idea is to have 3 melee guys where the first 2 ranged guys are, so anybody that comes there receives an insta 3x attack. If you put a barricade in that overture and put the door 1 tile back, it can be done... Tho I dont like to have doors like that cause it isnt "realistic".

About the ranged aspect, idk what to say... I get outranged most of the times and dont know what to do. Also dont know if use assault rifles or charge rifles. My idea is that anybody that gets into the entrance should be in range of everyone, otherwise lancers and centipedes just sit there at max range and half my guys cant get them.

Also dont know about the minigun, if its better than rifles or not, when fighting many dudes...

This is what I have:

Currently I have 2 melee guys per door, just to not have 1 melee guy idle and have 2 more guys being able to shoot.
I added the turrets for a bit extra power.

The problems I have with this one is that minigun and charge rifle are short 3 tiles from the entrance, so raiders that camp there cant be shot at, only the dudes with assault rifles can.

I have another idea that is basically the same setting but without walls, so I can but rows of turrets behind the pawns for extra fire power, but idk how that will work, specially with launchers and inferno cannons.
Would be better if we saw the ennemy entrance spot. From my experience the minigun should be at the door in front of ennemy entrance, not sure if it's the case. My melee guys are really only here for opening the door, they never actually do anything cause ennemies never reach us. They re only ever usefull when i get raided by pods inside my base. But if ennemies were to reach my doors i would set door on stay open and move the melee guy back so i get the 3v1 situation in my advantage.
Imo you have way too many melees, i'd rather go for 75% ranged 25% melee. problem is that your charged rifles are too far back, if u wanna do it this way u gotta move ennemy entrance closer obviously you want your pawn to reach the entrance tiles. Having one caster is really usefull as well, with focus and blind it does wonders, blind is really effective against centipedes

explanation : assault rifle and  minigun can hit to the fartest tile. minigun is here for aoe damage. Charged rifle can hit to one tiler before the fartest tile.
the emp grenadier will always hit the fartest tiles because he has a good angle and emp grenades dont bounce on walls, they go above them.
I did 5 k point raid but was easy they didnt touch me, i ve met up to 30 centipedes so far, no scratch unless if they port inside my base (like kitchen), (no death tho). randy difficulty = the one before merciless.
my miniguns are legendary (150% precision, armor penetration, dmg see
other weapon are masterwork, i got 2 assault rifle legendary i think. masterwork is enough tbh  (125% precision, dmg, armor penetration).
Its important to get at least masterwork weapons, the buff is huge. I use a pawn with tortured artist and either : 2x passion smith, 1X passion smith and great memory, 1x  passion smith and fast learner (u gotta get to lvl 20 craft, fairly easy with time). I install the DLC learning thing (gets 20% bonus, but its not necessary). I get him to yellow mood by recreation starve,i give him 1 psychich amplifier he never uses psycast tho. II do this so that if he gets murderous rage or painful other freakout, i emp grenade him and he is out.
miniguns owner must be where shown in picture cause ucan shoot above shoulder of mate up to 2 tiles. if you place them further behind (where assault rifles are) they ll destroy ur front walls.
they shuldnt be in front because they ll have too big shoot area and if some melee guy guys on a side, aminigun shooting 1 guy is bad, they must always target the center point where ennemies first appear so that u use their aoe damage. I get 75% cover from my walls. barricades arent really useful. when ennemies first appear baricades only help the melee guys on the doors, if ennemy shhoter goes to side, his shoot angle change and my pawn will get cover from wall + barricades.
i have firefoam behind walls for centipedes with fire missiles and made a ground that has 0% flammability around fighting areas cause fire sdhould be avoided as much as possible.
Trigger happy trait with empgrenade, avoid this trait otherwise. careful shooter is good.
shooter with at least 1 passion, i  chose these pawns with 2x passion shooter or 1x passion + fast learner or 1x passion + great memory, they get around 18 skilled shoot.
Melee pawns, 1x passions is ok, 2x s better but what u rly want is tough trait for melee.
after 5 k raid :

i got 600 k wealth, mostly unused wealth (25k silver, 1.5 k gold,  unused items etc).


Depends on shoot angle ( kowork is the shooter)
wall only :
barricade only :
wall + barricade :

5k mecanoids, seems weird that we cant summon more than 5 k ? i ve never used develoment mod but i have had raids easily 3 times this size in this game. Anyway i did not use berserk pulse in order to make it interesting (used couple blinds and skips). all pawn untouched except one 95% hp.
In case you want to avoid having to manually set ur pawn i use the mod defensive positions, so you set positions once and after that it's always just 1 click, you can set 4 different position for each pawn (mecanoid, manhunt, human raid etc..) and ucan even register squads of pawns.

Disnof trying his hardest to win. He only activates turrets if "shit hits the fan" as he says. I will post my killbox later. Major flaw of disnof's killbox, imo, is lack of AOE weapon damage (i get it from miniguns).
Reliable killbox cant use turrets, imo. Also, walls give more cover than other protections.
Hello, I've been wondering the following :
Psycast gear give mana recovery : clear buff, cool. Psycast gear give psy sensibility : buff ? at first i thought so.. now I'm not so sure anymore.
The deal behind it is focus cast is affected by sensibility (duration increases) but not invisibility, can someone explain why is invisibility not affected by psy sensibility (logically) ? Also stun duration and other debuff are all affected by ennemy psy sensibility.
I chose to count on a noble count with hypersensitive trait but it's actually not helped at all regarding psy stuff (except one focus cast lasts 120+ seconds). Mainly because while invisibility is OP with berserk and blinding, it is very short.
I've not been able to test entropy, can tell me if entropy is affected by psy sensibility ?

I'd like it if invisibility(even if invisibility was nerfed to 10 sec on regular) was  affected by psy sensibility, so you get a reward for building full "mage". Because you sure as hell get the pain of -60 mood debuff frol psy drones/ships.

What re your thoughts ?
Quote from: 5thHorseman on March 27, 2020, 05:41:03 AM
I don't know about 1.1 (though I haven't heard of any changes) but in 1.0 the best way to get both is to visit all nearby non-aggressive, non-tribal towns every few months and hope one has it in stock. Also check every single trade ship and caravan that comes to town.

Even then though they're rare. They're supposed to be. Death on the Rim is easy. Extra Life tokens not so much.

Thanks, will also try  that then. My thoughts from 1.0 were that mainly quests gave them, in 1.1 quests are about other stuff. I ve seen 0 in caravan and ships but i have not visited allies much so i ll try that.
Hello, i love the update, but 2 games in i ve had 1 healer serum and 0 resurection..
And that pawn smithing++ tortured artist died early.
Do you guys have a way ? i was thinking randoming visiting areas and trying ancient dangers ..