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Messages - Naiyasfury

Releases / Re: [1.0] Don't Shave Your Head! - v1.0.0
January 17, 2021, 12:52:55 AM
Sweet, thanks so much!
Releases / Re: [1.0] Don't Shave Your Head! - v1.0.0
January 11, 2021, 07:57:56 PM
@gaberad, You can go ahead and add my updates into the main download file.

I've updated a few textures I found problems with. I have also included compatibility for the Vanilla Hair Expanded mod. I've included a preview pic with hairs from VHE so you can see what they look like. Let me know if anything is weird. You can always add the files manually yourself. Here's the new link:!Ar4Q-R5LrvrKjl9hnthrsLOFAgUj

@gaberad, I'm also getting an error w/ the newest update ( ) . It seems the game doesn't like one of the characters used in the LoadFolders.xml file. I'm not sure if I can ignore this or not. I compared the file to some of my other mods' loadfolders.xml files and in yours I removed the stuff that looked like it was commented. For example I removed the <<<<<<HEAD line, and now I've got no error and the mod seems to work just fine. Hopefully I didn't break my save game XD

~Sorry for the late reply I have a lot going on irl lol
Thanks, here's the updated textures. I was just wondering if I needed to make my own branch in the github repo. I'll just share the link here unless I hear different.!Ar4Q-R5LrvrKjRXEYM8zDEXOc817?e=NP6VuQ

Put the contents inside the Don't Shave Your Head folder that's located in your Rimworld>Mods folder. The folder structure should be correct, but let me know if anything is funky. Enjoy <3

Edit: I should note that I made these to work with vanilla armor. I have no idea what they'll look like with modded helmets.

Edit2: I have updated this to better work with modded clothes/armor. You'll need to redownload the file. The above link now lead to the updated file.
So I updated all the 1.1 non expansion hairs for personal use and I'd be interested in sharing if anyone wants them. Not sure what the proper way to go about sharing them is though. I've included a preview in case anyone was curious what they looked like.