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Messages - rancidmustard

WC3 Custom Games, but Rimworld, y'all acting like I'm submitting some formal request to be added to the game, simmer down.
Nobody here can understand english? wtf are you whining about? You're trying to argue that modding is relevant to accessibility? cool? you just gotta win something?
I'm talking about accessibility, not modding :)
Ideas / Re: Plan a new DLC!
August 31, 2020, 04:20:22 AM
They opened up the ability to mod so they don't have to be working on the game for their entire lives. We're lucky we got any DLC at all, with how explosive the game's sales were. If you want content, I'd suggest you push for them to make a way for players to make game types & such, similar to Warcraft 3 Custom games. That way the fan base provides endless content for you :)

Go upvote my other post in this section & leave a comment in support, it'll help get their attention!
Ideas / Re: Making smokeleaf more viable
August 31, 2020, 04:16:47 AM
it's extremely viable, pawns smoke it constantly to boost mood, and it can be sold for a ton when grown & rolled in mass
I may be lost here, grandeur wise, but I would love to see Rimworld become the new custom game hub. It'd take a map editor program inside or outside of Rimworld where people can customize a map & pawn layout (equipment, etc as well), alongside a way to macro pathing for particular assets and tweak values all over the board. I've been racking my brain all day about ways to use existing mods to create a PvP gamemode within Rimworld... and I always get stuck on having to learn to code my own mods for anything of the sort to work, as I'm sure most do.

It worked with WC3, I think it'd work great with Rimworld! if there were dedicated servers and a way for players to easily & efficiently make game modes (people can do A LOT with a little, all of human history is a testament to that) I think there'd be an explosion in the player base from word of mouth alone, and the game would really fill a thirst in the gaming market which has long to be quenched! But I understand some companies don't want to grow too large.

It would just be extremely cool to be able to make game modes at least, even without the online. I love the game, thanks for reading!