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Messages - Trinityx

Help / Settings & Dynamic Power for Buildings
December 10, 2021, 05:59:07 AM
Hey all,

In my settings I want to be able to set the power of my modded building, I've partially got this to work in the sense that if I build my building it's got the setting value but if i change the value in settings the building remains at the previous value set rather than the new value but if i build the building again it's got the correct value.

Is it possible to update the current buildings with the new value after saving my settings?

I tried to use the below code to force a refresh on drawing;
                    if (Current.ProgramState == ProgramState.Playing)

However this doesn't seem to have an affect, any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you.
Help / Force Redraw of UI?
August 06, 2021, 06:04:33 PM
Hey All,

I'm currently adding a mod menu, it mostly works (i know what i need to do to finish things) however I'm currently hanging on trying to get my power consumption setting to work.

Once I've modified the Power Consumption (Eg: 2000 W) it will remain on the default value in the xml (1000 W), the setting does work when I click information under Building > Power Consumption but the game wont recognize until I've rebuilt it or reopened the save - any way I can force the game to redraw the box or building? Or am I tackling this all wrong?

Any help would be appreciated!