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Messages - Fansibubbles

Way I see it you get a lot of free stuff rained on you, it's up to you how many people you want to spare from the first aid station to quickly snatch equipment out of the fire as fighting it all simply isn't reasonable.

I set up stockpiles near the dropped medicine or food packages and micro a pawn to nab it before it all burns.
Just had my first crash with the Superior Crafting Mod! Five pawns survived initially, but two died from infection because I didn't have any medical supplies. The only Crafter is missing an arm and the only supplies we salvaged is a sniper rifle, assault rifle and a few bits of armour. There were a few explosions later on when I forgot to store some of the Shells that had landed but thankfully no one was hurt and while everyone had to live on potatoes and raw meat for a while, they didn't die.

A real rough start and a few mental breaks until we could bury all the dead but I've just about recovered and am hoping I can survive long enough to make some medicine. Great mod! Gives a real intense start to the game.
Been really enjoying this mod so far. I think the production chain feels pretty good, it isn't too finicky and encourages you to not go hog wild with building because it'll take forever to gather the resources and craft the materials. You got to be measured I've even set up switches in my base to turn power on and off to conserve it and avoid having to splurge on more power generators.

The game just feels like you have to be a lot more active with managing Bills and what jobs people are doing. Sometimes you have to sacrifice a little progress in one area for more progress in another, which makes it all more stressful but also more challenging and I really like that.
Quote from: Fansibubbles on March 29, 2015, 05:18:05 PM
It says in the FAQ you can click on the Smelter to change the material it needs to be made of at start but I'm clicking and it ain't changing and right click doesn't give me any option either.

For anyone wondering how I fixed this, you need to have some of the resource on the map before you can change. So if your default bed or smelter requires things you don't have, skin an animal or make some blocks of a resource you do have and then you can change it, but not before.
It says in the FAQ you can click on the Smelter to change the material it needs to be made of at start but I'm clicking and it ain't changing and right click doesn't give me any option either.