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Messages - Xannieh

Ideas / Children in game
May 23, 2017, 03:58:18 PM
I know this is a dead horse but I just wanted to point out that Dwarf Fortress had infants and I think Banished could have children be killed, also Sheltered. Pregnancy and child birth should be in the game.
I think since Rimworld doesnt have much going on in terms of graphics it can get away with having children. Also, the old "not enough time in game to raise them cause have to leave on ship" no longer applies.
In a game about storytelling, think about the stories that will be told of Pawns from their birth all the way to their eventual death? Its exciting!

Right now the only way to get people is to either rescue them, convert them or buy them. You might as well just have slave colonies atm.

(Id rather have it part of vanilla instead of mods. )

There might be hope, someone told me about this:

He mentioned human pregnancies before. Look what he said about kids here recently: -- Here he says he hasnt added kids YET
Yup my people keep losing fingers and ears as well. Easily.
I understand faction members being harmed on your land and losing faction will. But can I at LEAST HAVE something similar to caravan spot so I can protect them? Had a raid with 2 faction caravans on site and they turned hostile to me because they were in the way...

Or maybe I could tell them to leave? It just doesn't make sense they stay there and then suddenly I have to fight 2 factions...