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Messages - Jack_Treehorn

Ideas / New Funny / Interesting Events.
January 19, 2017, 12:03:22 PM
Here is a few suggestions for funny/interesting events that could easily be added to the game. Post your own if you think of any good ones.

- Pawn has started bottling her own breast milk
- Had an accident in pants (similar to hide in room)
- Pawn fell in love with Pet Animal. (Pawn spends a lot  of time with the animal)
- Pawn has Hey fever. (Pawn needs to stay indoors)
- Pawn has a Huge Zit (Negative for pawns who see the zit, and goes away in two days)
Ok here is a save file.
All you need to do is get the 3 person colony to try form a caravan and the bug should happen. I saw the debug log and it said the bug occurred in the muffalos pathfinding.
Bugs / Re: [A16] Caravan Forming Issue
January 06, 2017, 11:15:42 PM
Yeah it skips loading the muffalo and the caravan instantly forms onto world map.
Bugs / Re: [A16] Caravan Forming Issue
January 05, 2017, 11:41:40 PM
I found a work around. Debug menu and when you go form caravan you can force it to instantly go to world view. Still doesn't fix the cause but it did save my stranded colony.
Bugs / Re: [A16] Caravan Forming Issue
January 02, 2017, 10:51:32 PM
I've got this same issue. Colonists not forming caravan. They just stand by the Muffalo "Wandering". My mining colony is now stranded.
I don't know where you're seeing community but my rim world says there's only tribe and colony. There is nothing on the dev log to suggest another type. The difference between tribe and colony is tech level and type of colonist.
I was placing down the kitchen and before the walls were down a cassowary got caught inside. I thought it would have enough food brought in by the chefs to survive and not go crazy on one of my colonists. About one or two seasons later the cassowary mined through my limestone walled kitchen and escaped. I'm not sure if that behaviour was intended for the cassowary's.
Ideas / Prioritise butcher over cooking.
April 12, 2016, 12:00:31 AM
I have a couple of suggestions first is to prioritise butcher over cooking so that it automates cooking better meals. At the moment the only way is to do it manually or get 2 cooks working at the same time. Its an easy fix to get that essential production chain working.

A designate workstation button to choose which colonist works would be good aswell. Because I want my psychopaths butchering humans and not my high level cook. At the moment the slider only goes one way (minimum cooking level). could help with Artists, Tailors and Smithys.

Acid rain destroys all weapons and clothing left out, increased wear on exposed clothing. Medical conditions- a rash building to acid burns and scarring.

A mod suggestion is a chili plant and capsicum spray. one time use and makes the target colonist run around like they were on fire in addition to several debuffs (vision ect.) oh and I would love some sort of gas bomb but that might be asking a bit too much. Thanks for hearing me out.
General Discussion / Re: Insect Colony Farm!
April 10, 2016, 07:40:11 PM
So far I've killed them four different ways. Melee - suffered some injuries and could have been overwhelmed if more than one hive. Heaters - They get heatstroke at above 50.C. Cooler is the same but -50.C its easy to collect the produce if using coolers. The easiest way for me has been breeding boom rats and sending a couple in also very useful in sieges.
Click the name of the missing colonist in the social tab of the lover. when you click the names the camera should go to that colonist,(unless they are off the map)
If you think Ice sheet and Extreme desert is easy . Try plains or small hills in those biomes and increase the map size. It makes it far harder when you don't have much to work with, you need to take advantage of every opportunity.

I would say the hardest is Ice sheet-Large map-Plains. The only building materials you will find is abandoned buildings and the occasional ancient site.
Ideas / New colonist death sound.
April 03, 2016, 08:42:10 AM
I think the death sound needs to be updated. When a colonist dies all that happens is a *Beep*. I know investigating the death and how it happened is the cool part. However I think something needs to grab your attention emotionally when colonists die, especially in battle. Changing the *Beep* sound to something like male and female *Ugh* or perhaps a quick yell or scream will grab your attention and give you that sinking feeling that its all too late.
April 5th, Though I wish it were sooner.
Mods / [Mod request] Predator Bird Cassowary
August 29, 2015, 05:51:55 PM
How good would it be if there were a species of predator bird called the cassowary in the jungle biome? They would be protective of their eggs and attack any human too close. They are extremely fast and deadly. It would create obstacles to avoid when sending out hunting/gathering groups and it would be entertaining when raiders get too close.
General Discussion / Re: Animal Nuzzling
August 26, 2015, 10:22:33 AM
I had it happen when i locked a few animals in a small room with a colonist for a while