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Messages - Sooner535

Ya it is a bit hard to balance these all out, if I raise the LMG's accuracy to just 1-3% it's enough to kill whoever they aim at 50-75% of the time (because of the amount of bullets it usually kills people standing nearby too) this makes LMGs a little OP so it is kind of a stand still, I may give LMGs the ability to fire at ground that way you can set up spots of "suppression" to get that holding a enemy there effect
If I had my way you could only use a pistol or a sword one handed (doesn't make sense for someone who is one haned to use a AR or LMG) but as far as I know I don't think there is, if I find a way I'll let ya know
Thanks for the advice, I am not really testing much on the side of how weapons work in game yet (just trying to restat everything first) I will definitely look at both of those and consider trying to make the next one a balance update per say. Though one caviat is that if I make LMGsbtoo accurate they become I win weapons (1 bullet damage only needs to hit 2-3 times in the head to kill and with 100+ bullets it's not hard to) I am trying however to create a system that as ticks pass while shooting the accuracy lowers, however this seems impossible so far.

As stated though as soon as I can I will look at the charts you guys provided and get to work :D I am glad you guys want to balance things out and honestly I had hoped you guys would do something like this to help out :D
Ya you'd be better off with a shield/power combo, it's a 10% increase across the board (not a huge one but it can help)
Well the hard part of adding in a melee to a ranged is how the damage system works, I may be able to fix it but for now am away from my PC and will be for a bit. As for the other combos I really like the ideas :) we already have "riot armor" per say lol >.<
>.< I tried coding it but Rimworld was like "nah who would want duel wielding?" >.< and ya two lightsabers are better than one lol :D I think duel pistols will be fun as well as perhaps maybe if I can code it a pistol and a sword? (Look out Cade skywalker fans)

As for the fixes ya I noticed it too >.< I was wondering why a guy tried to beat me silly haha.
Outdated / Re: (Alpha 7) Sooner535's Weapon Pack V0.5
October 09, 2014, 01:11:10 PM
Sooner535's Weapon Pack V0.5B is now being authorized by the ModDB admin team! What does it add?:

All guns that end with a number have now been fixed and will start showing up (M4A1, M16, Stoner 63, etc.)
My remake of the Uzi will be used now (I had missed a line of code)
Scutum and Gladius price reduction to make way for the Scutum and Gladius!

Outdated / Re: (Alpha 7) Sooner535's Weapon Pack V0.5
October 09, 2014, 11:30:31 AM
^those are some great ideas but I think (only think) that I may have a sloppy way for "dual wielding" ill give it a shot >.<

I really like the energy shield part sounds nice
Outdated / Re: (Alpha 7) Sooner535's Weapon Pack V0.5
October 09, 2014, 01:10:45 AM
Uh-huh unintentional :P

As for the no LP of Rimworld I am too busy updating this mod haha :P, I thought about doing it once my warband or minecraft series are done.

As for the "collaboration of modders" I would be more than happy to do that once I get up to 1.0 and I am not staring down every detail :P

As for the shield try getting your colonist with power armor and a scutum (hint I believe it is about a 70% block lol) I may create one that also covers better heat and electric damage? With a small boost to pierce/blunt? Since adding like 15% of weapon block and 85% of armor doesn't mean it will block 100% I am wondering what the formula is, perhaps the scutum covers all body parts and the armor covers separate? I am unsure, but I will find out >.<
Outdated / Re: (Alpha 7) Sooner535's Weapon Pack V0.5
October 08, 2014, 09:09:08 PM
Updated to V0.5 download will be ready on Moddb when they authorize it change log is:
M60 Added
Stoner 63 Added
Glock Added
Almost all weapons received some sort of editing
Added a text file with almost all the stats for every gun (took some doing lol) this will allow you gun enthusiasts to suggest balancing changes to me easier, will be updated each release 
Outdated / Re: (Alpha 7) Sooner535's Weapon Pack V0.4
October 08, 2014, 08:43:54 PM
^ if only I could get a penny everytime I hear that joke  8)
Outdated / Re: (Alpha 7) Sooner535's Weapon Pack V0.4
October 08, 2014, 07:56:32 PM
BTW: you have a 0.001% chance of dying via the incap damage type (I literally took 100+ colonists and beat them senseless only 1 died) though I think the response to the damage sounds about right (except for of course the tranq gun lol beaten em with me darts)
Outdated / Re: (Alpha 7) Sooner535's Weapon Pack V0.4
October 08, 2014, 07:53:39 PM
^ lol I had entirely too big of a laugh with that one >.< try the RPD and tell me how THAT goes :) on another note using the L96 is a good way to hunt it rarely misses with someone with shooting 6+-7+

As for my gobbly goop in my signature ya I realize I can but eh then I wouldn't need the nice yellow/white stuff >.<

This mod is a hardcore/realism mod, I am trying to keep guns pretty close to what they actually are (though with a few tweaks here and there) the RPD for example actually shoots 100 mag and takes ages to reload, while the snipers are kisses of death (if you see bandits with them kill them ASAP especially if they have shooting over 5, good way to get em is get in melee range it is terrible at close range (but still can hit you)
Outdated / Re: (Alpha 7) Sooner535's Weapon Pack V0.4
October 08, 2014, 03:30:58 PM
No I do not, however that is a fantastic idea. I find myself constantly opening and closing different things to find a balance and that would make it simpler, once I get done with it, and a few (3-8) more guns I will update to 0.5 and the chart will be included :) also that way people who know more of guns can help me by suggesting balance changes :D awesome also I'm thinking about working on the vanilla mech mini gun next I'm thinking fast firing inaccurate 200 bullet shooting (course with 200 bullets who cares about aiming?)
Outdated / Re: (Alpha 7) Sooner535's Weapon Pack V0.4
October 08, 2014, 11:14:08 AM
I love how many guns PA adds personally :) lots of variety though I think he tried to stay true to vanilla while I am trying to make it a little more brutal in fights.