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Messages - skiddyfisk

General Discussion / Re: Insufferable Fires
December 18, 2013, 03:26:30 AM
You can make concrete firebreaks around your buildings so at least grass fires won't spread to them.
Ideas / Re: Your Cheapest Ideas
December 18, 2013, 01:37:01 AM
Quote from: CodyRex123 on December 16, 2013, 08:02:31 PM
One thing, Maybe to adding from past session that fail building, and sometimes sessions that exsite in a alternet universe of one that still going on, sounds pretty intesting

General Discussion / Re: Post your defense
December 17, 2013, 01:56:04 PM
My developing murder-hall plan. Dirt/grass center surrounded by cement. I just light up the bodies on the spot after I haul off their weapons. Charges are to shake off anybody who decides to try and burn my barracks down instead of go directly to the meat grinder.

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General Discussion / Re: Post your defense
December 16, 2013, 09:37:03 AM
Well I don't light it ALL up for every raid. Just wherever they happen to be walking (usually from the east)

Considering a turret can be defeated by a lone raider with a pistol, I like simple over cheap :v Which is not to say you aren't entirely correct. This thread is giving me ideas.
General Discussion / Re: Post your defense
December 16, 2013, 08:36:15 AM

Ideas / Re: My laundry list of ideas
December 15, 2013, 10:23:45 PM
I can get behind that.
Ideas / Re: My laundry list of ideas
December 15, 2013, 01:25:18 PM
Difficult, sure. It could be a low-percentage thing.
Bugs / [W|0.0.254B] Dead zone on screen
December 15, 2013, 01:21:52 PM
There is a region of the lower left corner of the game window that appears usable, but you cannot click on map objects. The region is approximately here:

Rocks (for example) outside the box can be selected, rocks inside it cannot be.
This happens to match where the info box pops up when you DO click something:

Presumably that space is reserved for that box even when the box is hidden, but with no border or overlay it just looks like any other spot on the screen, so having clicks not work there is confusing.

(I didn't feel this was complex enough to warrant the official bug report template)
Ideas / Re: My laundry list of ideas
December 15, 2013, 01:06:52 PM
Well, changing the rug color could be free, since it's entirely cosmetic. And the area they will change could be the lesser of the room they're in OR a radius around their owned bed. And/or limit it strictly to chairs, tables, plants, and cosmetic stuff. OR make the stuff the colonists place not cost anything, but not sell for anything either, and limit it to nonfunctional decorative stuff (again, tables, chairs, flower pots, rug color)

That is a valid point about the power cables; I think it's still a decent idea were it not for that, though. :b

As for the cell doors, I don't want to nitpick about the specifics of powered sliding door failsafe modes. I just think "power outage in the brig wing leads to jailbreak" is a reasonable idea. Maybe it'd be better as a story event or whatever?
Ideas / My laundry list of ideas
December 15, 2013, 11:32:19 AM
Howdy there. I've had several thoughts while playing this, and felt it best to just make one thread. Here goes:

Solar flares suck, because there's no defense against them. I propose an additional type of wall and flooring that protects a room against the effects of flares. These would, of course, be quite expensive, but the contents of a room fully protected in such a manner would function normally in the event of a magnetic storm. ONLY the contents - so you better include a couple batteries in your doomsday bunker, too.

- Colonists that refuse to work also suck. While obviously not everybody is capable of research, doctoring, repairs, and so forth, nobody with an able enough body to wander around the map is incapable of pushing a broom or hauling potatoes. Make those nobles good for something!

- limits to power transmission; add a larger "arterial" power cable for the main lines from your hydro plant/solar farm to base, and then smaller ones to branch out and power individual buildings or rooms. Running more juice through a conduit than it can handle can result in fast condition decay and fires if it's not kept in shape.

- jail cell doors losing power should be a potential avenue of escape, making power management more important

- room ownership; colonists with a private room should clean it and have some amount of free will with decoration when not otherwise assigned - random chance they build a chair, tables, or move furniture around/change flooring as space allows

I also posted a few in the cheap ideas thread which I'm copying here for discussion:

- assign batteries to devices; a battery directly adjacent to a piece of powered equipment will power ONLY that device, and only when the device is getting no other power, and not feed into the general grid. this lets you keep key equipment running longer during low-power situations without micromanaging all the on/off switches on everything

- power switches; an easy way to toggle power on and off for entire buildings or areas, this would just be a power conduit tile with an on/off function like the lights have. (I currently do this by just selling and rebuilding the same bit of cable as needed)

- a "go to home" hotkey that centers the view on your base. (Defined as the geographic center of your home area, or your food dispenser, or some such thing)

Apologies if any of these have been flogged to death already; I only skimmed the first couple pages of the forum.
Ideas / Re: Your Cheapest Ideas
December 15, 2013, 11:32:11 AM
Quote from: henrytm82 on December 11, 2013, 10:50:01 PM
Better descriptions or reasons for "capturing" random wanderers for recruitment would be nice. As it is, the only real option is to "arrest" them, which makes me feel like a bad guy. Like, why am I "arresting" him? What'd he do, other than wander into my line of sight? I feel like The Mayor from Walking Dead - I'm kidnapping people and then brainwashing them into staying with me, forcing them to work for me and, if need be, to kill and die for me. That feels dirty.

Dude, this was my exact thought. I actually named an oaf Merle once to embrace the evil. :v

I have a few ideas I think are that easy!

- assign batteries to devices; a battery directly adjacent to a piece of powered equipment will power ONLY that device, and only when the device is getting no other power, and not feed into the general grid. this lets you keep key equipment running longer during low-power situations without micromanaging all the on/off switches on everything

- power switches; an easy way to toggle power on and off for entire buildings or areas, this would just be a power conduit tile with an on/off function like the lights have. (I currently do this by just selling and rebuilding the same bit of cable as needed)

- a "go to home" hotkey that centers the view on your base. (Defined as the geographic center of your home area, or your food dispenser, or some such thing)