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Messages - preliminary7

February 03, 2016, 07:55:23 AM
awesome! Thanks guys, just want to make sure
January 31, 2016, 02:40:27 AM
I want to bring up a concern which hopefully you guys don't have this problem too but I haven't been seeing any updates about Rimworld from the Dev lately, nor do I receive anymore Rimworld files from him. How have the game been doing? and I would like to know that my money isn't going to waste nor I'm left in the dark.

Some answer would help

Thank you,

Ideas / Re: New Tech
December 19, 2013, 10:00:22 PM
For those that are questioning what kind of new tech would I suggest. I would suggest since this is a sci-fic game think about robot. you know right now we can only build a turret but why not a robot that can float around and guard for us? I'm at day 50 and I'm at the peak of losing all my survivor not even day 50 but day 8. I strongly believe a floating robot as a guard would be great! equip it with a Machine Gun and we're all set left mouse click on it and have the command pop up "guard, scout, set perimeter, set patrolling way point, and just simply 'standby'" this would be a perfect into the future robot. And the reason is I know some of you will be asking me this saying that it's not really into the future cause they are using a low end ship to be stuck on the planet in the first place but they wouldn't be stuck in the first place if they didn't get there with a high end ship and crashed.

2. Add some more tech to where we can research in building !!bigger!! gun like a cannon (I see that we have canon shell but what is it use for?!?!) to protect ourselves! I know we have turret but those are freaking weak.

3. Research in upgrading turret to laser guns or something nice.

4. Add a different source of energy power. that the sun's solar energy won't affect it! c'mon we're human if something like that happen we're smart enough to think of something that'll work. Like adding a river and have a mill run for natural energy. Beside isn't this game hardcore science I thought human can't live without water?

5. Add a workbench so we can research and craft armor, guns, and bullets and such. Adding armor so our colony can protect themselves. Adding bullets would actually make the game realistic whereas there won't be an infinite amount of ammo that our party and the raiders would have. i still question that everytime I play. Now talk about survival! if you're stranded with only 5 bullets.

6. Adding another high tech door not the sliding door. But a rock solid metal door that will only allow colony players in by reading their finger and eye (adding new colony identity into the system after each survival is recruited). High tech door is a lot stronger and stable than the sliding door.

7. Adding each individual's need and wants like an exercise weight, a kind of game, a punching bag and you name it. The reason why? Scientifically speaking and thinking a person would go coo coo if they don't meet their need.

8. Adding a fire extinguisher making it faster for the colony to maintain and control fire before it spread and you can later on researching fire hydrant to extinguish fire without the need to be there anymore. Or simply have your robot extinguish it for you.

9. Fix: First party raider and second party raider will actually kill each other instead of gang up on us. Because First and second party raider does not know each other. I have this happen to me where first party raider came in and were preparing then a random second party raider pop up but instead of killing each other they worked together in raiding my place. This is not as close as what a real life perspective result would be. If in real event both party would have kill each other before raiding my place because they don't want to share the good

10. Have a new source of food. There's tons of animal in the game but we can't even hunt them for meat? Add them to the food chain!

11. and many more
Ideas / New Tech
December 18, 2013, 08:54:34 AM
I would suggest adding in more tech and new stuff to build. Right now it's limited everyone would see it as unfinished if there are not a variety of stuff to build