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Messages - Its Spotlight

Ideas / Re: tent for outside?
February 13, 2015, 12:22:20 AM
Just because something more effective is easier, it doesn't mean it should be passed up. It would be a cool thing for role playing and immersion, making your own scenarios. And possibly down the line have certain items chain into eachother with their own buffs/themes.

Something like a tented outdoor area for quarantine of certain colonists, rather than keeping them indoors. I picture zombie apocalypse scenarios where they substitute tented medical areas and things like that rather than building full on rooms, whether for ease or lack of resources. If only for the different feel of the game. Tented areas in actual rooms for extra degrees of separation, causing less of a debuff but still a degree privacy. Tented walkways for long stretches of outdoors that your colonists may need to travel, keeping shade or heat in a little more. Possible areas for enemies to hide/travel through.
Along with transportation and negative work buffs they should have some type of wagon researchable, which could be pulled by horses or colonists (maybe motorized eventually), for transporting more with less strain. Cool ideas.
Ideas / Re: Some Suggestions
December 29, 2014, 02:44:02 AM
Bumping because I added a good amount since the last post.

(And thank you arammco for the positive feedback, other feedback is welcome)
Ideas / Re: Targetting body parts
December 28, 2014, 06:03:10 PM
This with some sort of weapon dependency would be good. Like where regardless of colonist level (or maybe only at max), they'll never have 100% chance with a rapid fire weapon at a distance. But with a sniper they'll be able to pretty much always.
Ideas / Some Suggestions
December 25, 2014, 12:21:27 AM
A few suggestions I have, I think I had more, as I remember or think of any i'll just post them back on here. I haven't touched Alpha 8 yet, so if anything has already been added (mods or non) let me know and i'll delete it. Or if something has already been discussed or touched upon, and I missed it, let me know.

-Auto strip before cremation:
Your colonists will strip the body before cremating them automatically (maybe set in the cremation item's menu.. I can't think of its name right now)

-Forbid/allow certain colonist from areas:
This I mainly thought of when I wanted to separate certain colonists from others, have them live off in a log cabin or just another area I had made, but didn't want other colonists coming in and using their garden or anything. Maybe just make it a zone option or a new zone.

-Forbid/allow certain colonists from specific benches:
This is like the above one, but would also be good if you want certain colonists to work at making slag into metal but not wouldn't want them to work on fabrics or something. It could help things run smoother and get things done more efficiently.

-"Priority" zones that will be dealt with first:
This I mainly noticed with the zombie mod, I would have a ton of bodies around my area and it would bring moods down a lot, but colonists wouldn't always haul them over other things. This could also combine with the zoning for colonists to not go in certain areas, so as soon as you have a pile of bodies somewhere, you can make sure certain colonists will avoid the area until its dealt with.

-Heat that moves through walls and enters rooms through vents or the floor:
This I saw partially in a mod, the heated floor and vents. I think it'd be cool to have the heat run through walls or conduits that can be built into walls (or have conduit walls work with this, or something), then the heat would escape through vents or into the floor.

Raiders that either sneak in without warning or just come through normal events that are more out to steal your resources than destroy your colony.

-Patrol job/outposts:
This goes with the above one and would be cool in general. Just zones or paths that your colonists will go along to watch for any threats around the perimeter of your base. Would be good for any events that come without warning, if that's added (which if it isn't, I think it should be eventually). It could possibly work in shifts, and maybe coincide with an eventual shadow/stealth system. Outposts would possibly be raised up areas or something, maybe give a bonus to vision and have some sort of benefits for the colonist inside.

-Stealth system:
Only added this because I thought of it as I was typing the above one. Would just be harder to see enemies and colonists based on clothes and lighting, which would work well with the thieves idea or possible infiltration. Could also add cameras.

-Multiple level bases:
This probably has been addressed, but i'm not positive so i'll put it for now. Just like how the sims has it where you go to another level with an up/down selector, it could work the same way, and could eventually involve weight and everything for cave ins and all that.

Also may have been addressed, would be like Prison Architect I guess.

-An inn or temporary colonists:
Maybe if your relations are high enough with a faction they'll send people who will come help build up yours. You could have it where you either can or can't control what type of work they'll do, but you would have to have special housing for them. If relations go well they may join you or give you silver or other gifts.

Added Dec. 26th
-Clothing damage: Was reading about parkas being too good/easy to get from raids and things, it made me remember how easy it can be to just look corpses for items and sell them or get strong armor. A good way against this could be to make clothing get damaged and become unusable. It could be similar to a person's damage; knife damage across their chest in a cloth shirt, the shirt gets a slice on the chest or entirely into shreds and is useless except maybe for some fabric, things like that. It could be simple at first, where any damage just makes it not usable, with the possibility of implementing a more advanced system later on in development.

-Tombs/gravestones: Just generally expanding on the graves would be a nice thing to add realism. If a member of your colony dies you may want to have a nice tombstone for him, one that would add beauty to the area around it, and possibly give an option through it for people to mourn on the day of death. And then just to add more, bigger tombs made out of stone and gold, they would be bigger and have much more beauty to them. Maybe just a general bit of items that could make a graveyard for your colonists and friendlies, which would give certain positive and negative effects. Maybe even add raiders who seek to steal from them specifically. Maybe even events like someone thought they saw a ghost (or even adding ghosts, prolly more a mod thing though).. or if someones relationship was strong they won't work that day and will go there instead, and if the colony has flowers or keepsakes they'll bring them to the grave site.

-Character specific items: As I wrote keepsakes in the above one I thought of this. Just items like necklaces or rings that could be forged and then become "[Colonist]'s Gold Necklace" or something. Even go as far as ownership of weapons and things too, and maybe if colonist relationships go well, they'll give their special gun to another person to use. (maybe give it a negative buff to those using it who it doesn't belong to, or if they end up near the person who it belongs to, they'll take it back and dislike the other person)

-Relationships: I think there are mods for romantic relationships, I don't know about any for friendly ones. With this I just mean two of your colonists knowing eachother and starting to become friends. They'll get a mood boost around them, work better with them, occasionally try to work with them instead of others, and possibly give them gifts for their birthdays or anything. Even be less likely to leave the colony (or even less likely to riot if two prisoners are friend) knowing their friend is still there, and an event where both may choose to leave, Shoot at raiders who are targeting their friend over others in some cases.

Added Dec. 28
-Prison update: Not sure what to call this, just some sort of zone where you can make a general prison area that prisoners can go in to. So you can have a rest area for them, a place for them to eat, things like that, and then they can go back to their rooms/cells. That way they can have more of their needs met without having to have them get the negative buff from sharing a room, or even more of a chance of recruitment if their prison life is better. A simple way to do this might even be making the option for doors to have ownership (or a new type of door completely), like beds do; I don't know anything about programming or how the game is set up, but that might make a simple version of this possible. Would probably have make it so prison areas aren't completely dependent on a bed being in the area along; with the ownership setting on doors.

This is some of it for now, if anything is unclear I can explain more, and eventually i'll add or remove things. I know there were some interesting things I thought of with the prisoners, but can't remember at the moment.