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Messages - superecnate

Stories / Re: Your favourite colonists
November 24, 2014, 08:59:24 PM
My favorites are Pacer and Tsume in my current game. Pacer is pretty much the most skilled person on the colony in quite a lot of skills (mining, constructing, repairing, etc). She got her femur shattered fighting a centipede, but managed kept working. She worked for months, probably about a year in game, doing all sorts of manual labor like constructing, mining, and hauling back heavy metal on a shattered femur. After that year I managed to replace her leg with a simple prosthetic, but she's by far the strongest and toughest person in my colony.
Tsume was quite different. He came in as a raider, and threw himself at my colony only to get shot in the head. When he woke back up, he was easily recruited, and he mainly did farming and medicine after that. When my colony descended into madness and psychopathic murder, he starved himself to keep my colonists (who were starving in their beds) alive. Eventually, during a gunfight in the base between two loyalists (one of whom was Pacer) and two rebels driven mad, he calmly walked over to the field to get some potatoes, and starved to death. I always thought he was some kind of barbaric, sick raider, but that the gunshot shot the evil out of him. When he joined the colony he loved everyone, and was a source of happiness and innocence in my colony, and he ended up starving in the field because of the actions of those evil rebels! Needless to say, the rebels were executed in rage.
I have a few mods, like T's and the alert lamp, for reference. Also, I'm playing with Randy Random.

So I've been playing a colony for a few days now, and it's getting near the end! Colonists have struggled, fought, triumphed, and died in this fortress, and i think it's story is a good one.

So here's my base all in one picture:

And here's the core of the base:

Starting in the medical room, you can see quite a few patients. This is just after a light raider attack, so their resting. In the middle med-bed is Breixos, our permanent patient. He's been there for many months, just sitting there fully conscious, but unable to move with a shattered spine. Poor guy :(

Anyway, just below the medical room is my storeroom

As you can tell, I have a bit too many gardeners
Off to the right of the picture below, you can see the hydroponics tables that feed about 15 people, and its just 12 tables. Yep, that's it. Yet, somehow, my gardeners have built up an almost 5,000 food stockpile!

Off to the bottom left of my base's core is the body vault.

Most of the raids on my base were either sieges, mech attacks, or HAL crashes(psychic ships), and I've been able to leave most of their bodies laying out in the sun, far away from my colonists. I haven't even had to research crematoriums yet!

At the very south end of my base is my last stand emergency bunker
It's extremely defensible, has a direct, heavily enclosed line to a geothermal generator plus emergency batteries,the only way in is a slaughter funnel that leads to absolutely no cover, and the front two turrets can act as deadly explosive to bomb any intruders.

On the northern edge of my base is the northern defensive line. I ended up mining a northern exit to my base because it would take too long for my colonists to move around without it, but this exit is very defensible. It's a slaughter house for any enemy attacks, since they have no cover at all, and have to get right up next to my colonists (and get massacred by my brawler). Even if they manage to survive for a time, when the turrets blow up it'll kill them en masse. Plus, I can fall back inside of the base where I have convenient kill corridors.

Now for the stories, including the sad story of two zombies (brain damaged), The Lunatic Massacre, and of the doctor that kept it all together.

It all started when Pacer, Chief, and Lucya. They crash landed just east of the current base, and, looking at the current courtyards, decided it was the most defensible location nearby. It had fairly easy access to the two nearby geothermal vents, and it wasn't too far from the vent from the north. They set up shop there building the huge common room first. They spent their first few nights sleeping in that room because I couldn't understand T's cloth system to build a bed. They built sandbags on the eastern and western entrances (zoomed in pictures below), and designated land just beyond the east entrance as their farmland.

They quickly began digging out the pillboxes for two turrets per entrance, but couldn't mine enough metal fast enough to build them before the first raider, but it didn't turn out to be a problem. He didn't even have a gun, so the colonists easily killed him. They were disappointed that they couldn't capture him, but life is life so they got on with building the turrets and expanding the common room to its current size. They easily quelled another tiny raider attack, and once again failed to acquire a 'volunteer'.
This time, they had a long stretch of time of peace. They continued to mine further, and research more advanced technologies. They were pretty well protected by now, so they began to build the body vault, and went to sleep. They dreamed of a god descending upon their little fort, in the form of a huge centipede, and slaughtering them all whilst bouncing their measly pistols, so they woke up and prepared for it..., yet it did not come. Realizing their vulnerabilities, they bought a large batch of cheap automatic rifles from the next combat suppler, and later added a few slaves to their ranks. Their peace lasted a while longer, but eventually ended with an unexpected shock, a siege!
Luckily, most of their colony was safe under a mountain, and their researcher managed to make a breakthrough with the invention of a mortar! The colonists quickly constructed a mortar of their own and returned fire. This siege lasted a long time, but the mortar was able to disorganize them and send quite a few fleeing from its fires. Several of the pirates were driven insane and Zachary later claimed to have found a copy of a strange book called "The Call of Cthulhu", but said that she lost it. The surviving pirates ended up burned alive by mortar fire or starving to death when they ran out of food.
(It's the 4 sandbags and mortar to the bottom right. The top left is a different siege that set up right next to the 1st)

Not long after this attack, though, a strange ship crash landed nearby. Their first dreams had become reality, as they knew that there would be mechanisms inside. With quiet voices in their heads advocating violence and murder, they constructed a little outpost right next to the craft, complete with solar panels, batteries, and turrets. This may have been overreacting, but they were very scared of what happened in their dreams. They set up behind the rocks, and fired the first shots into the hull. A Centipede and two little drones poured out, directly into the line of fire of countless bullets. The drones were taken out quickly, but the centipede managed to get several volleys off of its machine-gun, some of which hit hit Pacer and fractured her femur, and one of which struck Combarro directly in the head.

Both were taken back to some beds, and it was determined that Combarro was out in a coma due to a serious brain injury, and Pacer would have serious difficulty walking. As the crash-site was looted, and the AI JAL 9000's core was safely stored, Pacer was revived. The colony went on, keeping Combarro alive and expanded further northward into its core mountain. The new medical room was build, the storeroom, and personal bedrooms. The colony finally had geothermal power, and a prosthetic leg was attached to Pacer. After a minor raid, the colonists added a second zombie to their ranks, Tsume, who was almost as brain dead as Combarro, but was just barely able to remain conscientious. It was a sad reminder of their friend lying in a coma. Still, though, once awoken Tsume became the most innocent, most loving member of the colony. The parts of his brain that once loved violence, chaos, and bloodlust were shot out by the turret that hit his brain. He was well known to hug anyone he could, especially Lobov, the doctor that he woke up to. His innocence was not just a sad reminder, but one that reminded the colonists of the safety and civility that they once knew.

Not much longer, though, another siege came. This time, though, the colonists were ready. Their mortars sent several raiders scuttling off, running for their lives. The remaining were battered and burnt by the fires of the colony's mortars. This time, though, they wanted prisoners. the advanced to the cover at the very top left, and opened fire on the pirates. It was a little fairer of a fight than those before, and most of the colonists were pretty badly injured, but about 6 prisoners were taken. Six! The colonists returned battered, yet victorious. Zachary, out of the corner of her cloudy, cataract eye noticed Raf pick up a strange, but familiar book on his prisoner...

When they returned home, the few colonists not bedded in sever pain noticed a problem. Only four people, Lubov (she refuses to fight), Raf, Zackary, and technically Tsume (who was too brain dead to help much). While Lubov scrambled to keep the injured and the prisoners fed, she noticed that Raf and Zackary were talking quite a lot, and pulled out two strange books when they did. She went and woke both Pacer and Carro up, regardless of their pain, and the two soldiers went to look for Zack and Raf. It was just in time, too, as just then Raf and Zack went violent and insane! They chanted "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn" as they attacked the prisoners, but Carro and Pacer managed to shoot and take down both lunatics (they are better shots, after all). They could not, however, stop the two from mortally wounding several prisoners and their fellow colonist Lucya, whom the colony was named after. Meanwhile, the paste dispenser's hoppers were out of food, and poor, loving Tsume was so dedicated to his patients that he had begun to starve himself feeding them. No one was able to help him in the midst of the chaos, and he starved to death on the way out to the farmland for potatoes sitting just a few meters away. :(
Both lunies were executed for murder and high treason, which would freak out some of the population for a while. In addition to this, and Pacer managed to trick a slaver into buying the dying prisoners. As things were starting to recover, another colonist departed forever, Banzo died from his battle wounds and infection after the medicine ran out. The who colony was almost wiped out, since so many were incapacitated, and most of them were on the verge of insanity, but Lubov managed to keep the colony together. This dark time would come to be known as The Lunatic Massacre, for it is responsible for over half of the colonist death ever and the sheer level of insanity pervading the colony.
After this, though, times improved for the fledgling fortress. Expansion continued, an armory was built in the courtyard and a northern exit was mined and fortified. Eventually, though, the Lucyvia's nightmares returned. Mechanoids dropped in from the north and attacked the western defensive line. The colony was not particularly prepared for this, but it still managed to survive without colonist losses, largely due to a new sniper rifle and high-tech rifle. Two whole centipedes were dispatched! The colony celebrated its victory over its nightmares when another threat arrived, a siege from the north.

This time the colony took no chances. Mortars rained on the pirate outpost, and the fires drove the raiders mad. They starved to death long before they could do any damage to the fortress that was Lucyvia. Some dazed raiders still wandered around, and one of them managed to snipe Peza directly in the heart, killing her instantly. The raider then died from starvation. From then on, the colony was safe from attacks. They killed another crashed ship to the far east of their colony. They built stone walls around the ship, and attacked the mechanoids from solid cover. What once were nightmares, were no longer feared.
Yet problems still remained within. After months in bed the colonists declared Combarro brain dead. With a sense of sadness Lubov the doctor harvested his organs incase others would need them in the future. He was now finally as dead as his brain.
The colony continued on. It expanded and new rooms were built. The emergency bunker was built, and the colony researcher, again Lubov, began to research the ship that would take them off this violent world.
This is when the another raid attacked the fortress. This time, they stormed the northern entrance. They were slaughtered, but they managed to snipe poor Breixos in the spine. From now on, the man will sit in the medical room, until, hopefully, he can be put in a cryopod and sent off this planet. For months afterward, he laid in his bed listening to his fellows build, expand, and fight, yet he was helpless.
Finally, after two and a half years on the blasted planet, Lubov finished enough research on the ship to begin construction. It is a long effort, and there is much left to build, but Lucyvia is close to the end. For long after the colonists leave for the sky, the walls of fortress Lucyvia will stand. Even after scavengers loot the faculty to the bone, its walls will remain.