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Messages - bering

Bugs / New Colony button not working in Linux 0.0.250
November 04, 2013, 05:39:37 PM
I cannot start a New Colony in the Linux build 0.0.250

This is the most effective tease ever :-) In Linux, the game starts just fine and I can access the Load and Options screens... but when clicking on New Colony... nothing happens! No errors, no log files.

I cannot load Kerbal Space Program without using LC_ALL=C so I tried it with RimWorld and sure enough, it works fine when I do. I think that this is a Unity bug that only applies if your locale is not English. All you have to do is start the game by prefixing it with LC_ALL=C, which effectively resets all locale configurations.

So, in other words, instead of double-clicking on RimWorld250Linux.x86_64, do this:

1- create an empty file
2- write those 2 lines in it using any text editor:

LC_ALL=C ./RimWorld250Linux.x86_64

3- right-click the new file and set its permissions to executable
4- double-click that new file to run the game

Hope that helps!
General Discussion / Re: Call for Linux testers
October 09, 2013, 06:27:25 PM

I would love to help! I started programming some 18+ years ago. I attempted to write my own game engine in C++ back when DirectDraw was all the rage but got sidetracked by "real life"... I tried Unity 2 years ago and had a blast fiddling around with it but got sidetracked again. I came back to trying to make games this summer, and made something that is starting to resemble a game engine in HTML5 + JS. Then the Unite 2013 videos got my attention and I have been watching videos and tutorials for weeks and dusted-of my Windows laptop and re-installed Unity on it this very weekend. Your timing couldn't be better :-)

• What's your experience with testing systems? Ever used a bug tracker before? Does the Ludeon bugtracker look foreign to you or familiar?
I know enough about testing systems to know that debugging your own stuff doesn't count. I did very little UAT at work since I am usually at the other end, asking users to test my stuff so I have to admit that I don't have much experience. About the bug report system, I discovered FlySpray about two months ago and I meant to give it a try so I'm looking forward to try it in production :-)

• What OSes do you have?
I have Windows 7 and Unity 4.2.1 on my laptop. I have been using Linux servers at work and at home for years. Linux desktops are another story... I used them for years at work but barely at home, sadly. The landscape is shifting though, thanks to Unity, Steam and Windows 8. I cannot wait to see what will happen to GPU drivers in the next few months, especially with Steam OS, Boxes and Controllers. I currently use Linux Mint 15 on my desktop and Ubuntu 12.04 LTS on my server. I would probably setup a virtual machine to debug other distros but installing on physical systems to chase down really elusive bugs would not scare me.

• How much time do you have to test?
I have a day job so evenings and weekends ...

• Ever recorded and uploaded video before? E.g. with FRAPS.
Nope. Never tried. But... I work in Ottawa so, depending on your reasons for asking about that, it might not be necessary :-)

Congrats on the KickStarter, I still can't wait to try Eclipse Colony Ring World :-)