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Messages - Armorer

Unfinished / Re: Warhammer 40k - An Overall
October 30, 2015, 03:13:22 PM
How you balance WH40k special weapons (like melta, plasma, flamer)?
What kind of turrets you plan to make?(manned/unmanned, with ammo or without, etc)
How would you balance orks and tyranids?
Do you plan introduce vehicles? (In WH40k tabletop game style with superior armor and devastating weapons)
How important will be melee in your mod?
How about adding some fun to melee?
Unfinished / Re: [Sketch](Alpha 10)Fun Melee mod
May 24, 2015, 11:37:13 AM
add some log messages source c# code in the assenbly direction
I think this mode needs some new stuff. So it will be
1.warhammer tyranids
2.Japanese sengoku
3.ww1 with bayonets and other things
what do you think?
Unfinished / Re: [Sketch](Alpha 10)Fun Melee mod
May 24, 2015, 02:40:37 AM
1.this mod overrides tryToHit method from verb_melee. so it determine only if pawn can hit target nothing else. if there is no suitable target with weapons it use base TryToHit method.
2.what kind of values do you want to log? also you have source - try to put here anything you need to log.
Unfinished / Re: [WIP] Rimworld Forever
May 23, 2015, 03:11:50 PM
Quote from: Adamiks on May 20, 2015, 02:56:45 PM
This looks very good! I just can't believe that you done this all in one day ;D I really would like to help you with something, but you know - work  :-\

And what about raiders? Ya know. This'll be hard to defeat raiders with charge rifles using only sticks/medieval swords.

I've got solution for that. It's called fortifications. You can make narrow shooting corridors or force raiders into close quarters melee where medieval sticks are more useful than rifles. The questions is how you fight the melee hordes of raiders.
Unfinished / Re: [Sketch](Alpha 10)Fun Melee mod
May 23, 2015, 02:47:28 PM
Ofcourse there is random factor. I mean the crushBlock is a probability. the melee difference is also a probability of succesful parry. for example a noble(14 melee skill) with wooden sword(parry 0.1 crush 0.05 dmg 5 cooldown 1.5) fights against thug(melee skill 6) with plasteel shiv(parry 0.01 crush 0.01 dmg 20 cooldown 0.5). so difference is 14*0.1-6*0.01 = 1.34 that mean that thug can only score a hit if he crush the parry block(1%). if the thug have same sword the difference will be 14*0.1-6*0.1=0.8 it means that he has 20% chance to hit with sword. or 24% with the crush block ability (1 - 0.8*0.95). if the thug has morning star with crush 0.25 the probability to score the hit will be 25%. so that make a difference of wich weapon the pawn is armed depends on skills - high parry weapons for high skills and high crush for low skills. so you can make some knight pawn with high skills, good katanasword and decent armor that can slaughter a dozen of inferior fighters.

against ranged attacks you have vanila personal shield.  or you can use mine version of shield. maybe I add some probability parameter for blocking range/melee attack for shield.
Unfinished / Re: [Sketch](Alpha 10)Fun Melee mod
May 23, 2015, 08:20:26 AM

Weapon's parameters changable via xml. It works in that way:
1.cheking if target is pawn, has weapon, and that is the correct kind of weapon. It will not work against target without weapon or with normal/vanila weapon.
2.checking if crush thtough block succeeded, if it happens no block happens.
3. check the difference OwnWeapon.ParrySkill * OwnMeleeSkill - TargetWeapon.ParrySkill * TargetMeleeSkill if it less than zero than parry happens and hit is discarded.

Unfinished / [Sketch](Alpha 10)Fun Melee mod
May 23, 2015, 03:37:09 AM
This is "proof of concept" mod that add some features that improve melee in game:
- add two properties to melee weapons - parrySkill, wich allows the pawn with higher melee skill to parry attack and CrushBlockSkill - allows to crush through parry block. This could be usefull for more balance.
- add shield that block incoming projectles from front arc, but will take damage from that.
-add mount - the ferocious battle pony that carry NPC pawn into battle.


P.S. Most of  textures taken from apparelo and norbal mods.
Would you ad some orks' weapons? shootas sluggas and so?
Help / Need help in creating cavalry
April 06, 2015, 12:50:37 PM
I want to make some cavalry apparel that transforms into animal when wearer is downed or dead. So I have a problem - how to make apparel unwear on pawn's death?
Outdated / Re: [MOD] (Alpha 8) Imperial Guard
March 10, 2015, 08:05:15 AM
updated to alpha 9 link!tQhXyLaT!cczstRwIO4YIwHjHdooGRui-aTIwYxrUIVb2iKaiEyw may be unbalanced, contained bugs, etc.
change log:
- fragment explosions from the combat realism mod
- textures from defend this colony mod, and 5x stronger walls
- add armored pawns that ignore incoming damage less than their armor value
- imperial stuff avaliable through imperial combat trader

this mod is not yet playable but you always can have fun in developer mode by making defence line and enemy assault force like this:

and remember to fight tanks you need special anti-tank weapon (like meltagun, autocannon turret, MissleLauncher with krack missle, anti-tank rifle or outflank  with vanilla sniper rifle)
Quote from: Ded1 on December 26, 2014, 05:29:30 PM
Well if you go by cannon (i dont mean codex values but the official books and even the stories withing the codex) 1 space marine can take on and win against 1000 guardsmen or more and about the same number orks.  For balancing purposes they are weakened significantly for the tabletop game,  where 1 in 6 shots can penetrate their armor, instead of 1 in 100.  They also can survive having half of their body blown away if 1 lung and 1 heart are still working.  So them being godly is correct.  And a large part of that is their armor.

In 7 Alpha I try to make some chaos space marines just fo lulz. Armor with 0.95 protection value (pierce, blunt, flame) that grants some bonuses to hit chance. Human body with 3x health with false isFlesh value for no pain shock and no bleeding. Enhanced walk speed and basic close combat. Arrive at 10 men squad with decent weapons like bolters, flamers etc. It literaly was rape train with no brakes. Becouse you can't overshoot them, can't melee them, you can just use suicide squads or multiple lines of defence to make shure thay will do enough damage for a tactical withdraw.
Quote from: JuliaEllie on December 25, 2014, 04:37:13 AM
Hmm thats weird. Maybe the imperial guard mod changes a few files that clash with Deep Strike.
Pawn have to be mechanoid or humanoid to be not animal(able to use weapons and factions and squads). So orks are mechanoids becouse it's easier to make NPC pawn that way. They cheap have great spawn value so any time game wants to spawn mechanoids it will spawn orks. Lot of orks.
Outdated / Re: [MOD] (Alpha 8) Imperial Guard
December 18, 2014, 04:41:32 PM
Quote from: Krantz86 on December 18, 2014, 04:04:57 PM
also i've noticed that combiweapons and conscript lasguns tend to "break" disappearing during the battles, is that intentional?
No, it's my fault. I fix it in the next release.
Outdated / Re: [MOD] (Alpha 8) Imperial Guard
December 18, 2014, 08:59:43 AM
Quote from: TrashMan on December 18, 2014, 08:00:36 AM

Just no. No astarses in this mod. Just foul xenos and those brave men that give their lives in the name of the Emperor