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Messages - eregorn

Quote from: Boboid on February 05, 2015, 08:47:48 PM
I'm not sure that's actually currently the case Zesty.

I'm reasonably sure that any wound that's treated sufficiently quickly cannot become infected regardless of the medicine used, even when no medicine is used. The same goes for Scars on most bodyparts ( The exceptions being bodyparts that immediately scar upon damage, eyes for example)

Poorly treated wounds heal more slowly, and attempting to heal wounds without medicine can take a very long time, but it's fairly safe.
Apart from when it takes so long to treat a wound without medicine that it gets infected.

Don't wounds have the ability to be infected even when treated? I'm pretty sure I've had colonists (mostly prisoners though) that got infected when the wound was not completely healed yet.

This does feel like something leaning towards making colonies harder to maintain in my eyes though, large colonies tend to build up more injuries in fights so having multiple low-skilled medics tended to be necessary if you didn't want the medics keel over mid-treatment. Small colonies on the other can have issues if the dedicated medic is wounded, gotta be scary when next best only has a skill of 3.

Edit: whoops thought the suggestion was an actual change, I'm ok with the actual change.

Edit2: also realized you do realize they do get infected, just not often. Still, I'm certain infections happen frequently enough to be an issue (mostly prisoners of course where they're mostly just an annoyance, but when you do get unlucky to get a colonist take too long to get healed the lost productivity can hurt a lot depending on their job).