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Messages - HelpzTePoopies

Off-Topic / Re: Count to 9000 before Tynan posts!
October 04, 2017, 01:55:36 PM
178.25 x 42

I don't know why, or where or when this started, I have mods, but I hadn't added any new ones just before this started. Is this an option I ticked by accident that I now can't find?
Off-Topic / Re: Count to 9000 before Tynan posts!
June 11, 2017, 01:40:23 PM
6-4/20 (hehe)

Rat's. I woulda gotten away with it if it weren't for you meddling Dorfs!
Off-Topic / Re: Count to 9000 before Tynan posts!
June 11, 2017, 01:05:23 PM
Hlp, my "" ky dosn't work!
Also 6,415 beers sounds like my kind of weekend! (if they were Ginger beers!)
Creative Rewards / Re: Name in Game - Accepted
June 11, 2017, 12:58:11 PM
I will make a note to execute you on sight.
Ideas / Re: Your Cheapest Ideas
June 11, 2017, 07:53:30 AM
Bills to un-pause by a set time as well!
Using the pause when satisfied, you can set it so that your pawns pause a task when completed and restart the task when the stockpile of the product gets too small. This was a great addition, but with a simple addition it would become perfect for food. Set it so you can auto-un-pause the bill at a certain time, thus you can set a chef to make, say, 30 fine meals in the morning, then leave it for the rest of the day.
Ideas / Talk 'em down
May 31, 2017, 09:08:16 AM
What if with minor breaks like daze and fire lighting spree, you could send a warden to snap them out of it, with a slight chance that they go psychotic if a roll by the warden is unsuccessful.
Ideas / Re: Bored
May 31, 2017, 05:54:11 AM
Still better than a Pyro break. Could also have it so that if you don't let them do something they have a passion for, they have a break and go do that thing.
Ideas / Bored
May 30, 2017, 11:05:35 AM
A new kind of mental break, where a colonist that has been idle for to long has a mental break where they do something that they are passionate about.

e.g. A cook will cook lots of food, a miner will mine away random blocks, and an intellectual will research any random undone project.
Ideas / Transport
May 29, 2017, 11:07:30 AM
Some form of researchable transportation, that speeds up movement and increases carry weight of a convoy/caravan. an example could be as follows:
Lorry: Expensive, with a massive carry weight buff, but speed debuff if not on ancient highways.
Boat: Price varies by size, carry weight weight buff, large speed buff on rivers, massive speed debuff if not on water. Maybe larger boats allow for ocean crossings?
Muffalo drawn cart: Cheap, no speed buff, carry weight buff.
Hovercraft: middle of the range price, minor buff to speed on flat surfaces and rivers, minor debuff to speed on mountainous terrain.

Also, all could use Chemfuel as fuel, maybe with slower electric versions, or uranium reactor powered ones.

And finally, with research, they could have weapons installed on them to assist if you get ambushed.
Stories / Re: Best. Chair. Ever.
July 19, 2016, 03:23:34 PM
My colonists just had a massive party, got off there faces, all passed out, then my dogs all dragged them to bed the moment they collapsed.
Ideas / Re: Your Cheapest Ideas
July 19, 2016, 02:05:35 PM
Also put ETC's on work projects in progress for things like smithing.
Ideas / Re: Your Cheapest Ideas
July 19, 2016, 01:34:44 PM
Batteries give a projected time till depletion, so that you know when you need more generators.
Support / Tech Level Help.
July 19, 2016, 12:36:07 PM
How do you increase your tech level as you progress? I have done all the Industrial level research, and want to move onto the Spacer tier, however everything is double time cost, and that is putting me off a bit.
Ideas / Re: Your Cheapest Ideas
July 19, 2016, 10:56:41 AM
I want to be able to drag around the order of things in the work menu, so that I can choose what is higher priority for my colony. (See attach for pic of where in the UI I mean!)

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