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Messages - CrackShotCleric

Day 1:

Things started off pretty well. He didn't blow up on landing, that's about it. He decided to land on a shitty piece of open ground on a freezing backwater, POS world. I used the aerial drones to get a good view of the place, mostly barren with clusters of ruins dotted around the outskirts of the landing zone. I have attached a pic so you can have a good look yourself. Also, Alt-Freaking's real name is Drazhya Al-Khalid, the more you know!

After that quick scout about, I decided the rock bluff just north of the landing was perfect to start building. It took him all day, but he eventually got a hut together. He also wasted all our wood, so I have to keep that in-mind going forward. All in all, not too bad. Another pic for reference.

Day 2:

He woke up at 7, asshole. He is lucky that he is paying me, because anything less and I wouldn't be up at all for his sorry ass. Lucky for me, he spent an hour walking around to help his nerves, the guy is practically freaking out. I can't say I blame him, but what did he expect?

I took that opportunity to check his vitals, good grief did he take full advantage of the rich life. Heart problems, liver problems, and a raging alcohol addiction. He has a few more bottles, but they won't last long and he is going to pay hell for it later. Ugh... Oh well.

He ended up spending the day harvesting trees for later. I don't think I can get enough of those right now.

Day 3:

Today was mostly uneventful. He woke up same as always... bastard, and got right to hauling. Managed to get it all done, so I got him started on mining some of the cliff face next to the hut. I also just noticed the wall sticking out of it, so much for being a l33t gamer. I will just give it a wide berth for now. Late in the day we had our first visitors and I bought some components from them.

Day 4:

I think this getting up early thing is actually working out. Not saying I ENJOY it, but it is giving me more time to do things. I still hate him for it. The day ended up being uneventful, save the boar eating two small rodents. I really hope things keep going like this.

Day 5:

I decided it was high time to start farming. I am thinking of rice and lumber to store up for the upcoming winter months. That also means refrigeration until things get below freezing all the time, but I can get to that later.

I was interrupted mid-planning by a proximity alert. Apparently it was Drazhy's old rival being chased by pirates. What is up with old guys and these stupid retirement goals? Yeesh. I attached a pic so you guys can see yourself.

He made short work of the pirates and now the two of them have arranged a temporary alliance to get off the rock. Sounds good to me, many hands makes light work, and my job easier.

Day 6:

Mel, our new party member, passed out around 6 am this morning. Apparently the rivalry between the two of them is so strong they can't stand sharing a shack, so he built his own. Draz had to help him finish it when he woke up, but they were done by 10 am.

The rest of the day was planting and research. Mel seems to be pretty adept at it. also there was a raid. Draz make short work of it, again.

Day 7:

ONE WEEK DOWN! Hell yea! We finished construction of the grave plots for the raiders, and I let them do what they wanted for the day. Mel spent it researching, and Draz chopped trees.
I spent it plotting out more buildings, one for production, and another for food and power. I hope they don't mind food paste.

Day 8:

Another uneventful day. They mostly spent working on the structures I planned out yesterday and gathering resources. At least until Draz ran out of beer and sobered up, at which point he began wandering around in a daze... this is why I don't drink.

Mal, on the other hand, was exceptionally productive. She built most of the planned structures, and then got to work making stone bricks on the stone-crafting table she had just built. Of the two, I know which horse I am backing... wait, am I allowed to say that?
Attached another pic of the progress.

Day 9:

Draz is Still wandering around in a daze. I think it is best I let him just pass out so he doesn't hurt himself or Mal. The lack of wood is very concerning... but Draz should be back to normal soon-ish, so we will make do until then.

Mal spent the day stone cutting until Draz passed out, then she dragged him back to his bed. With Draz secured and Mal's productivity, I think I can say the day has been successful.

Day 10:

Draz finally is back to his usual self. He spent the day copping trees because I have a feeling this is a temporary thing for him.

Mal cut more blocks. That's about it.... Not a great day, but not bad per-say.

Day 11:

More logging by Draz, though he isn't looking good. I have a sinking suspicion he isn't taking this alcohol withdraw very well..

Mal finally finished the buildings. About time in my opinion, but what could I do from here?

Day 12:

We are gonna have some major problems, food is rapidly running out and winter is fast approaching. I planned out an indoor growing plot/communication building. That should help, but I have a feeling it is too little, too late.

Day 13:

I designated some more areas to be mined and some elk for hunting. This food problem is hitting critical levels of "oh-crap" and I have to do something or they will starve.

Draz is in the final stages of his withdraw, apparently going berserk is how he copes. Not that big an issue (except the whole being out of wood thing) so long as I keep him away from Mal. The last thing I need is for those two to go at it and get someone hurt.

Speaking of Mal, good god in the high heavens, she is a trooper. Got a great deal of work done on the new building. We ran out of metal, but that is easily fixed. I am hoping this gets finished soon, because we are down to the wire on food.

Attaching another pic so you all can follow along.

Day 14:

Draz is FINALLY better. Wood and food should easily taken care of now, thank god. I have heard the phrase, "cutting it close," but this fiasco really puts it in perspective.

Nope, never mind. He is apparently hiding in his room for the rest of the day..

MAL on the other hand, is being useful and finishing construction. I'd say I backed the wrong horse (after checking the legal agreement, I found out I CAN say that), but I get paid in two days so I don't care.

Day 15:

Early start, 2 am this time. Is 7 am not good enough for you? ugh... anyways, it ended up being drop pods full of arctic fox hide. They will defiantly come in handy soon, but I just wish they had landed later in the day.

Draz is finally out of his funk (fingers crossed it sticks this time), and we received a polite message from an AI friend of his that happens to have a star-ship on the planet he is happy to loan them. I am starting to get the feeling that while we gamers may be in control, Draz has been sure to cover all the bases. I can't blame him...

There were more cargo pods around 2 pm, this time full of mega sloth wool. This only furthers my suspicion there are other forces at play. Maybe the producers are trying to give me a hint?

And finally, a raid. What a way to end this 15 day journey into madness. Draz quickly mopped it up, and Mal just stayed in her room, so everyone is fine.

In all, a pretty good day. Plenty of loot, some free meat right in the compound, and two empty stomachs. Posting a final pic so everyone is caught up.

Good enough as far as I am concerned. My part in this fiasco is over. So, with a fat stack in the bank, a significant status boost, and a quick salute, I am out.

See ya later, Shit lords!
So, today has been interesting.

It started with a call. I was resting in my computer chair where I had fallen asleep last night and my headset starts ringing. With a jolt, I sit up, brush of my face, and try to squint at my primary screen. It took a few seconds, but eventually I noticed someone was trying to call me via my gamecomm. I didn't recognize the caller, but I answered (I am an admin for a pretty large gaming clan, so not recognizing the caller is pretty common) because if they were able to call me they had already been given permission by the gamecomm system. All the same, I made sure to check the ID before I accepted the call and almost died of shock when I saw who it was. Alt-Freaking.

To those who have no background in gaming, Alt-Freaking is the tag of one of the most famous gamers in the GalaxyCircut, arguably THE MOST famous. He is ranked number one in SimComm for both the PvP-FPS and PvE-SimSrviv leaderboards. He is also the President of my clan, the Fr3@k!ngFr33ker$. As a lowly SubsecGrunt-Forman, in-charge of about 50-80 fellow gamers in my local precinct on my home planet, I should never see his tag in anything but ^erE<HL0N news letters on the Clan forums. As far as I knew, he had Never, for as long as I had been in the clan, called a member personally outside of the >sanctum< (inner sanctum for those not in "the know" on Fr3@k-lingo). Now, here he was, calling me...

I scrambled to make sure my room was in order. Mom hadn't cleaned it for a week or so, so I was forced to get my dirty clothes out of the camera view myself, ugh. Once I had done a quick double check to make sure the camera view was tidy (it was on ring 7 or 8 now), I accepted the call.

Before me, was a lawyer.

"Good morning Mr. CrackShotCleric, How are you today?" he opened. His suit was a smooth grey hyper-weave; Pinstriped, but very subtle. He was dark-skinned, had a shaven head, and was mostly hidden behind his standard-issue neon-teal Fr3@k!ng SimRig. His Legal-IDent# and GLL# (Galactic Legal License) were both stenciled on the front, so I knew he was the real deal. It took a few moments to get all of this sorted in my mind, but eventually I answered.
"Good morning Sir. I apologize for the delay answering the call.. I wasn't expecting anyone this early." I replied. To be honest, I was kinda' miffed. Alt-Freaking was supposed to be on the call, not this pompous legal-monkey. That said, it was Alt-Freaking, he obviously wouldn't make a call to anyone like me himself. duh.
"I am sorry to interrupt your sleep Mr. CrackShotCleric, but Alt-Freaking insisted you wouldn't mind." I sputtered for a few seconds at this (how in the world could he have known), while he continued, "He says you usually don't wake up for another three hours, and usually find such calls annoying at the best of times. He also insisted you were free due to your cancelation of your 10 o'clock RTCE (Real Time Colony Emulator) clan-stream." Again, I was stunned. HOW THE FUCK did this guy know this stuff. WHY THE FUCK DID ALT-FREAKING KNOW MY SCHEDULE!?
"... I, I'm sorry... What?" was all I could say. With a nod of his head, he continued. "Mr. Alt-Freaking is an avid fan of your work, Mr. CrackShotCleric.."
"Please, just call me CrackShot, or Cleric. Either is fine but you don't need to use my full tag." I quickly interjected. It really was a pet peeve of mine.
"As you wish. As I was saying, Mr. Alt-Freaking is an avid fan of yours. He often frequents your RTCE streams under an alternate account and has grown rather fond of them." HOLY SHIT... I couldn't believe this was happening, but it was.. and he was still talking.
"As such, he would like to offer you an opportunity. On his behalf, I am calling you to offer a once in a life time chance to prove you are indeed the L33t Gamer he believes you to be, and put your RTCE skills to the ultimate test." I was instantly thrown off guard and stopped him there.
"Sorry, what?"
"I understand your confusion, but I am telling the truth. Mr. Alt-Freaking has decided before he retires, he would like to pull off the greatest social media event in history. Please sign the NDA I have just attached to the call before we continue.." I scrambled to open the docket, attach my E-sig, and send it back (2.3 seconds total, not a record but not bad), and he continued.
"Mr. Alt-Freaking is currently on a single burn rocket headed to a non-disclosed rimworld. His plan is simple: choose select RTCE gamers, such as yourself, to aid him in his race to survive, thrive, and escape the planet to return home. Everything he does will be decided by you, and the RTCE gamers who will proceed you. You will receive substantial monetary reimbursement and boosted Clan membership status of course, but you will ultimately be in-charge of keeping him alive... What do you say?"

That was it. Well, not really. There was also another hour or so of legal shit. I never got to talk to Alt-freaking himself... apparently he was rather anxious about the whole thing (understandably, am I right?), and I also learned via a whisper message from the lawyer he is rather ugly, but that's all good. I was able to officially verify that it was ACTUALLY Alt-Freaking, and that I would be set for life when my turn was over (a few billion in escrow and an attached e-promotion for the will do that for ya). All in all, it was a-good-day. So now I am keeping this. It is legally required, but I don't mind. Well, he lands tomorrow, so I will see you then. Here's to hoping the big day doesn't start and end in a giant fireball.
Holy crap, I didn't realize you were still around making mods. I remember BTW from way back in the early days of MC. I'm glad to see you are keeping busy and the pests haven't pushed you into modding retirement. :D
Are you taking requests for projects with Rimworld?