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Messages - Terutora

Ideas / Desensitization and Civil War
June 23, 2015, 12:44:23 PM
Hey all, I checked the frequent suggestions thread and didn't see anything about this, and it's something that's been on my mind in the game so, here goes.

When you do certain things in the game like skin people, sell slaves, execute prisoners, eat human meat, harvest organs, etc, your colonists suffer a morale penalty--always. What I think is that over time, some of the colonists should become desensitized to it and stop suffering morale penalties. In fact, if you do these things frequently enough, the colonists should start having a preference towards it.

Thus, if you keep cannibalizing raiders and guests, certain sadistic colonists should suffer morale penalties when you DON'T do these things, i.e. you're inconsistent. Obviously some of your colonists would still be against it.

After a certain critical threshold or limit break, the colonists you currently have might divide into two factions, the "evil" and the "not-so-evil" factions. They would start fighting one another inside your base (with neither necessarily stronger than the other unless you decide to equip certain types of people with charge rifles, and others with broken shivs), and whoever comes out on top will be the majority personality type present in your colony from that point forward (that is, "reaver" types or "peaceful colonist" types), and it would be very difficult to shift back into the other type. This would again not be a *hard* control, per say, but would be heavily influenced by morale bonuses and penalties. You could theoretically transform a colony of cannibals once more into normal people, but it would be a painful process.

Henceforward, if you decided to be basically reavers, you could kidnap wandering Visitors and eat them or do whatever to them.

On that note, I also think you should not suffer a reputation loss with Visitor factions if you manage to kill them all before any can escape to spread word of what happened. This makes kidnapping a viable option without necessarily being at war with everyone. Perhaps if you keep doing this consistently, though, your region will gain a reputation for being unsafe and Visitors will come heavily armed, or not at all, until they figure out why people keep disappearing.

Just some thoughts.