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Messages - s_fratley

Help / Re: Mod-making Tutorials on the Wiki
August 14, 2015, 03:04:56 PM
Hey Guys,

I just got done looking through the tutorials and was encountering the issues mentioned above. I appreciate that individuals took the time to put that together those tutorials and it is unfortunate that they aren't as useful as they once were.

I am experienced with programming, however new to modding and writing XML and so was more interested in something along the lines of an API reference. specifically in regards to ThingDef and what parameters are required/available for it. I'm guessing from the above post that something like that doesn't exist and really the best way to get a grasp on creating mods is to dive into the source and just look at everything? I just wanted to check and make sure before i spend that time.

This is the first time a game has attracted me enough to become interested in modding. Thanks for a great game and I look forward to being able to contribute.
