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Messages - RX2000

I got an ugly guy, which gives a -30 modifier. :( I just try to keep him away from everyone.
General Discussion / Re: no creditcard
April 16, 2016, 08:29:23 AM
Paypal linked to a bank account.
General Discussion / Re: Nonsensical Sieges
April 15, 2016, 11:55:11 AM
Knock the difficulty back down a little from where you got it if its too much for you at the beginning.

Dont forget you can change the difficulty or AI storyteller mid-game in the options menu....
I have a very strong feeling that Tynan will give Steam keys to EVERYONE who has bought the game so far when it finally gets released on Steam, even tho right now he is legally not able to say that. TBH, even if he doesnt I have no problem throwing another $30 his way to buy the game again on Steam. He's done a great job with the game & deserves to be rewarded.
I usually take whoever the game throws at me. Part of the challenge is trying to play with 3 people at the beginning who honestly probably arent all that good. If they survive long enough tho you can eventually skill them up in pretty much anything (unless that have something thats disabled of course.) I always hate it tho when I only have like 1 person who is capable of hauling/cleaning. Thats never fun. But its also not fun sitting there for 20 min hitting the random button trying to get just people that are good.

Maybe I should get the Prepare Carefully mod..... :)
It actually wasnt very hard for me to get gold on my current (& so far only) A13 playthrough. I got a trader on comms after maybe a year or so, & they had around 50 gold, & I bought 30.

I'm actually having a harder time getting plasteel. NONE of the traders I've had so far have had ANY. :( I havent found any on my map at all. I've finally managed to get a little by smelting down some plasteel weapons, but I havent been able to scrounge up the 50 I need yet. :( I should get it soon tho hopefully.
General Discussion / Re: Scum thieving visitors
April 12, 2016, 04:35:06 PM
If they steal my stuff I shouldnt get any kind of penalty when I kick their butts, thats all Im saying.....
Quote from: jaeden25 on April 12, 2016, 10:20:30 AM
Don't rush to research stuff. You can live for a surprisingly long time without research and the extra pair of hands building up your initial colony makes things x10 easier later.

Of course this kind of depends on where you are starting at. If you are on an ice sheet you pretty much have to make a beeline towards hydroponics.....
Quote from: DarknessEyes on April 11, 2016, 05:22:14 PM
Quote from: Tynan on April 11, 2016, 02:42:27 PM
There is a bug about this, I'm afraid.

It wasnt a bug, i miss read.

It was mother 40 and son 16.

I had this actual bug last night. Son was 41 yrs old (real age) & dad was 22 yrs old (real age.) So apparently it is a bug that actually can happen.
I'm seeing a lot fewer space traders in A13 also. :( I have had a beacon & powered comms center for a while now (almost a year) & havent seen 1 single trader yet. :( The caravans keep stopping by, but they hardly ever have anything good. :(
I've noticed it too, it seems a little worse in this update.

I think we should have the option to force pawns that dont like hauling or cleaning to do it, but with a pretty severe penalty to mood. The only people who should be truly incapable of hauling stuff should be people who have some sort of handicap (no arms, no legs, etc.)
Quote from: Tynan on April 10, 2016, 02:54:45 PM
The trade availability on gold/plasteel just needs to be somewhat higher. And/or plasteel needs to be found in ancient tombs. Easy to address for next version.

Sounds like a good idea. Its nice to tweak things to make it a little harder, but you dont want it to be something that just takes FOREVER to happen & ends up just being frustrating & doesnt really help the gameplay......
Quote from: magicbush on August 24, 2015, 09:20:14 PM
As I said in the first thread, and this poll verifies it, it's crazy how many people watch other people play video games on youtube. I would much rather play a game as opposed to some guy talking about it as he plays it and watch that lol. I always laugh when I see my son doing it, and I guess I am old or not in the right generation for it as it bores the heck out of me after watching a few minutes(only 29 though lol). To each his own I suppose, as I just youtube to learn things in games/in real life such as tutorial videos on occasion.

I like to watch other people play almost as I like playing most games. :D
I discovered Rimworld on Arumba's Youtube channel. I'm a long time subscriber of his & after watching him play Rimworld back when it was in Alpha 7 I thought it looked cool & I finally bought it a little while ago when Alpha 11 came out.