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Messages - Rabbit

Ideas / Re: New activities for Raiders
October 23, 2013, 07:27:31 AM
Back to topic: Raids and Raiders!

I had an idea about a certain type of raid, in regard to the often mentionend "non-lethal-raids".

What if some Raider-groups are not announced by the narator and will be transparent, but not entirely invisible.
They could sneak up in transparant mode, until detected by a turret or colonist, or other detection devices implemented in future development.

This way, the player could be ambushed in his colony, but still giving the chances to spot those sneaky little bastards, before they get to close to the base.

Their target could be anything, from assassination, to theft of ressources or kidnapping.

This could lead to some very cool stories such as:
"This night some raiders where sneaking up to our base, trying to steal our metal supplies. Our Noble *cough* spotted one of them trying to break into our colony, but was tragically killed, when the other four decided to leave their cover..."

What do you think?
General Discussion / Re: Introduce Yourself!
October 22, 2013, 09:55:55 PM
Aye, fellow stranded ones!

Rabbit is the name and i am kind of a game developer myself, even though i am not as ambititous and only create small little gems, with small little editors and such. I also use to dress up as a rabbit and haunt the boards of promising games, yet to be released.

-What introduced you to RimWorld? Or to this style of game in general?
I saw it on Steam by incident and fell in love immediately. Then i watched some videos of it and was even more charmed of this gameplay-beauty.

-What's your favorite other game?
This one is difficult, but i think Jagged Alliance 2 gets the medal.

-Most embarrassing gaming-related story?
In a conversation, i always act, as if i have no idea of nerdy games and stuff, even though i do...
Does that count somehow?

-What kind of breakfast cereal is the best?
Breakfast? You mean the thing where i drink a lot of coffee, eh?
Ideas / Re: Re: Your Cheapest Ideas
October 22, 2013, 08:42:32 PM
I really hope, the stuff i am suggesting was not mentioned before, so i´ll just give it a shot:

~ Meteors: Basically the same thing as Lightning, but with a slightly higher destructive power and damage radius. Additionally, some could have metal inside of them. They should be very rare, though.

~ fences, fences, fences, for defence: Barbwire-fences (hurting characters who walk over them), electric-fences, laser-fences, tar-pits (could be lit up to burn those damn raiders in their own, local hell).

~ Energy-Shields: Hell, sandbags are fine, when getting shot at with a Shotgun, but what if the enemy has greater firepower than that?
There is only one answer: Small Energy-Shields (maybe 3 tiles long), wich can not be penetrated easily, but drain an enormous amount of energy (There could be a change of somewhat 20% that a bullet penetrates the shield). This is very high-tech, but i think the defensive gameplay could profit from such an option.

~ Mines: I am not talking about explosive-charges, they are great for mining and ambushes, what i suggest, are the evil little things, that immediately blow up, when a person, may it be a raider or someone else, steps on them. Laying out minefields could provide a lot of protection, but will also create a no-mans-land and could lead to hilarious situations, when Lam the Oaf has one of his moments and accidentally steps into the minefield. (This could be even funnier, if alcohol is implemented and drunken colonists would wander around aimlessly... so much joy!) I am aware, that this could be used to totally shield the colony and may be to overpowered, but again just imagine the possibility of a boomrat stepping on a mine and unleashing a massive chain-reaction.

~ Windows: Plain and simple. A window in a wall, where light comes trough at day and raiders can be shot through at night.
Same protection as a sandbag, but cannot be climbed through.

~ Mass-Graves: Maybe a bit sadistic, but what better for striking fear in the hearts of the colony-folks, than an old-fashioned mass grave for raiders and other troublemakers. It coule, for example, hold 10 bodies and would be 3 x 3 or bigger. The single Graves just take too much space after a few hours and Lam the Oaf is not always eager to go out and burn those bodies from the field, especially when there are mines buried everywhere...

Thats it for now, hope some of this is actually interesting or usable.