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Messages - DrAmazing

Quote from: wh72 on October 24, 2015, 07:48:28 PM
Okay so A huge invasion came  it had about 50 (probably more) people and everyone was either heart or in a bad way (old or not a fighter) when it came to battle except one guy named lucian, I then realise I have a ton of chickens so I'm like "SMITHERS, RELEASE THE CHICKENS" and about 300 chickens swarm the enemies and one poor fool tries to stab one and they start attacking, unfortunately they don't kill all the enemies and there's about 30 left, I say "SMITHERS, RELEASE LUCIAN" I was running some mods at the time and there was one that added a a ton of bionics so lucina was swift as a coursing river (two advanced bionic legs), with all the force of a great typhoon (Railgun MK3), with all the strength of a raging fire (two advanced power arms), mysterious as the dark side of the moon (bionic eyes, advanced ai chip and a painstopper), So he went out there and immediately kills like 3 guys with the rail gun by shooting their bodies off, then he gets in melee range and decapitates 2 of them before they even notice, when they notice he kills about 10 more using his power arms then they start to flee, he then chases all of them down and not one escapes, Lucian didnt have a single scratch and I got rid of my chicken problem.

Also another time my 20 doctor with bionic eyes and arms again accidentally removed someones spine their heart their legs and a arm while installing a pegleg.

"Accidentally" removed their heart, their legs, an arm, and their spine. Did the peg leg guy steal the doctor's sweet roll?
Stories / Re: Life on Ilith
October 22, 2015, 11:05:54 PM
Nope, never seen that. It was engineer, and I play FTL so I thought meh and named them Engie. I'm not that creative.  :P
So I just started this colony today and I had a good laugh. Meet Gunner, Allrond, and Engie. Gunner is a medieval prick that is nothing but pure skill with guns. Allrond is as his nickname is almost: An all around to do everything. Engie was mostly constructing and repairing, but that's unimportant. After starting, I realize nobody but Engie has the ability to haul. I sigh and designate some place to build home. Arming Gunner with the survival rifle, I designate some Muffalo to be hunted. However, I kiiiiiiind of forgot that animals can revenge now. There were about 7 of the pricks, and Gunner downed two before the revenge kicked in. He got downed and the animals went for Engie and Allrond. Allrond was presumably kicking rocks around before being gored by a wall of fur and horn. Engie was able to run through the hastily made wall and forced the muffalo to go around. This gave her time to stuff the other guys in beds, but right after she got downed herself. The Muffalo decide lingering is.... good. They are now in a cycle of getting up and rescuing the last person and then getting downed again. Those Fucking spawncampers friendly animals will just stay there till the end of time, I suppose. And so ends my first Randy Random colony.