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Messages - Justicer3792

There seems to be a difference in install instructions from the download file's readme and the forum.
The forum states:  3. Copy other mods into Rimworld Mods directory.
Readme states: Open up the downloaded Hardcore sk project .zip file. Extract everything in there to your *gamefolder* Mods folder.
The especially confusing part for me is the destination for the files.
So I am curious, since whenever I try to remove Seeds Please (the one mod I really hate, though it makes sense), it bugs up the research completely. Is there any way Seeds Please can be removed without messing up the tech tree?
I guess it was something to do with Edb mod order, but things seem to work fine now. Sorry for the trouble.
Hello, I am having problems with starting a game. I went in and downloaded everything, deleted the Config folder and replaced it with ModConfig. I am able to enable the mods(after ~1 minute of loading, might be normal). I can make worlds, create colonies, use EDB:prepare carefully(none of which have an affect on my problem). I can generate the map, and even see the shadows where my colonists will land, along with supplies. Then, my screen will completely freeze. I am able to hear the sounds effects of clicking the buttons, but other than that I am stuck at landing time, and I don't hear the colonist's pods opening either. I've tried things from new worlds and varying map sizes, to using different storytellers, and not using prepare carefully. I have tried not having Skynet and zombie apocalypse, other than that I have enabled all the mods. Would be awesome to play this modpack.