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Messages - Yitzi

It happens with me as well. I wasn't suffering any of these problems until yesterday though, so I assumed it was my mods. It probably still is, but I don't know, it could be the vanilla game itself.

I don't have restrictions at all, or forbidden objects, so they should work as usual. My only colonist standing still doesn't have much difference between her and the others, but she's the only one frozen.
Ideas / Re: Towers
April 11, 2016, 05:41:49 PM
I was actually thinking of a way to do it without Z-level stuff.
Ideas / Towers
April 06, 2016, 09:33:59 AM
I have no idea if this runs contrary to where the current plan for the game runs, but I thought it'd be really interesting to have towers that can shoot over walls. These towers wouldn't come equipped with turrets, and anything in the tower and the tower itself can be hit from over the wall. The tower would give cover bonuses and accuracy bonuses from being high up. The towers would be 2x2. When health of the structure hits zero, the tower falls in a random direction, causing roof collapse damage for maybe three tiles? I dunno. I bounced this idea off of a few friends before posting it here.
So I was busy getting my mountain basein order, lamenting about how I had far too few colonists to keep up with the work needed (playing with the MVP modpack), when I got a notification of a cargo drop. I knew it was close by, since I heard the noise pretty loudly, so I went over to see it. It dropped strawberry wine, which, while nice, wasn't necessary for me right then. I unforbid it anyways, and left to do some more work. Taking a look outside when I found that my elderly female elephant was pregnant, I found a dead squirrel, an unconscious hare, and my elephants drinking the wine. They were all blackout drunk. The elephants soon fell unconscious.

As if that wasn't enough, one of my colonists was force feeding the pregnant elephant more wine! It soon died. The hare woke up the next day, and puked all over the entrance area of my base. The traders that came by and set up camp there later must've liked that, since they were happy with my hospitality.

After the whole thing, I quit the game. Couldn't handle the randomness, Randy.
I would upload pictures, but while I swear I took screenshots, they weren't in the file.