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Messages - Harold3456

General Discussion / Re: Nazi game setup
November 20, 2017, 06:40:56 PM

I've done similar things, with various races (the first game of Rimworld I ever played on A11 was an all-black pawn game. I don't remember why XD ). Don't worry about "racist" or "sexist" ideas to vary up gameplay - what matters is whether you're actually racist or sexist at heart, and I've personally considered doing "X Race Only" playthroughs, or "All-Woman Amazon Playthroughs" before. Still working up the strength for the "65+" playthrough.

I don't think I see this "ultimate" flaw as any kind of a flaw at all: efficient layout planning is key to any kind of city building. It isn't a "flaw", a by-product of the experience. It's part-and-parcel of the experience itself.

In the early game, I find that meal-making doesn't need to be too optimal at all. With 3 pawns, "make until you have 10" can keep you going for your entire early game. Late game, when you often have 10+ pawns + animals + prisoners, you obviously need to scale up your production accordingly, but I find doing so to be a rewarding part of the game.

My preferred build: One butcher table but two cook stoves, "DROP ON FLOOR" (<- subtle, but oh so helpful), autodoors between kitchen and freezer, and having your kitchen as close to your fields as possible. With two full-time cooks I can make 50 or so fine meals in one day, and then spend the rest of my time just replacing what was lost.
Ideas / Re: New Types of Mechanoids
July 12, 2017, 12:47:04 AM
maybe non combat robots. Planting robots, who come onto the map and plant local flora for awhile before leaving. You can kill them before they leave for valuable metals and AI cores, but they take a lot of shots and then they won't plant. Like the opposite of an alphabeaver event,

Similarly, maybe a termite-style robot who deconstructs buildings but doesn't harm people. They'll attack in large groups, like the opposite of a man hunter pack since you need to use your people to protect your buildings, not the other wha around.

I would say something about robot servants, but I feel like that would make the game too easy. At most, some kind of trawler-bot that hauls for you and rescues, like a pet, but needs fuel to run instead of kibble.
Ideas / Re: Betrayal
July 12, 2017, 12:36:16 AM
I like the idea of betrayal, but only if it makes sense in a story way. For me, betrayal needs to be a balancing act between:

Number. Of friends/relations with the attacking group vs the player group (if the attacking group has family or close friends while the player group is full of mostly meh acquaintances, for instance)

Recruitment difficulty. If it was very high, then that'll raise betrayal chances because the colonist was clearly loyal to the raider colony.

The sins of the player colony. If the player colony killed a family member or close friend of the potential traitor, that should be some sort of strike against. Alternatively, if this colony enslaves or cannibalizes, or is ugly and puts him in a bad mood.

^these are two good ways to actually foreshadow a betrayal, instead of making it just a random, stupid RNG event.
Ideas / Re: Assassination
June 28, 2017, 09:22:06 PM
Ways to buff an assasination event:

- You aren't told who the target is until after they (or the assassin) are killed.
- The assassin is always >10 shooting with a sniper rifle, making him/her dangerous to approach.
-The assassin will attack anyone who is drafted (AI will register that as a threat), and avoids anyone who isn't drafted.

Though no matter how you slice it, the assassin event will never really be intense without some kind of fog of war element, because the assassin can always get bum rushed.
Quote from: Perq on June 06, 2017, 01:34:15 AM
Quote from: MarvinKosh on June 05, 2017, 10:00:32 AM
As an new indie games studio, piracy hurts Ludeon a lot more. They don't have multiple games on the market bringing in more revenue to compensate.

Piracy is a problem because it's commonplace. People turn a blind eye to it because they don't want to confront someone who literally pirates everything.

If someone doesn't want to pay the listed price for a game, bypassing the price gate and playing it anyway (for however long) is basically giving the finger to everyone who's bought the game already. It is understandable why the payers take a dim view of non-payers who jump the fence and try to claim that they have changed. :P

Lack of publicity hurts the new anything the most. New studios, new bands, new movies. Many (new) bands release their full albums for free, or simply post them on YouTube. I'm not gonna explain it in detail how they make money, but the bottom line is that publicity and being noticed is worth far more than few bucks you can get for sales to the few people that actually know that you exist.
In the end, for the piracy to exist, there must be people who are interested in the game in the first place.

Very good point. I've noticed that the savvier, trendier producers and artists these days have learned to sell their wares on their own websites for cheap, often providing links off of Youtube. This would do the double duty of conveniently pointing people to an affordable product, as well as bringing in ad revenue. You definitely won't make as much this way as you would have twenty years ago, but for indie producers at least the overhead is much lower, and a large portion of your profit isn't going to some studio that released the game for you.

The future of Internet sales isn't in an all-out crackdown on piracy (something that will never happen successfully, regardless f your personal views on the matter) but by learning to offset the desire to pirate by making purchase as simple as possible.

To add another story to your Hotline Miami one, the creator of This War of Mine (a game that was meant as an art piece portraying the struggles of war refugees) fully condoned the pirating of his game, believing that getting the message out was more important.
I'm on the fence on the whole piracy issue. On one hand, I'm not going to justify piracy, I know when I do it that I'm taking a selfish route.

However, it seems like most people here use piracy as more of a testing tool. I can certainly see the hesitance to pay full price on an alpha game - I've had a couple bad experiences with that myself, and Rimworld is more expensive than a lot of the alpha games I've bought.

If there's one upside to piracy, it's that it seems to have given customers more of a voice in how much they should be charged. Making games more affordable is, for many people, a good compromise that keeps them from pirating.

I bought Rimworld when it came on Steam - something I'd been planning to do ever since a Steam release was mentioned - and for anyone reading this who is still pirating, access to the mods alone is worth the price.
Ideas / Re: Divide most stuff by 5
June 03, 2017, 01:37:01 AM
Sounds interesting, at least. I find in rts's that have resources in much lower quantities like that, I appreciate the resources more. It just has to do with the fact that they're easier to passively quantify in your head.

"1 log? That's 1 wall segment! 7 silver ingots? I can make a sword! 2 food? That's a meal!"

Don't know how it would  balance, but I like the idea in theory.
Ideas / Re: Suicide
June 03, 2017, 01:33:37 AM
Quote from: Thirite on June 03, 2017, 01:02:33 AM
When I say SJWs like the idiots at RPS, I only use them as an example because people here are aware of them. Hit pieces for "problematic content" that don't fit the regressive left's narrative are hardly rare.

I don't see Rimworld mentioned in that article. Someone somewhere gets offended at video games in general, therefore there's endemic SJW-ness infecting Rimworld?

Quote from: Limdood on June 02, 2017, 10:49:21 PM
That EXACT feature has been removed TWICE from the game already (the mental break that caused a pawn to wander off the map and leave the colony forever, and the one where they permanently became a hostile member of another faction).  Even a gradual suicide or one that the player has to act to prevent is still just the "wander off the map forever" event all over again, which was already removed.

To move away from the inane, repetitive argument, "wander off the map" was already in this game and taken out? It seems to me like it'd be a pretty good addition (only for the extremest of extreme mental breaks, eg where you've been at 0 for a whole season straight). Was the frustration factor of just up and losing a pawn like that simply too great?
Ideas / Re: Suicide
June 02, 2017, 10:30:58 PM
Quote from: Thirite on June 02, 2017, 09:24:58 PM
Firstly, the argument of "Well this horrible thing is already in the game and no one cares, so why not this?" is imho a perfectly valid argument, because what it's doing is pointing out hypocrisy. If you believe that suicide is "too dark" and "over the line" when spousal abuse, drug overdose (resulting in death), cancer, and similar other "dark" things are in the game that naturally upset many people in reality, you are by omission saying "Oh but those don't really matter."

While I can see one's inclination to view things this way - "X is in and it's bad so all bad things must equally be in" - most of the game's content doesn't simply operate on a binary "good/bad" basis. Not all things are created equal in this regard. There are many factors that go into stuff like this, things like: how prevalent the issue is in real life, how many people are affected, the nature in which they're affected, etc. etc. The phrase "X is in, therefore everything should be in" really closes the door on rational discussion. Not to mention, given the obvious differences in resistance levels to these ideas on this very forum, the statement is objectively untrue.

PS: When you talk about the SJW's at Rock Paper Shotgun like they're some sort of epidemic, are you still referring to that one (singular) article written over a year ago about homosexuality and gender roles that basically everyone disagreed with? Because that seems to garner a lot more attention than it's actually worth. Or have a bunch more cropped up and garnered a bunch of support without me noticing?

Ideas / Re: Suicide
June 02, 2017, 10:12:27 PM
Quote from: Sola on June 02, 2017, 05:28:54 PM
The problem with topics like this one are that we've got SJWs crawling out of the woodwork, and entitled gamers demanding more realism in their megaspider-den killbox with triangle shaped stick figures simulator.  It's difficult for anyone to have a strictly objective opinion on a subject when you have to wade through a topic where 80% of the posts are ad hominem.

To give credit to this game's audience (at least, the ones I see on the forum), people don't actually seem to get offended by many things with this game. In fact, I see more people complaining about people getting offended by things than I do actual offended people.

The only things I've regularly seen people cautious about are rape scenarios and suicide, but to their credit these people usually provide arguments against implementation of these things that are better than merely "because they offend me". Whatever a person's personal opinions are on the matter, one can certainly see how the issues may be contentious.
Ideas / Re: Suicide
June 01, 2017, 09:15:58 PM
Quote from: O Negative on September 08, 2016, 01:52:30 AM
I feel like suicide is both a good and a bad idea.

Implementing suicide and suicide attempts could make RimWorld an even more intense and better game than it already is. On the other hand, there are people who wouldn't respond well to this. Like, at all.

Agreed. Great idea in theory, must be careful in execution. At the end of the day this game IS escapism, even if it's generally bleak. As others have said, renaming it will in itself help, and then having it occur in a less conventional way as well. For the name, I would recommend "DESPAIR" as in "A DESPAIR event". A DESPAIR event could involve the pawn abandoning the colony (always a good dramatic device), refusing to eat or sleep. For added tension, he could do so when the other colonists or asleep, and the game could tell you straight-up there is no possibility of apprehending him.

PS: The only game I've seen do suicide is This War of Mine, which is a VERY bleak game that's meant more as artistic expression than fun pastime: it exists as a game second, and first as a reminder of the things refugees of war will do to survive. Rimworld gets dark, but I don't think it has ever tried to match the darkness of This War of Mine's tone.
I like this idea. It would be kinda neat if you could design a uniform for your colony (colour/shape/accessories like hat/helmet/toque/duster/jacket etc), then at the tailoring bench have "uniform" be an item.

Also, when assigning your colonists to "soldier" garb the uniform would be what they throw on. One neat thing about the Star Wars mod is that if you stockpile enough Imperial Officer uniforms, your pawns will all look like Nazi officers when you assign them to "soldier".
Quote from: pardeike on May 27, 2017, 05:10:30 AM
Hi guys,
Quick poll: which mods, weapons, scenarios, races or gadgets go well together with a zombie mod and could be packed together with a zombie mod?

Any ideas welcome!

I haven't had a chance to test it yet, but I just saw Rainbeau's Fewer Ruins mod (which allows the user to toggle the amount of ruins, and can toggle more ruins so that the map looks like a city).

From A16 there was the Medieval Mod, which added things like crenellated walls, additional traps and a slew of melee weapons/armour. It even has the aforementioned crossbow.

There's an A16 German Shepherd mod that, well..... for some reason German Shepherds and zombies go together well in my head.
Ideas / Re: Slave Labor
May 30, 2017, 12:48:44 PM
I had Rimslaves for a game or two. It was okay for the novelty factor of spawning armies of Unsullied, but other than that it's a very unbalanced, watered down version of this idea.

The fact that the slaves go in the animal tab already dilutes the idea of this suggestion.