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Messages - Yonan

Quote from: milon on March 13, 2017, 12:09:32 PM
Regarding the current discussion: I'm all for discussion of an idea & its merits/consequences.  But please be aware of the slippery slope we're on here.
An essential part of a healthy society is to be freely able to discuss ideas so we can decide what is best so being willing to discuss it as you are is great, though sadly rarer than it should be.  Although a mod thread probably isn't really the place for an in-depth discussion I guess hahaha.

That's a really disturbing article, and it flies in the face of known & accepted psychology, but thanks for sharing it.  I didn't know people thought that was a thing.  Why do I say it flies in the face of known psychology?  Well, take anger for instance.  There was a long time when it was generally believed that "venting" was healthy and decreased the likelihood anger-related health & relationship problems.  Now, we know that people who habitually "vent" their anger are the most angry people and they have the most anger-related problems.

It might depend on what "venting" is, but it's regularly be shown that while playing violent video games increases short term (as in minutes) aggression, that's likely because all competition does the same thing.  IIRC it definitely hasn't been shown to increase medium or long term likelihood of aggression, though I can't remember if it's shown long term decreases in it.

The article was just the first one that came up in google for something I've read about in the past.  I'm not a psychologist or even well read on the topic, but I wish it was researched more thoroughly and discussed openly as readily as some here seem willing to do.

Quote from: mumblemumble on March 13, 2017, 02:44:03 PM
While the act of using pornography has very few catastrophic SHORT TERM  effects on the user, the chain of events from it is often much worse. Say its made legal. This opens a market for it. Market for it means demand. Demand means monetary motivation.

Yeah I'm defiitely not suggesting legalization or decriminalization of child porn.  However criminilization of *drawings* of it such as Hentai (I'm pretty sure it's illegal in Australia for example) removes a harmless possible outlet which might (some research seems to suggest) help reduce real world harm.  But incentivising creation of real CP is definitely a no-no ofc.  Which is why this thread is relevant to me - if someone can get their "power kick" in a game instead of in real life, I'd find that much preferable.  So long as it doesn't encourage escalation - which I'm not convinced it does over the opposite, a reduction in real world impact.

But we're probably too far off course from what is mainly a discussion on ethical modding practice.  I just thought the unethical modding practice might not have had the desired outcome - if that was their goal rather than just trolling.
Quote from: mumblemumble on March 13, 2017, 06:29:43 AMYonan : Feeding those dogs is still feeding them, even through another means

Yes, keeping the urge "sated", but it never really cures the crux of the problem
Oh definitely not a cure, but we take a lot of pills that aren't cures too, for good reason - it's better to stave off a problem if you can't cure it than to suffer the problem with no treatment.  But if - like the stats seem to show - it reduces real world impact on people, I'll gladly take it.  We can argue what-ifs, but if the data shows that it helps... I'll take that over a what-if any day.  If it makes 1 more offender but removes 3 others... that's like the trolley dilemma "would you direct the train from the 3 bystanders to the 1 bystander" argument that is very hard to answer.
Quote from: Thirite on March 11, 2017, 06:30:46 PMWow, today I learned finding pedophiles to be repugnant oxygen thieves is totally problematic and I deserve to die for it. I guess I was sick on the days they were teaching moral relativism in highschool.

The sad thing is, if your goal is actually to prevent harm to children you're working against it.  The existence of outlets for such things has been shown to reduce real world instances of it.

"The findings support the theory that potential sexual offenders use child pornography as a substitute for sex crimes against children."
Quote from: redb2112 on July 19, 2016, 03:29:45 AM
I need some help.
I had this problem with only one mod, Misc MapGenerator, which I had to disable.  Has worked fine with all the others I've been using.

edit: awesome, the update fixed the random disabled skill problem. <3
This looks like a logical extension to the relationship system, would be a shame to not have it implemented, but MIA dev doesn't bode well.  Ahh well.
Outdated / Re: [A12d] Colony Manager V2
April 05, 2016, 03:43:29 AM
Amazing mod, really intuitive to use and a logical implementation.

Quill18 has done a few good series.  I missed Sips doing one, I'll have to go dig it up.  I love the magnificent bastard and this is right up his alley.  The youtubers/streamers I watch most (TB/Dodger/Strippin/Jesse/Crendor/Hat Films/other Yogs) tend not to lets-play games like this sadly though a TB review at launch would be really good no doubt but he's reduced his output sadly.  Genna Bain (TBs missus) might get into it as iirc she likes sandbox games but she doesn't upload gameplay much.

As for paid brand deals, any of them would bring good coverage.  Even Hat Films streams Cities Skylines sometimes (swapping perspectives in each of their single player games) and they've started streaming games solo at times too.  Jesse, Crendor or Dodger would probably be the best bet though - Jesse now especially that he's not with Maker Studios and would need to source his own deals.